Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    The physical volume index of communication services in January-November 2024 compared to the corresponding period last year amounted to 105.3% (in January-November 2023 – 107.6%).
    A significant share in the total volume of communication services is occupied by Internet services, other telecommunication services and mobile communications, the specific weights of which amounted to 116.6%, 100.3% and 85% respectively.
    26 096.5 thousand
    In January- November 2024 cellular subscribers amounted to 26096.5 thousand units, cellular subscribers with Internet access 18902.7 thoushjand units, fixed Internet subscribers – 3198.8 thousand units, the number of fixed telephone lines – 2462.2 thousand units.
    Scope of communication services
    million tenge
    January- November 2024 January- November 2023
    Republic of Kazakhstan 1 239 741,4 1 113 494,8
    Abay 10 062,2 8 430,4
    Akmola 14 721,1 13 750,8
    Aktobe 17 902,7 15 898,8
    Almaty 14 273,8 13 298,5
    Atyrau 16 183,7 15 413,9
    Batys Kazakhstan 9 792,1 8 752,4
    Zhambyl 10 104,0 8 890,2
    Zhetisu 8 723,3 8 087,2
    Karagandy 22 656,2 20 730,8
    Kostanay 17 420,2 15 566,3
    Kyzylorda 8 815,6 7 469,7
    Mangystau 14 789,6 13 192,5
    Pavlodar 17 025,1 15 256,0
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 10 624,5 9 982,5
    Turkistan 9 234,1 7 778,3
    Ulytau 3 676,7 3 128,3
    Shygys Kazakhstan 15 375,0 13 854,1
    Astana city* 323 459,1 280 960,0
    Almaty city* 684 086,0 624 244,4
    Shymkent city 10 816,3 8 809,9
    Postal and courier activities

    In January-November 2024 the physical volume index of the volume of postal and courier services amounted to 106.9% (in January- November 2023 – 121.7).

    In January-November 2024 postal and courier services were provided, according to operational data, in the amount of 71767.9 million tenge, which in comparable prices is 6.9% more than the volume of January-November 2023.


    Communication – reception, collection, processing, accumulation, transfer (transportation), delivery, distribution of information, postal and special items, postal money transfers.

    Postal activity – is the provision of postal services through postal networks.

    Methodological explanations

    The table shows statistical data on the work of enterprises with the types of activities "postal and courier activities" (code NOGA 53) and "communication" (code NOGA 61), which reported on the statistical form 3-communication of monthly frequency.

    The work of communication enterprises is characterized by certain types of services provided, in monetary and physical terms, by regions, based on reports submitted by enterprises.

    The provision of communication services is the activity of communication operators, which consists in providing users with communication services listed in the general classifier of products of economic activities.The volume of communication services includes the volumes of intercity, international and local telephone communications, data transmission, Internet, mobile communications, distribution of programs, as well as other telecommunication services.

    In the volume of postal and courier services provided by the main type of activity, enterprises in value terms include the receipt of funds from the population and legal entities for the communication services rendered in the reporting period, regardless of the payment period for the services rendered.

    Release responsible:
    Department of Services and Energy Statistics
    Department Director:
    G. Karaulova
    Tel. +7 7172 749060
    A. Krykbaeva
    Теl. +7 7172 749328
    E-mail: a.krykbaeva@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, Entrance 4