Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-МP (annual) «Report on the activities of the small enterprise» for 2024. The deadline for submission is March 31 (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-25-91
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for January 2025. Deadline: until February 3, 2025 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shygys Kazakhstan Region"(further - Department) is recruiting interviewers to conduct a sample survey of visitors (Questionnaire H-060). The methodology of the sample survey is available on the website ( statistics/ Methodology №212 dated 16/09/2016).
Interviewer qualification requirements: higher (postgraduate), secondary technical and vocational or general secondary education, work experience in conducting surveys is desirable.
The Department and the of interviewer conclude a contract for the provision of paid services in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Interviewers are required-2
Contact the RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shygys Kazakhstan Region",
070004, г. Ust-Kamenogorsk, Tokhtarova, 85.
code 8-72-32
on HR issues - 25-26-21
on issues of methodology – 25-09-21
RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shygys Kazakhstan Region"(further - Department) conducts statistical observations on the forms H-020 «Household survey questionnaire on the use of information and communication technologies» and H-050 «Household survey questionnaire on travel expenses». The methodology of the sample survey is available on the website ( statistics/ Methodology №212 dated 16/09/2016).
Interviewer qualification requirements: higher (postgraduate), secondary technical and vocational or general secondary education, work experience in conducting surveys is desirable.
The Department and the of interviewer conclude a contract for the provision of paid services in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Interviewers are required-7
Contact the RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shygys Kazakhstan Region",
070004, г. Ust-Kamenogorsk, Tokhtarova, 85.
code 8-72-32
on HR issues - 25-26-21
on issues of methodology – 25-09-21
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-services (year) «Report on the volume of services provided» for the 2024. The deadline for submission is until the March 30 (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1-innovation (year) «Report on innovation activities» for the 2024. The deadline for submission is until the 25th day (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-services (quarterly) «Report on the volume of services provided» for the 4nd quarter 2024. The deadline for submission is until the 25 th day (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 3-inform (annual) «Report on the use of information and communication technologies in enterprises» for the 2024. The deadline for sudmission is January 20 (inclusive), 2025. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1-KPE (annual) «Final energy consumption» for 2024. Deadline: until March 25, 2025 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form E-commerce (annual) «E-commerce report» for 2024. Deadline: until February 25, 2025 (inclusive). List of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1-VT (annual) «Report on sales of goods and services» for 2024. Deadline: until March 15, 2025 (inclusive). List of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-МП (quarterly) «Report on the activities of the small enterprise» for the 4rd quarter 2024. The deadline for submission is until the 25 th day (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-25-91
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for December 2024. Deadline: until January 3, 2025 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form КО-6 (quarterly) «Questionnaire of the business survey of the activities of enterprises» for the 4nd quarter 2024. The deadline for submission is until the 1 th day (inclusive) after the reporting period (for the 4th guarter of 2024, the deadline is postponed to the first working day of 2025- 5 Januaru). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-25-91
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1 individual avto cargo «Report on the activities of individual entrepreneurs transporting goods by road» for the 4nd quarter of 2024. Deadline: until January 3, 2025 (inclusive). List of individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/ Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Shygys Kazakhstan region/ Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21.
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for November 2024. Deadline: until December 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1- Individual Entrepreneur (car passengers) «Report on the activities of individual entrepreneurs engaged in passenger transportation by road» for the 4nd quarter of 2024. Deadline: until January 3, 2025 (inclusive). List of individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/ Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Shygys Kazakhstan region/ Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21.
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for October 2024. Deadline: until November 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form КО-6 (quarterly) «Questionnaire of the business survey of the activities of enterprises» for the 3nd quarter 2024. The deadline for submission is until the 1 th day (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-25-91
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-МП (quarterly) «Report on the activities of the small enterprise» for the 3rd quarter 2024. The deadline for submission is until the 25 th day (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-25-91
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-services (quarterly) «Report on the volume of services provided» for the 3rd quarter 2024. The deadline for submission is until the 25 th day (inclusive) after the reporting period. List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21
Dear respondents!
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for September 2024. Deadline: until October 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for August 2024. Deadline: until September 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1 individual avto cargo «Report on the activities of individual entrepreneurs transporting goods by road» for the 3nd quarter of 2024. Deadline: until October 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/ Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Shygys Kazakhstan region/ Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21.
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1- Individual Entrepreneur (car passengers) «Report on the activities of individual entrepreneurs engaged in passenger transportation by road» for the 3nd quarter of 2024. Deadline: until October 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/ Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Shygys Kazakhstan region/ Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21.
Dear respondents!
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for July 2024. Deadline: until August 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for East Kazakhstan Region"(further - Department) is recruiting interviewers to conduct a sample survey of visitors (Questionnaire H-060). The methodology of the sample survey is available on the website ( statistics/ Methodology №212 dated 16/09/2016).
Interviewer qualification requirements: higher (postgraduate), secondary technical and vocational or general secondary education, work experience in conducting surveys is desirable.
The Department and the of interviewer conclude a contract for the provision of paid services in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The period of work of the interviewer will be Juli 2024.
Interviewers are required
Ust-Kamenogorsk - 5 interviewers
Contact the RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for East Kazakhstan Region",
070004, г. Ust-Kamenogorsk, Tokhtarova, 85.
code 8-72-32
on HR issues - 25-26-21
on issues of methodology – 25-09-21
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for June 2024. Deadline: until July 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1- Individual Entrepreneur (car passengers) «Report on the activities of individual entrepreneurs engaged in passenger transportation by road» for the second quarter 2024. Deadline: until July 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/ Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Shygys Kazakhstan region/ Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21.
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for May 2024. Deadline: until June 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/Shygys Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 1 individual avto cargo «Report on the activities of individual entrepreneurs transporting goods by road» for the second quarter 2024. Deadline: until July 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of individual entrepreneurs included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/ Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Shygys Kazakhstan region/ Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-09-21.
Selective statistical survey of enterprises using statistical form 2-trade «Report on sales of goods and services» for April 2024. Deadline: until May 3, 2024 (inclusive). List of legal entities included in the sample survey are posted on in the section «Home/ Statistics of regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Shygys Kazakhstan region/ Samples (catalogues) according to statistical forms». For questions please call (7232) 25-27-37, 25-06-35.
RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the East Kazakhstan region" on February 29, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. holds a ZOOM seminar on filling out statistical forms 1-P (quarterly) "Enterprise report on production (goods, services)" and 1-P (annual) "Report enterprises on the production and shipment of products (goods, services)". If you wish to participate in the seminar, please contact us by phone: 25-27-47, 25-29-69.
RSU "Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for East Kazakhstan Region" informs about the need to submit the statistical form 1-VT "Report on the sale of goods and services" for 2023, the deadline for ubmission is March 15, 2024.
You can report online on the website (, or at the address Tokhtarova, 85.
The list of legal entities and sole proprietors included in the sample can be viewed at
on the same site - Home page/Statistics of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan/East Kazakhstan region/Samples (catalogs) by statistical forms.
Phone numbers for inquiries: 8(7232) 25-27-37, 8-705-271-59-97, 8-701-528-76-92