Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    31 023.0 billion
    The volume of manufactured products, work performed and services rendered to large, medium and small enterprises engaged in entrepreneurial activities In the III quarter of 2024 amounted to 31023.0 billion tenge.
    Financial and economic activities of large and medium-sized enterprises

    The number of large and medium-sized enterprises with more than 100 employees in the III quarter of 2024 amounted to 4054 units, of which 2525 enterprises are medium-sized. Based on the results of the survey, the balanced financial result of economic entities was determined as a profit in the amount of 3989.0 billion tenge, the level of profitability (loss) of production was 17.1%.

    Production costs of which 55.5% - material costs, the share of labor costs and depreciation, respectively, 14.1% and 13.6%.

    In the III quarter of 2024 the debt on obligations amounted to 74168.1 billion tenge, of which the overdue debt was at the level of 0.6%. In the III quarter of 2024, accounts receivable amounted to 20048.7 billion tenge, of which overdue debt was 2.6%.

    The value of the assets of enterprises amounted to 153127.3 billion tenge. The main share was occupied by long-term assets –64.7%.

    Profitability of large and medium enterprises
    in percentages
    III quarter of 2024
    Key indicators of financial and economic activity of large and medium enterprises
    billion tenge
    III quarter 2022 III quarter 2023 III quarter 2024
    Total number of enterprises, units 3 924 4 017 4 054
    of which average, units 2 398 2 480 2 525
    Volume of products manufactured and services rendered 14 344,9 14 979,0 16 698,2
    of which medium 2 502,3 3 107,6 3 545,4
    Income from sales of products and rendering of services* 20 517,0 20 828,9 23 651,3
    of which medium 4 376,3 4 975,4 6 058,3
    Cost of goods sold and services rendered 13 602,3 14 547,7 16 999,1
    of which medium 3 248,1 3 503,3 4 297,6
    Gross profit 6 914,7 6 281,2 6 652,2
    * Incom from the sale of products and the provision of services-does not include the amount of the enterprises income received from the sale of goods and services, including goods purchased for resale in the main and secondary activities.Income from the sale of products and services does not include value added tax, excise, as well as the cost of returned goods, discounts on sales and discounts on price presented to the buyer.
    Financial and economic activities of small enterprises

    According to the results of the survey of small enterprises for III quarter of 2024, the net financial result of economic entities was determined as a profit in the amount of 5246,6 billion tenge.

    The volume of expenses of small enterprises amounted to 11547,6 billion tenge, of which 23,0%, material costs, the share of labor costs and depreciation, respectively, 12,7% and 7,0%.

    For III quarter of 2024 the payroll of employees of small enterprises in the republic amounted to 1624,9 thousand people, the average monthly salary of one employee was 329398 tenge.

    For the III quarter of 2024, income from the sale of products and the provision of services amounted to 24679,1 billion tenge.

    Main performance indicators of small enterprises
    billion tenge
    III quarter 2022 III quarter 2023 III quarter 2024
    Number of small enterprises, units 309 209 336 715 339 084
    The number of employees of small enterprises on average per quarter, people 1 554 876 1 625 089 1 624 888
    Average monthly wage per employee, tenge 237 407 274 034 329 398
    The volume of products manufactured, work performed and services rendered, billion tenge 10 635,5 12 299,6 14 324,8
    Income from sales of products and services 19 302,3 22 720,8 24 679,1
    Cost of goods sold and services rendered 12 819,4 15 269,9 15 733,9
    Grossprofit 6 482,9 7 450,9 8 945,2
    Release responsible:
    Department of National Accounts
    Department Director:
    Tel. +7 7172 749717
    G.Omarova, A.Smadiarova
    Tel. +7 7172 749521,749306
    010000, Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue , 8
    House of Ministries