Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Personal account
User’s Account
Respondent's Cabinet
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About bureau
For respondents
Statistics of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Construction statistics
Demographic statistics
Employment and unemployment
Information and communication technologies and communications
Investments statistics
Statistics of Health and Welfare
Statistics of agriculture, forestry, hunting and fisheries
Statistics of culture
Statistics of domestic trade
Statistics of education, science and innovation
Statistics of enterprises
Statistics of environment
Statistics of foreign, mutual trade and commodity markets
Statistics of industrial production
Statistics of prices
Statistics of services
Statistics of standard of living
Statistics of tourism
Structural statistics
Wages and working conditions
Half year
Cultivated areas of agricultural crops for the harvest
About commissioning of capacities
About investment activity
About investments in the fixed capital
About sanatorium and resort activities
About the commissioning of capacities
About the housing fund
About work-related injuries activities and occupational diseases
Activities of cinematographic organizations
Activities of cultural, leisure and concert organizations
Activities of libraries and museums
Activities of theaters and amusement and recreation parks
Administrative-territorial units
Age of legal entities
Availability and movement of labor at enterprises
Availability of cereals and legumes
Availability of grain and legume crops
Availability of oilseeds
Average prices for agricultural products and processed products
Cost of labor costs
Cultivated areas of agricultural crops for harvest
Financial and economic activities of educational organizations
Financial and economic activities of enterprises
Financial and economic activities of large and medium-sized enterprises
Fixed assets
Gross crop harvest
Gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Higher education
Key indicators of the development of fisheries and aquaculture
Key labor indicators
Main indicators of industrial performance
Main indicators of the work of communication enterprises, postal and courier activities
Main performance indicators of transport
Migration of the population
Monitoring of small and medium enterprises
Natural movement of the population
Number and wages of emloyees
Number of employees and remuneration of labor by ownership and type of economic activity
Number of employees employed in harmful and other unfavorable working conditions
Number of registered and operating SMEs
Number of registered and operating individual entrepreneurs under the age of 35 and legal entities whose owners (100%) are persons under the age of 35
On Foreign Trade and Mutual Trade in Goods with the EAEU Member States
On Mutual Trade of the region in qoods with the Member States or the EAEU
On harvesting agricultural crops in protected soil
On investments in fixed capital
On postgraduate education
On products and services of transport (by type of messages)
On the activities of agricultural cooperatives
On the activities of agricultural formations
On the activity of accommodation places
On the change in the population
On the cost of environmental protection
On the execution of construction work and commissioning of facilities
On the financial and economic activities of educational organizations
On the financial and economic activities of healthcare organizations
On the housing stock
On the inflation
On the innovative activity of enterprises
On the management of municipal waste
On the performance of construction work and commissioning of buildings
On the performance of construction work and commissioning of facilities
On the state of protection of atmospheric air
On the trade markets
On the use of information and communication technologies at enterprises
On the volume of IT services rendered
On the volume of services provided by educational organizations
On the volume of services provided in the field of healthcare and the provision of social services
On the volume of services rendered
On the work of structures of water supply and sanitation systems
Organizations providing special social services
Postgraduate education
Prices for agricultural products and processed goods in the markets of cities and district centers
Producers of agricultural products
Retail prices for certain goods and services in district centers
Retail prices for certain goods and services in cities and district centers
Shipment and change in the balance of industrial products
Shipment and remains of products at industrial enterprises
Small and medium enterprises
Small business activities
Structure and distribution of wages of employees
Structure and distribution of wages of employees by level of education
Structure and distribution of wages of employees by size of enterprises
Structure and distribution of wages of workers by level of education
Technical and vocational, post-secondary education
Technical and vocational, post-secondary education
The Main funds
The Producers of agricultural products
The availability of buildings and structures for agricultural purposes among agricultural producers
The balance of production capacities
The main indicators of research and development work
The main indicators of the development of livestock
The main indicators of the industry
The main indicators of the labor market
The main indicators of the number of entities
The main indicators of the number of subjects
The main indicators of the work of the industry
The main performance indicators of communication enterprises, postal and courier activities
The movement of labor and the use of the calendar fund of time by employees
The movement of labor force and the use of the calendar fund of time by employees
The number of registered and operating individual entrepreneurs under the age of 35 and legal entities owned (100%) by persons under the age of 35
The population
The structure and distribution of wages of employees by types of ownership
The subsistence minimum
The subsistence minimum
The volume of services submited in the field of healthcare and the provision of social services
Volume of sales of goods and services
Wages of employees (including small enterprises engaged in entrepreneurial activities)
Wages of employees (taking into account small enterprises engaged in business activities)
Wages of employees by main professions and positions
Recent releases
Date of change
File type and size
Number of registered and operating SMEs (As of February 1, 2025)
113.5 KB, xls
Age of legal entities (As of February 1, 2025)
229 KB, xls
The main indicators of the number of entities (As of February 1, 2025)
600 KB, xls
The main indicators of the development of livestock (January 2025)
224.5 KB, xls
Availability of grain and legume crops (as of February 1.2025)
60.8 KB, xls
The main indicators of the labor market (IV quarter of 2024)
364.7 KB, xls
The main performance indicators of communication enterprises, postal and courier activities (for January 2025)
76.1 KB, xls
Volume of sales of goods and services (January 2025)
77.7 KB, xls
Main performance indicators of transport (for January 2025y.)
72.2 KB, xls
Retail prices for certain goods and services in cities and district centers (for January)
77 KB, xls