Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Soltustik Kazakhstan
Addresses and contact information

Department of the Bureau of National Statistics Agencies for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the North Kazakhstan region

Address: 150008 city of Petropavlovsk, Nursultan Nazarbayev street 83

Office phone: +7 7152 46-22-64


Job title Name Telephone
Head Daurenov Zhorabek Abdimazhitovich +7 7152 46-22-64
Deputy Head Nurzhaupova Maral Rskeldyevna +7 7152 46-49-41
Deputy Head Nurgalieva Zhuldyz Kereevna +7 7152 46-95-76
Waiting room
Secretary Kaluova Astm Sultanovna +7 7152 46-22-64
Division of Internal Administration
Head of the division Sultanova Slushash Amalgaldenovna +7 7152 46-55-10
Personnel Management Service
Head of the division Kusainova Aknur Sairanovna +7 7152 36-11-29
Management of summary works and publication activities
Head of the division Zubareva Ekaterina Borisovna +7 7152 46-88-65
Register Management
Head of the division Solopova Natalia Anatolyevna +7 7152 46-41-19
Department of Legal Support and Work with Respondents
Head of the division Ospanova Dinara Darabaevna +7 7152 34-00-99
Department of Industry and Environment Statistics
Head of the division Usova Irina Yurievna +7 7152 46-60-01
Division of Agricultural Statistics
Head of the division Matenova Ainash Ramazanovna +7 7152 46-24-55
Division of Construction and Investment Statistics
Head of the division Doszhanova Gulnar Kabdushevna +7 7152 46-30-98
Division of Labor Statistics and Standard of Living
Head of the division Suleimenova Nailya Nailyevna +7 7152 46-23-65
Price Statistics Division
Head of the division Mukanova Assel Muratovna +7 7152 46-55-87
Division of Structural Statistics
Head of the division Balgarina Lyudmila Alexandrovna +7 7152 46-45-18
Division of Trade Statistics
Head of the division Kozhakhmetova Kulyash Nurmangalievna +7 7152 46-67-71
Division of Service Statistics
Head of the division Galimova Nailya Khatypovna +7 7152 46-04-77
Division of Social and Demographic Statistics
Head of the division Astapov Ivan Sergeevich +7 7152 46-10-63
District Divisions
Division of Statistics of Ayyrtau district Gabdullin Alimgazy Ghumashevich +7 7153 32-72-52
Division of Statistics of Akkayyn district Pazylova Karlyqash Umerbekovna +7 7153 22-23-98
Division of Statistics of Akzhar district Shaikhlessov Baurzhan Vajdakovich +7 7154 62-11-72
Division of Statistics of Yesilsky district Barabash Oxana Omarovna +7 7154 32-17-82
Division of Statistics of Zhambyl district Kutusheva Almagul Maralovna +7 7154 42-13-93
Division of Statistics of M.Zhumabayev district Omarova Bakyt Khalelovna +7 7153 12-17-79
Division of Statistics of Kyzylzhar district Yessetov Kairat Yerzhanovich +7 7153 82-12-22
Division of Statistics of Mamlyutsky district Beisenov Akylbek Zaitonovich +7 7154 12-17-12
Division of Statistics of the district named after G.Musrepov Saduova Zhanna Kenesovna +7 7153 52-19-76
Division of Statistics of Tayynshinsky district Shulgina Nina Frantsevna +7 7153 62-25-45
Division of Statistics of Timiryazevsky district Какibaevа Gulnara Nikolaevna +7 7153 72-17-16
Division of Statistics of the Ualikhanov district Sharipova Galiya Uapovna +7 7154 22-13-73
Division of Statistics of the Shal Akyn district Bassova Yelena Akakievna +7 7153 42-17-04