Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Summary of the socio-economic development of the region
Population size and migration

The population of Aktobe region as of June 1, 2024 amounted to 943,6 thousand people, including 708,5 thousand people (75,1%) - urban, 235,1 thousand people (24,9%) - rural residents.

The natural increase in the population in January-May 2024 amounted to 5229 people (in the corresponding period of the previous year - 5483 people).

The number of births as January-May 2024 amounted to 7633 people (3,1% less than in January- May 2023), the number of deaths amounted to 2404 people (0,4% more than in January-May 2023).

The balance of migration is negative and amounted to - -1019 people (in January-May 2023 -375 people), including in external migration - a negative balance of - 242 (237), in internal - negative - 1261 people (-612).

Labor and income

The number of unemployed in the I quarter of 2024 amounted to 21,8 thousand people.

The unemployment rate was 4,7% of the labor force.
The number of persons registered with employment agencies as unemployed as of July 1, 2024 amounted to 21752 people, or 4,8 % of the labor force.

The average monthly nominal wages accrued to employees (excluding small enterprises engaged in entrepreneurial activities) in the I quarter of 2024 amounted to 345949 tenge, an increase compared to the I quarter of 2023 amounted to 16,1%. The real wage index in I quarter 2024 was 106,9%.

In the I quarter of 2024 the average per capita nominal cash income of the population of the region, according to the estimate, amounted to 174470 tenge, which is 17,9% higher than in I quarter 2023, the growth rate of real cash income for the specified period is 8,6%.

Industry statistics

The volume of industrial production in January-Iyne 2024 amounted to 1259037,5 million tenge in current prices, which is 10,1% more than in January-Iyne 2023.

In the mining industry, production volumes increased by 0,4%, in the manufacturing industry by 20,7%, in the supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and conditioning by 21,6%, in water supply, collection, processing and waste disposal, pollution elimination activities by 3,3%.

The volume of gross output of agricultural products (services) in January-June 2024 amounted to 100485,6 million tenge, or 100,1% by January-June 2023.

The volume of cargo turnover in January-June 2024 amounted to 20516,6 million tkm (taking into account the assessment of the volume of cargo turnover of individual entrepreneurs engaged in commercial transportation), or 91,9% compared to January-June 2023.

The volume of passenger traffic –1625,4 million pkm, or 98,9% by January-June 2023.

The volume of construction works (services) amounted to 115072,6 million tenge, or 113,2% compared to January-June 2023.

In January-June 2024, the total area of housing put into operation decreased by 10,2% and amounted to 352,9 thousand square meters, of which in individual residential buildings - by 24,4% (191,7 thousand square meters). At the same time, the total area of multi-apartment buildings put into operation increased by 12,9% (157,2 thousand square meters).

The volume of investments in fixed capital in January-June 2024 amounted to 293675,8 million tenge, or 81% by January-June 2023.

The number of registered legal entities as of Jule 1, 2024 amounted to 19626 units and decreased by 0,6% compared to the corresponding date of the previous year, including 19237 units with less than 100 employees. The number of operating legal entities amounted to 14899 units, including 14511 units - small businesses. The number of registered small and medium enterprises (legal entities) in the region amounted to 16774 units and decreased by 0,5% compared to the corresponding date of the previous year.


The volume of gross regional product for January- March 2024 amounted to 1077687,8 million tenge at current prices. Compared to the corresponding period of January- March 2023, real GRP increased by 12,7%. In the structure of GRP, the share of production of goods amounted to 44,8%, services-55,2%.
The consumer price index in June 2024 compared to December 2023 was 104%.

Prices for food products increased by 2,1%, non-food products – by 2%, paid services for the population – by 8,8%.

The prices of enterprises producing industrial products in June 2024 compared to December 2023 decreased by 0,8%.

The volume of retail trade in January-June 2024 amounted to 334206,8 million tenge, or 5,8% more than the corresponding period in 2023.

The volume of wholesale trade in January-June 2024 amounted to 650577,4 million tenge, or 24,9% compared to the corresponding period in 2023.

According to preliminary data, in January-May 2024, mutual trade with the EAEU countries amounted to 657,9 million US dollars and more by 14,6% compared to January-May 2023, including exports – 209,1 million US dollars (by 14,4% less), imports – 448,9 million US dollars (36,2% more).

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