Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    20 095 963
    All population – 20095963 people
    12 513 014
    Urban – 12513014 people
    7 582 949
    Rural – 7582949 people
    9 815 465
    Men – 9815465 people
    10 280 498
    Women – 10280498 people

    The share of urban population is highest in Karagandy (81.7%), Ulytau (79.2%) and Aktobe (75%), and least in Almaty (16.1%), Тurkіstan (24.7%) and Zhambyl (43.5%) regions.


    Population – the number of people living in a given area at a given time;

    Total population growth (decrease) is the algebraic sum of natural growth (decrease) and migration growth (decrease) of the population;

    Migration increase (decrease) of the population – the difference between the number of arrivals over a certain period to the territory of the region and the number of departures outside it;

    Natural population growth (decrease) – the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths over a certain period.

    Methodological explanations

    Population – the number of people living in a given area at a given time. Current estimates at the beginning of the year are calculated based on the results of the last population census, to which the numbers of those born and those who arrived for permanent residence in this territory are added annually and the numbers of those who died and left for permanent residence from this territory are subtracted. Current estimates of the population over the past years are updated based on the results of the next census.

    Calculations of the total population are made in Kazakhstan as a whole and its separate administrative-territorial units (urban settlements, urban areas, administrative districts). The calculations take into account the increase or decrease in the population of individual territories as a result of changes in their borders, as well as changes in the number of urban and rural populations as a result of administrative and territorial transformations.

    The population is divided into urban and rural populations. Urban population – the population living in urban settlements. Urban settlements include cities of republican, regional and district significance, as well as settlements located on the territory of their administrative subordination. Rural population - the population living in rural areas. Localities that are not classified as urban are considered rural.

    Release responsible:
    Department of Population Statistics
    Department Director:
    N. Khanzhigitov
    Tel. +7 7172 749061
    B. Mirasbek
    Теl. +7 7172 749540
    E-mail: b.mirasbek@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, entrance 4