Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    In January-November 2024, the volume of construction work increased by 10.3% and amounted to 6852.6 billion tenge.
    Of the total volume of construction work in the republic, private construction organizations – 91.1%, foreign – 8.5% and state – 0.4% were performed.
    Volume of completed construction works

    The increase in the volume of construction work in January-November 2024 compared to January-November 2023 is associated with construction and repair of residential buildings (by 17.3%) and structures (by 13%).

    By types of construction work (services) performed in January-November 2024, the largest share is occupied by construction of non-residential buildings (21.1% in the total volume), highways (17.9%) and residential buildings (14%).

    Dynamic tables

    In the regional context, an increase in the volume of construction work was observed in eighteen regions of the republic. Significant growth was noted in the regions of Kyzylorda (by 62%), Karagandy (by 40.7%), Zhetisu (by 39.1%), Turkistan (by 31%), Shygys Kazakhstan (by 26.6%), Soltustik Kazakhstan (by 26.2%), Ulytau (by 23%), Abay (by 22.8%), Almaty (by 20.6%) regions, in the city of Shymkent (by 25.5%) and of Astana (by 25.3%).

    The volume of completed construction works (services)
    Total, thousand tenge November 2024 as a percentage to January-November 2024 as a percentage to January-November 2023 As a percentage of the republican volume
    October 2024 November 2023
    Republic of Kazakhstan 6 852 648 228 109,1 111,7 110,3 100,0
    Abay 245 201 600 88,8 86,7 122,8 3,6
    Akmola 260 953 457 107,5 131,8 113,8 3,8
    Aktobe 308 949 697 89,2 114,3 117,2 4,5
    Almaty 307 024 765 106,8 104,8 120,6 4,5
    Atyrau 679 970 936 93,9 42,7 60,8 9,9
    Batys Kazakhstan 264 732 930 128,2 100,4 102,7 3,9
    Zhambyl 239 318 892 199,6 81,0 118,0 3,5
    Zhetisu 262 807 299 130,9 183,4 139,1 3,8
    Karagandy 566 204 088 92,1 204,8 140,7 8,3
    Kostanay 244 996 508 140,9 118,0 114,1 3,6
    Kyzylorda 224 482 890 150,6 321,2 162,0 3,3
    Mangystau 259 570 425 65,5 79,7 94,5 3,8
    Pavlodar 317 797 146 119,6 106,4 115,2 4,6
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 160 688 425 110,1 115,8 126,2 2,3
    Turkistan 379 170 894 153,9 127,6 131,0 5,5
    Ulytau 110 529 072 51,3 58,1 123,0 1,6
    Shygys Kazakhstan 329 133 961 136,1 179,2 126,6 4,8
    Astana city 870 718 770 115,3 128,9 125,3 12,7
    Almaty city 579 092 975 100,5 123,2 110,6 8,5
    Shymkent city 241 303 498 120,8 118,0 125,5 3,5
    Commissioning of residential buildings

    In January-November 2024, the total area of new facilities put into operation amounted to 18986.3 thousand square meters

    Dynamic table

    The total area of housing commissioned increased by 8.3% compared to January-November 2023 and amounted to 16317.2 thousand sq.m., of which 10191.3 thousand sq.m. - multi-apartment and 5968.9 thousand sq.m. - individual houses. Most of the housing – 14913.5 thousand sq.m. or 91.4% was put into operation by private developers, of which the population is 6327.2 thousand square meters.

    Total area of commissioned residential buildings
    Residential buildings commissioned Including developers
    sq. meters of total area as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year state property private property of them foreign property
    population as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year
    Republic of Kazakhstan 16 317 235 108,3 1 116 882 14 913 496 6 327 218 105,4 286 857
    Abay 306 917 107,7 36 412 270 505 90 854 100,8 -
    Akmola 560 988 95,4 101 725 455 833 261 288 85,8 3 430
    Aktobe 886 413 89,5 6 521 879 892 513 207 76,3 -
    Almaty 901 352 110,8 20 819 844 373 579 328 101,7 36 160
    Atyrau 628 985 99,5 x 607 666 438 426 100,0 13 816
    Batys Kazakhstan 545 461 101,9 120 095 423 308 308 902 114,1 x
    Zhambyl 635 664 104,7 80 181 555 483 505 268 99,4 -
    Zhetisu 283 682 104,4 56 988 212 884 153 243 115,5 13 810
    Karagandy 442 469 111,3 14 657 427 812 70 057 99,6 -
    Kostanay 445 057 104,1 73 723 371 012 129 456 90,9 x
    Kyzylorda 810 462 115,3 46 809 763 653 712 911 109,6 -
    Mangystau 791 196 102,4 - 791 196 303 217 94,5 -
    Pavlodar 367 075 125,4 61 587 258 039 152 132 106,8 47 449
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 252 529 105,1 88 243 164 286 130 161 109,8 -
    Turkistan 1 035 044 121,3 14 128 1 020 916 904 266 150,5 -
    Ulytau 79 366 117,4 9 053 70 313 61 174 128,1 -
    Shygys Kazakhstan 272 258 111,1 52 106 203 147 113 731 123,8 17005
    Astana city 3 648 838 106,4 258 451 3 319 628 40 246 82,4 70 759
    Almaty city 2 294 751 109,9 - 2 216 734 376 314 97,4 78 017
    Shymkent city 1 128 728 136,5 67 881 1 056 816 483 037 122,1 4 031

    In the field of education and healthcare in January-November 2024 67 general education schools for 35691 student places, 22 preschool institutions for 2922 places, 1 hospital for 670 places and 36 clinic for 1235 visits per shift were put into operation.


    Construction and installation work – construction work on the construction of buildings and structures, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment; work on the installation of power, technological and other equipment.

    Construction object – a separate building or structure with all related equipment, inventory, tools, galleries, flyovers, internal engineering networks and communications, for the construction (reconstruction, expansion) of which an independent object estimate is compiled.

    Methodological explanations

    Construction organizations include all general construction and specialized organizations, including repair and construction organizations. The main activity of construction organizations is to perform work under contracts with customers related to the type of economic activity "Construction" in accordance with the state "General Classifier of types of Economic Activities (GCTEA).

    The volume of construction work includes the cost of construction work performed by enterprises engaged in construction activities under concluded construction contracts, which includes construction of new facilities, major and current repairs, reconstruction, modernization of residential and non-residential buildings, engineering structures.

    The index of the physical volume of construction works (services) is determined by the ratio of the volumes of completed construction works of the analyzed period to the previous period in actual prices, taking into account the deflator (price index).

    The total area of a residential building (residential building) is calculated as the sum of the total areas of all dwellings and the areas of all non-residential premises, as well as the areas of parts of a residential building that are common property.

    More detailed methodological explanations are available at the following links:

    Release responsible:
    Department of Production and Environment statistics
    Department Director:
    Теl. +7 7172 749056
    Tel. +7 7172 749313
    E-mail: o.edel@aspire.gov.kz
    010000. Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue. 8
    House of Ministries. Entrance 4