Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Summary of the socio-economic development of the region
Population size and migration

The population of the region as of August 1, 2024 amounted to 2151.9 thousand people, including 538.2 thousand people (25%) - urban, 1613.7 thousand people (75%) - rural residents.

The natural increase in the population in January-July 2024 amounted to 25377 people (in the corresponding period of the previous year - 25895 people).

The number of births as January-July 2024 amounted to 31302 people (1.2% less than in January-July 2023), the number of deaths amounted to 5925 people (2.2% more than in January-July 2023).

The balance of migration is negative and amounted to - 15625 people (in January-July 2023 - 10230 people), including in external migration - a positive balance of 304 people (189 people), in internal - negative - 15929 people and (-10419 people).

Labor and income

The number of unemployed in the II quarter of 2024 amounted to 40.7 thousand people.

The unemployment rate was 4.8% of the labor force. The number of persons registered with employment agencies as unemployed as of September 1, 2024 amounted to 34847 people, or 4.1% of the labor force.

The average monthly nominal wages accrued to employees (excluding small enterprises engaged in entrepreneurial activities) in the II quarter of 2024 amounted to 324470 tenge, an increase compared to the II quarter of 2023 amounted to 8.5%. The real wage index in II quarter 2024 was 101.7%.

In the I quarter of 2024 the average per capita nominal cash income of the population of the region, according to the estimate, amounted to 109628 tenge, which is 18.4% higher than in I quarter 2023, the growth rate of real cash income for the specified period is 8.8%.

Industry statistics

The volume of industrial production in January-August July 2024 amounted to 749351.5 million tenge in current prices, which is 7% more than in January-August 2023.

In the mining industry, production volumes increased by 3.1%, in the manufacturing industry - by 11.4%, in the supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and conditioned air there was – by 15.2%, in water supply, collection, processing and waste disposal, pollution elimination activities decreased by 10.6%.

The volume of gross output of agricultural products (services) in January- August 2024 amounted to 438558.8 million tenge, or 106.8% by January- August 2023.

The volume of cargo turnover in January-August 2024 amounted to 15901.7 million tkm, or 95.9% compared to January-August 2023.

The volume of passenger turnover amounted 903.8 million pkm, or 81.6% by January-August 2023.

The volume of construction works (services) amounted to 245127.9 million tenge, or 128.6% compared to January- August 2023.

In January-August 2024, the total area of housing put into operation increased by 11.2% and amounted to 584.5 thousand square meters, of which in individual residential buildings - by 18.4% (478.3 thousand square meters), and multi-apartment buildings decreased by 15% (103.1 thousand square meters). In addition, the dormitory was put into operation area 3.1 thousand square meters.

The volume of investments in fixed capital in January-August 2024 amounted to 596248 million tenge, or 125.6% by January-August 2023.

The number of registered legal entities as of September 1, 2024 amounted to 18542 units and increased by 5% compared to the corresponding date of the previous year, including 106 units with over than 250 employees. The number of operating legal entities amounted to 16785 units, including 16146 units - small businesses. The number of registered small and medium enterprises (legal entities) in the region amounted to 14716 units and increased by 5.4% compared to the corresponding date of the previous year.


The volume of gross regional product for January-March 2024 amounted to 927563.6 million tenge at current prices. Compared to the corresponding period of January-March 2023, real GRP increased by 3.7%. In the structure of GRP, the share of production of goods amounted to 34.7%, services – 58.7%.

The consumer price index in August 2024 compared to December 2023 was 104.2%. Prices for food products increased by 0.1%, non-food products – by 9.4%, paid services for the population – by 6.2%. The prices of enterprises producing industrial products in August 2024 compared to December 2023 increased by 1.6%.

The volume of retail trade in January-August 2024 amounted to 205758 million tenge, or 6.1% more than the corresponding period in 2023.

The volume of wholesale trade in January-August 2024 amounted to 101244.3 million tenge, or 127.3% compared to the corresponding period in 2023.

According to preliminary data, in January-July 2024, mutual trade with the EAEU countries amounted to 599.5 million US dollars and increased by 53.2% compared to January-July 2023, including exports – 495.8 million US dollars (by 55% more), imports –103.7 million US dollars (45.2% more).


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