Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    In January-August 2024, the volume of construction work increased by 8.8% and amounted to 3996.8 billion tenge.
    Of the total volume of construction work in the republic, private construction organizations – 88.4%, foreign – 11.1% and state – 0.5% were performed.
    Volume of completed construction works

    The increase in the volume of construction work in January-August 2024 compared to January-August 2023 is associated with construction and repair of residential buildings (by 18.3%) and structures (by 12.9%).

    By types of construction work (services) performed in January-August 2024, the largest share is occupied by construction of non-residential buildings (22.9% in the total volume), highways (16.1%) and residential buildings (14.3%).

    Dynamic tables

    In the regional context, an increase in the volume of construction work was observed in eighteen regions of the republic. Significant growth was noted in the regions of Kyzylorda (by 42.6%), Shygys Kazakhstan (by 37.2%), Karagandy (by 34%), Zhetisu (by 32.7%), Turkistan (by 28.6%), Ulytau (by 26.2%), Abay (by 21.8%), Soltustik Kazakhstan (by 18.6%), Mangystau (by 18,5%), Pavlodar (by 13,4%), Zhambyl (by 12,5%), Aktobe (by 12,2%) and Almaty regions (by 11,2%) in the city of Astana (by 41.6%) and of Shymkent (by 26.5%).

    The volume of completed construction works (services)
    Total, thousand tenge August 2024 as a percentage to January-August 2024 as a percentage to January- August 2023 As a percentage of the republican volume
    July 2024 August 2023
    Republic of Kazakhstan 3 996 785 813 108,0 110,2 108,8 100,0
    Abay 117 206 909 127,1 156,1 121,8 2,9
    Akmola 135 592 690 95,8 109,2 103,3 3,4
    Aktobe 176 999 365 131,0 121,9 112,2 4,4
    Almaty 174 836 522 140,8 98,9 111,2 4,4
    Atyrau 480 731 200 93,3 36,8 65,2 12,0
    Batys Kazakhstan 128 240 512 98,4 102,1 83,2 3,2
    Zhambyl 153 239 927 72,9 81,6 112,5 3,8
    Zhetisu 136 262 175 68,9 113,7 132,7 3,4
    Karagandy 307 541 674 96,4 139,2 134,0 7,7
    Kostanay 126 324 045 94,6 114,1 103,6 3,2
    Kyzylorda 110 741 484 62,4 123,1 142,6 2,8
    Mangystau 150 027 537 103,3 135,1 118,5 3,7
    Pavlodar 168 431 416 138,7 138,9 113,4 4,2
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 79 675 596 133,8 144,7 118,6 2,0
    Turkistan 245 127 890 266,8 196,6 128,6 6,1
    Ulytau 63 273 152 84,2 130,3 126,2 1,6
    Shygys Kazakhstan 206 416 895 96,7 149,3 137,2 5,2
    Astana city 538 711 586 104,8 147,5 141,6 13,5
    Almaty city 366 632 700 109,7 121,6 108,3 9,2
    Shymkent city 130 772 538 126,6 153,9 126,5 3,3
    Commissioning of residential buildings

    In January-August 2024, the total area of new facilities put into operation amounted to 12051.4 thousand square meters

    Dynamic table

    The total area of housing commissioned increased by 4.7% compared to January-August 2023 and amounted to 10464 thousand sq.m., of which 6519.3 thousand sq.m. - multi-apartment and 3886.9 thousand sq.m. - individual houses. Most of the housing – 9768.8 thousand sq.m. or 93.4% was put into operation by private developers, of which the population is 4105 thousand square meters.

    Total area of commissioned residential buildings
    Residential buildings commissioned Including developers
    sq. meters of total area as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year state property private property of them foreign property
    population as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year
    Republic of Kazakhstan 10 463 972 104,7 525 417 9 768 777 4 105 024 99,3 169 778
    Abay 189 798 114,4 31 715 158 083 50 140 81,2 -
    Akmola 308 225 74,7 46 219 258 576 174 608 81,4 3 430
    Aktobe 487 341 94,8 - 487 341 252 391 75,6 -
    Almaty 680 637 103,5 - 644 477 452 528 90,8 36 160
    Atyrau 416 625 113,5 - 414 759 298 792 105,8 x
    Batys Kazakhstan 321 723 100,1 30 109 289 556 200 035 135,7 x
    Zhambyl 392 117 100,6 20 289 371 828 342 363 101,2 -
    Zhetisu 150 211 120,6 46 434 103 777 91 618 111,0 -
    Karagandy 330 933 118,8 13 549 317 384 44 082 82,0 -
    Kostanay 319 779 102,4 70 173 249 284 95 622 87,8 x
    Kyzylorda 558 218 102,1 - 558 218 530 353 100,0 -
    Mangystau 560 749 101,5 - 560 749 214 657 95,0 -
    Pavlodar 203 976 116,5 34 956 168 308 108 573 148,1 x
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 123 470 109,4 11 948 111 522 89 686 125,0 -
    Turkistan 584 578 111,2 14 128 570 450 487 364 120,3 -
    Ulytau 41 213 103,8 9 053 32 160 28 311 114,7 -
    Shygys Kazakhstan 162 032 104,2 44 205 117 827 49 767 92,6 -
    Astana city 2 440 802 104,2 138 587 2 259 033 27 045 82,8 43 182
    Almaty city 1 542 448 103,8 - 1 464 431 271 733 78,8 78 017
    Shymkent city 649 097 127,3 14 052 631 014 295 356 118,0 4 031

    In the field of education and healthcare in January-August 2024 35 general education schools for 16619 student places, 14 preschool institutions for 1620 places, 1 hospital for 250 places and 21 clinic for 600 visits per shift were put into operation.


    Construction and installation work – construction work on the construction of buildings and structures, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment; work on the installation of power, technological and other equipment.

    Construction object – a separate building or structure with all related equipment, inventory, tools, galleries, flyovers, internal engineering networks and communications, for the construction (reconstruction, expansion) of which an independent object estimate is compiled.

    Methodological explanations

    Construction organizations include all general construction and specialized organizations, including repair and construction organizations. The main activity of construction organizations is to perform work under contracts with customers related to the type of economic activity "Construction" in accordance with the state "General Classifier of types of Economic Activities (GCTEA).

    The volume of construction work includes the cost of construction work performed by enterprises engaged in construction activities under concluded construction contracts, which includes construction of new facilities, major and current repairs, reconstruction, modernization of residential and non-residential buildings, engineering structures.

    The index of the physical volume of construction works (services) is determined by the ratio of the volumes of completed construction works of the analyzed period to the previous period in actual prices, taking into account the deflator (price index).

    The total area of a residential building (residential building) is calculated as the sum of the total areas of all dwellings and the areas of all non-residential premises, as well as the areas of parts of a residential building that are common property.

    More detailed methodological explanations are available at the following links:

    Release responsible:
    Department of Production and Environment statistics
    Department Director:
    Теl. +7 7172 749056
    Tel. +7 7172 749313
    E-mail: o.edel@aspire.gov.kz
    010000. Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue. 8
    House of Ministries. Entrance 4