RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shygys Kazakhstan Region"(further - Department) conducts statistical observations on the forms H-020 «Household survey questionnaire on the use of information and communication technologies» and H-050 «Household survey questionnaire on travel expenses». The methodology of the sample survey is available on the website ( statistics/ Methodology №212 dated 16/09/2016).
Interviewer qualification requirements: higher (postgraduate), secondary technical and vocational or general secondary education, work experience in conducting surveys is desirable.
The Department and the of interviewer conclude a contract for the provision of paid services in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Interviewers are required-7
Contact the RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shygys Kazakhstan Region",
070004, г. Ust-Kamenogorsk, Tokhtarova, 85.
code 8-72-32
on HR issues - 25-26-21
on issues of methodology – 25-09-21