In January-March 2024 to the corresponding period of the previous year real growth of production of goods, production of services and taxes on products amounted – 5,1%, 2,9% and 3,7%.
At current prices, million tenge | To the appropriate period of previous year, in percent | In percent to the end | ||
IPV | deflator | |||
Gross domestic product | 25 666 420,0 | 103,7 | 104,9 | 100,0 |
Production of goods | 9 087 995,7 | 105,1 | 103,7 | 35,5 |
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries | 588 435,9 | 101,6 | 106,7 | 2,3 |
Industry | 7 376 720,8 | 103,9 | 103,1 | 28,8 |
Mining and quarrying | 3 273 203,4 | 101,9 | 105,6 | 12,8 |
Manufacturing industry | 3 530 382,8 | 105,6 | 99,1 | 13,8 |
Supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning | 500 171,8 | 105,5 | 117,7 | 1,9 |
Water supply; collection, treatment and disposal of waste, activities for the elimination of pollution | 72 962,8 | 102,7 | 103,4 | 0,3 |
Construction | 1 122 839,0 | 115,9 | 106,4 | 4,4 |
Service production | 14 746 171,3 | 102,9 | 109,1 | 57,4 |
Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair | 4 267 998,4 | 103,3 | 108,8 | 16,6 |
Transport and warehousing | 1 552 586,5 | 108,3 | 106,8 | 6,0 |
Provision of accommodation and food services | 200 669,4 | 94,4 | 93,3 | 0,8 |
Information and communication | 452 416,4 | 109,3 | 100,7 | 1,8 |
Financial and insurance activities | 695 281,2 | 101,8 | 76,7 | 2,7 |
Operations with real estate | 2 309 189,8 | 101,5 | 118,2 | 8,9 |
Professional, scientific and technical activities | 1 358 796,4 | 99,9 | 116,2 | 5,3 |
Activities in the area of administration and support services | 502 789,6 | 100,3 | 97,2 | 2,0 |
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security | 542 876,3 | 97,7 | 110,6 | 2,1 |
Education | 1 127 349,4 | 102,0 | 117,3 | 4,4 |
Public Health and Social Services | 723 367,9 | 101,1 | 115,0 | 2,8 |
Arts, entertainment and recreation | 275 954,3 | 103,2 | 122,7 | 1,1 |
Provision of other types of services | 716 363,1 | 109,1 | 118,4 | 2,8 |
Activities of households employing domestic workers; activities of households producing goods and services for their own consumption | 20 532,6 | 100,0 | 109,3 | 0,1 |
Gross value added | 23 834 167,0 | 103,7 | 107,0 | 92,9 |
Taxes on products | 1 832 253,0 | 103,7 | 84,0 | 7,1 |
The shares of production of goods and production of services in GDP for January-March 2024 amounted to 35,5% and 57,4% respectively. The main share in the production of GDP is the industry – 28,8%.
GDP increased by 3,7% in real terms compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The largest growth was shown by “Construction” (15,9%), “Information and communication” (9,3%), “Transport and warehousing” (8,3%), “Manufacturing industry” (5,6%), “Supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning” (5,5%).
In dynamics over the past 5 years, there has been a decline in economic activity in 2020 due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19, as well as the introduction of restrictive measures (real GDP growth -2,5 %).
Starting from the II quarter of 2021, there has been a gradual economic recovery.
Gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the most important indicators of the system of national accounts, characterizing the final result of the country's economic activity.
Gross value added is the value of gross output minus the value of intermediate consumption, which serves as an indicator of the contribution to GDP made by individual producers, industries or sectors of the economy.
Gross output is the output of goods and services, representing the total value of goods and services resulting from the production activities of resident units of the national economy in the reporting period.
Intermediate consumption is the value of goods and services that are transformed or completely consumed in the production process.
A deflator is an indicator that characterizes the average change in prices in the economy over a certain period.
Contribution - the value of the influence of the percentage change in the indicator on the total value of GDP.
Taxes on products include taxes, the amount of which directly depends on the cost of goods produced and services rendered.
Gross domestic product by production is the sum of gross value added by economic activity, which is increased by net taxes on products and on imports. The term "net" means that taxes are shown net of related subsidies.