Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    282 344
    In the II quarter of 2024 monetary expenditures of the population on average per capita amounted to 282 344 tenge, which is 8.2% higher than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
    330 386
    The average per capita incomes of the population amounted to 330 386 tenge, which is 16.5% higher than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
    286 352
    The income used for consumption, on average per capita in the II quarter of 2024, amounted to 286 352 tenge, which is 7.9% higher than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
    Expenses and incomes of the population
    The structure of monetary expenditures of the population in the II quarter of 2024
    as a percentage of cash expenditure
    Cashexpenditures - total Сonsumerspending Ofthem Financial assistance to relatives and friends. alimony Taxes. payments and other payments Repayment of a loan and debt
    Food products Non-foodproducts Paidservices
    Republic of Kazakhstan 100,0 90,8 51,7 21,1 18,0 2,1 0,2 6,9
    Abay 100,0 95,3 56,2 22,6 16,5 0,3 0,1 4,3
    Akmola 100,0 87,2 46,9 24,5 15,8 2,2 0,2 10,4
    Aktobe 100,0 86,1 47,2 21,8 17,1 2,4 0,1 11,4
    Almaty 100,0 93,3 59,3 18,6 15,4 0,2 0,1 6,4
    Atyrau 100,0 87,1 53,5 19,3 14,3 4,7 0,1 8,1
    Batys Kazakhstan 100,0 89,6 52,2 20,6 16,8 0,5 0,1 9,8
    Zhambyl 100,0 94,7 59,1 21,5 14,1 1,4 0,1 3,8
    Zhetysu 100,0 88,0 53,6 20,2 14,2 1,8 0,3 9,9
    Karagandy 100,0 84,3 41,9 24,0 18,4 3,7 0,2 11,8
    Kostanay 100,0 91,3 48,4 22,6 20,3 2,6 0,2 5,9
    Kyzylorda 100,0 86,0 45,6 23,3 17,1 3,3 0,1 10,6
    Mangystau 100,0 99,2 61,8 18,7 18,7 0,3 0,0 0,5
    Pavlodar 100,0 86,8 47,5 23,4 15,9 6,9 0,1 6,2
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 100,0 88,4 44,0 28,8 15,6 4,3 0,2 7,1
    Turkistan 100,0 94,6 60,1 19,6 14,9 1,6 0,1 3,7
    Ulytau 100,0 71,6 40,3 19,4 11,9 2,0 0,1 26,3
    Shygys Kazakhstan 100,0 91,9 52,2 22,2 17,5 3,0 0,2 4,9
    Astana city 100,0 86,6 45,4 18,1 23,1 2,0 0,3 11,1
    Almaty city 100,0 95,7 54,0 19,1 22,6 1,7 0,3 2,3
    Shymkent city 100,0 96,6 54,0 23,9 18,7 0,9 ... 2,5
    The structure of monetary incomes of the population in the II quarter of 2024
    as a percentage of cash income
    Cashincome. total Including
    laborincome Ofthem Social transfers Financial assistance from relatives and acquaintances alimony Otherincome
    Self-employmentincome Nonself-employmentincome Pensions Benefits TSA andhousingassistance Scholarships Propertyincome Othercashreceipts
    Republic of Kazakhstan 100,0 75,3 66,3 9,0 16,5 4,1 0,0 0,5 2,1 0,4 1,1
    Abay 100,0 68,8 63,3 5,5 22,6 4,2 ... 0,6 2,5 ... 1,3
    Akmola 100,0 74,0 66,5 7,5 17,6 3,5 0,1 0,6 2,6 0,3 1,3
    Aktobe 100,0 78,3 70,0 8,3 11,8 5,7 ... 0,9 2,1 0,2 1,0
    Almaty 100,0 79,1 70,2 8,9 16,6 2,7 ... 0,2 0,1 0,1 1,2
    Atyrau 100,0 79,4 76,2 3,2 13,3 5,1 ... 0,1 1,0 0,1 1,0
    Batys Kazakhstan 100,0 78,4 71,2 7,2 14,2 4,3 ... 0,9 1,0 0,2 1,0
    Zhambyl 100,0 75,2 61,1 14,1 15,7 6,5 0,0 0,1 1,0 0,1 1,4
    Zhetysu 100,0 71,3 59,2 12,1 20,0 4,3 0,0 0,5 2,8 0,1 1,0
    Karagandy 100,0 73,3 68,0 5,3 16,8 4,6 0,1 0,6 3,2 0,4 1,0
    Kostanay 100,0 72,2 66,2 6,0 18,8 3,0 0,1 0,6 3,8 0,3 1,2
    Kyzylorda 100,0 74,3 66,8 7,5 14,9 6,3 0,1 1,4 1,3 0,1 1,6
    Mangystau 100,0 82,1 78,6 3,5 9,5 6,1 ... 0,5 0,9 0,1 0,8
    Pavlodar 100,0 80,3 72,6 7,7 13,8 2,5 0,0 0,6 1,4 0,3 1,1
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 100,0 65,8 59,4 6,4 24,1 4,4 0,0 0,7 3,2 0,4 1,4
    Turkistan 100,0 77,4 51,6 25,8 14,4 6,4 ... 0,5 0,3 0,0 1,0
    Ulytau 100,0 79,7 76,2 3,5 10,2 6,0 0,1 0,2 2,8 0,2 0,8
    Shygys Kazakhstan 100,0 70,3 68,8 1,5 23,9 2,2 0,1 0,2 1,7 0,3 1,3
    Astana city 100,0 78,8 69,6 9,2 11,4 3,4 0,1 0,3 4,8 0,4 0,8
    Almaty city 100,0 70,4 64,2 6,2 22,2 2,2 ... 0,4 1,8 1,7 1,3
    Shymkent city 100,0 79,6 61,1 18,5 12,6 5,2 0,0 0,3 0,6 0,3 1,4
    Household income used for consumption in the II quarter of 2024
    Income. used for consumption Total Including As a percentage of income used for consumption
    Cash income used on consumption The cost of consumption of products produced in the personal economy and subsidies and benefits provided in kind Cash income used for consumption The cost of consumption of products produced in personal households and subsidies and benefits provided in kind
    Republic of Kazakhstan 286 352 282 344 4 008 98,6 1,4
    Abay 232 398 230 447 1 951 99,2 0,8
    Akmola 300 005 290 088 9 917 96,7 3,3
    Aktobe 254 667 249 888 4 779 98,1 1,9
    Almaty 252 451 245 298 7 153 97,2 2,8
    Atyrau 237 627 236 812 815 99,7 0,3
    Batys Kazakhstan 256 384 247 028 9 356 96,4 3,6
    Zhambyl 244 207 242 588 1 619 99,3 0,7
    Zhetysu 302 387 291 407 10 980 96,4 3,6
    Karagandy 374 369 370 175 4 194 98,9 1,1
    Kostanay 300 119 290 186 9 933 96,7 3,3
    Kyzylorda 244 386 242 693 1 693 99,3 0,7
    Mangystau 240 975 240 975 ... 100,0 ...
    Pavlodar 323 876 317 056 6 820 97,9 2,1
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 346 476 335 844 10 632 96,9 3,1
    Turkistan 194 291 191 139 3 152 98,4 1,6
    Ulytau 361 747 358 614 3 133 99,1 0,9
    Shygys Kazakhstan 338 876 332 528 6 348 98,1 1,9
    Astana city 372 314 371 125 1 189 99,7 0,3
    Almaty city 374 484 374 339 145 100,0 0,0
    Shymkent city 219 029 218 919 110 99,9 0,1
    Dynamic tables:

    Monetary expenses include consumer expenses, financial assistance to relatives and friends, alimony, taxes, payments and other payments, repayment of loans and debt.

    Consumer spending is a part of household monetary expenditures aimed at purchasing consumer goods and services. Consumer spending includes spending on the purchase of food products, non-food products and paid services.

    Cash income includes income from employment, social transfers and other cash receipts.

    The income of the population used for consumption includes consumer expenditures (without investments in production activities and accumulation) and the cost (in monetary terms) of in-kind products of own production and transfers consumed.

    Methodological explanations

    Data on the survey of population budgets by standard of living are formed on a quarterly and annual basis, based on a survey of 12,000 households, in accordance with the Methodology for Organizing and conducting a sample survey of households by standard of Living, approved by Order No. 31 of the Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 2, 2020, registered with the Ministry Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 20922, July 3, 2020, with a methodology for constructing a sample of households on the survey of living standards, Approved by Order No. 202 of the Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 14, 2015.

    Release responsible:
    Department of labor and standard of living statistics
    Department Director:
    Tel +7 7172 749022
    Tel. +7 7172 749285
    E-mail: n.zhumanova@aspire.gov.kz
    010000. Astana
    8 Mangilik El avenue
    House of Ministries. Entrance 4