Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    In January-April 2024, the volume of construction work increased by 12.2% and amounted to 1217.5 billion tenge
    Of the total volume of construction work in the republic, private construction organizations – 83.7%, foreign – 15.4% and state – 0.9% were performed
    Volume of completed construction works

    The increase in the volume of construction work in January-April 2024 compared to January-April 2023 is associated with construction and repair of residential buildings (by 33.8%) and structures (by 18.9%).

    By types of construction work (services) performed in January-April 2024, the largest share is occupied by construction of non-residential buildings (24.3% in the total volume), residential buildings (14.9%) and highways (10.9%).

    Dynamic tables

    In the regional context, an increase in the volume of construction work was observed in eighteen regions of the republic. Significant growth was noted in the regions of Zhetisu (2.3 times), Karagandy (by 49.1%), Kyzylorda (by 46.2%), Almaty (by 35%), Akmola (by 31.4%), Aktobe (by 30.9%), Pavlodar (by 24.6%), Shygys Kazakhstan (by 18.6%), Zhambyl (by 14%), regions and in the cityes of Shymkent (by 38.7%) and Astana (26.9%).

    The volume of completed construction works (services)
    Total, thousand tenge April 2024 as a percentage to January-April 2024 as a percentage
    to January- April 2023
    As a percentage of the republican volume
    March 2024 April 2023
    Republic of Kazakhstan 1 217 544 150 72.5 104.6 112.2 100.0
    Abay 28 186 255 45.0 95.0 103.7 2.3
    Akmola 25 284 969 38.5 93.0 131.4 2.1
    Aktobe 53 191 527 67.7 143.3 130.9 4.4
    Almaty 48 800 843 88.9 139.6 135.0 4.0
    Atyrau 268 003 702 143.6 82.8 93.7 22.0
    Batys Kazakhstan 42 851 195 49.5 64.7 109.1 3.5
    Zhambyl 45 711 450 72.3 122.6 114.0 3.7
    Zhetisu 40 346 452 83.0 178.7 226.4 3.3
    Karagandy 86 758 894 69.9 154.2 149.1 7.1
    Kostanay 34 220 968 57.2 89.4 104.2 2.8
    Kyzylorda 30 097 983 37.3 140.9 146.2 2.5
    Mangystau 39 215 080 151.4 150.0 78.5 3.2
    Pavlodar 35 044 576 72.6 100.1 124.6 2.9
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 17 942 451 41.6 89.2 100.6 1.5
    Turkistan 53 670 145 82.8 103.3 106.9 4.4
    Ulytau 22 031 942 53.5 71.1 103.5 1.8
    Shygys Kazakhstan 60 115 221 76.1 128.9 118.6 4.9
    Astana city 127 493 797 66.2 92.0 126.9 10.5
    Almaty city 118 793 269 34.0 115.3 105.7 9.8
    Shymkent city 39 783 431 60.9 139.9 138.7 3.3
    Commissioning of residential buildings

    In January-April 2024, the total area of new facilities put into operation amounted to 5285.2 thousand square meters.

    Dynamic table

    The total area of housing commissioned increased by 5.6% compared to January-April 2023 and amounted to 4572.1 thousand sq.m., of which 2940.4 thousand sq.m. - multi-apartment and 1606.8 thousand sq.m. - individual houses. Most of the housing – 4179.5 thousand sq.m. or 91.4% was put into operation by private developers, of which the population is 1675 thousand square meters.

    Total area of commissioned residential buildings
    Residential buildings commissioned Including developers
    sq. meters of total area as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year state property private property of them foreign property
    population as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year
    Republic of Kazakhstan 4 572 115 105.6 271 534 4 179 549 1 675 017 90.9 121 032
    Abay 65 069 108.2 785 64 284 19 910 68.8 -
    Akmola 166 439 78.5 33 041 129 968 84 384 74.9 3 430
    Aktobe 231 696 113.2 - 231 696 113 713 92.0 -
    Almaty 321 524 101.7 - 285 364 211 123 95.3 36 160
    Atyrau 143 213 85.4 - 141 347 141 347 103.1 x
    Batys Kazakhstan 125 785 101.7 - 125 785 91 287 163.7 -
    Zhambyl 159 669 102.9 11 452 148 217 130 117 105.0 -
    Zhetisu 65 202 115.3 20 563 44 639 39 997 94.9 -
    Karagandy 186 871 105.2 10 622 176 249 19 370 66.3 -
    Kostanay 147 229 100.8 50 400 96 829 45 494 81.2 -
    Kyzylorda 181 114 103.9 - 181 114 159 558 96.0 -
    Mangystau 125 349 65.4 - 125 349 78 829 83.5 -
    Pavlodar 58 108 105.4 58 58 050 54 517 187.4 -
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 40 912 114.9 - 40 912 34 135 107.2 -
    Turkistan 200 394 121.7 14 128 186 266 176 409 107.1 -
    Ulytau 14 540 67.8 - 14 540 10 691 86.1 -
    Shygys Kazakhstan 68 908 105.1 44 205 24 703 20 571 107.6 -
    Astana city 1 285 808 134.1 72 228 1 170 398 11 389 56.7 43 182
    Almaty city 740 533 88.7 - 704 139 137 595 55.3 x
    Shymkent city 243 752 117.7 14 052 229 700 94 581 75.3 -

    In the field of education and healthcare in January-April 2024 14 general education schools for 6065 student places, 13 preschool institutions for 1520 places, 1 hospital for 250 places and 15 clinic for 400 visits per shift were put into operation.


    Construction and installation work – construction work on the construction of buildings and structures, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment; work on the installation of power, technological and other equipment.

    Construction object – a separate building or structure with all related equipment, inventory, tools, galleries, flyovers, internal engineering networks and communications, for the construction (reconstruction, expansion) of which an independent object estimate is compiled.

    Methodological explanations

    Construction organizations include all general construction and specialized organizations, including repair and construction organizations. The main activity of construction organizations is to perform work under contracts with customers related to the type of economic activity "Construction" in accordance with the state "General Classifier of types of Economic Activities (GCTEA).

    The volume of construction work includes the cost of construction work performed by enterprises engaged in construction activities under concluded construction contracts, which includes construction of new facilities, major and current repairs, reconstruction, modernization of residential and non-residential buildings, engineering structures.

    The index of the physical volume of construction works (services) is determined by the ratio of the volumes of completed construction works of the analyzed period to the previous period in actual prices, taking into account the deflator (price index).

    The total area of a residential building (residential building) is calculated as the sum of the total areas of all dwellings and the areas of all non-residential premises, as well as the areas of parts of a residential building that are common property.

    More detailed methodological explanations are available at the following links:

    Release responsible:
    Department of Production and Environment statistics
    Department Director:
    Tel. +7 7172 749056
    Tel. +7 7172 749313
    E-mail: o.edel@aspire.gov.kz
    010000. Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue. 8
    House of Ministries. Entrance 4