Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    The PVI of the services of the section "Transport and warehousing" in January-November 2024 compared to the corresponding period last year amounted to 108.1%.
    977.4 million
    In January-November 2024, the republic's transport transported 977.4 million tons of cargo which is 9.2% more than the level of January-November 2023.
    467.3 billion
    Cargo turnover during this period amounted to 467.3 billion. t-km (increased of 1.9% compared to January-November 2023).
    1 567.2 million
    1 567.2 million passengers were transported (9.2% more than in January-November 2023).
    75.8 billion
    Passenger turnover amounted to 75.8 billion p-km (increased by 13.6% compared to January-November 2023).

    Regionally in January-November 2024, increased in cargo turnover is noted in cities: Shymkent (28%), Astana (24.7%), Almaty (22.7%) and Pavlodar (14.7%), Zhambyl (6.2%), Atyrau (3.9%), Mangystau (1.5%)%), Batys Kazakhstan (1.4%) and Kyzylorda (0.9%) regions.

    Passenger turnover increased in the following cities: Almaty (17.5%), Astana (15.1%) and Mangystau (71.3%), Almaty (70.3%), Ulytau (37.4%), Zhambyl (18.8%), Pavlodar (14.5%), Atyrau (12.6%), Kostanay (11.9%), Kyzylorda (4.2%), Batys Kazakhstan (4.1%), Akmola (2.6%), Aktobe (2.2%) and Karagandy (1.6%) regions.

    Cargo and passenger turnover for January-November 2024
    as a percentage
    Cargo turnover Passenger turnover
    Republic of Kazakhstan 101.9 113.6
    Abay 91.0 97.1
    Akmola 97.0 102.6
    Aktobe 93.1 102.2
    Almaty 96.0 170.3
    Atyrau 103.9 1126
    Batys Kazakhstan 101.4 104.1
    Zhambyl 106.2 118.8
    Zhetisu 78.5 87.9
    Karagandy 96.7 101.6
    Kostanay 99.9 111.9
    Kyzylorda 100.9 104.2
    Mangystau 101.5 171.3
    Pavlodar 114.7 114.5
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 88.2 93.1
    Turkistan 95.0 86.7
    Ulytau 89.4 137.4
    Shygys Kazakhstan 89.9 94.5
    Astana city 124.7 115.1
    Almaty city 122.7 117.5
    Shymkent city 128.0 93.2
    Railway transport

    In January-November 2024, 390.6 million tons of cargo were transported by rail in the republic. which is 2.6% up than the level of January-November 2023, cargo turnover during this period amounted to 296.5 billion. t-km (decreased by 0.9% compared to January-November 2023), 19.2 million passengers were transported (5.5% more than in January-November 2023), passenger turnover amounted to 15 billion p-km (increased by 0.9% compared to January-November 2023).

    Automobile and urban electric transport*

    In January-November 2024, compared to the same period last year there was an increase in cargo transportation by 19.9% and cargo turnover of road transport increase by 20.5%. Passenger transportation and passenger transportation also increased by 9.2% and 24.2%, respectively.

    Pipeline transport

    In January-November 2024, 269.7 million tons of cargo were transported (7.5% more than in January-November 2023), cargo turnover amounted to 136.7 billion. t-km (increased by 4.1% compared to January-November 2023).

    Air transport

    In January-November 2024, 13.5 million passengers were transported by air transport of the republic (increased by 9.5% compared to January-November 2023), passenger turnover amounted to 26 billion p-km (increased by 8.9% compared to January-November 2023).

    Inland waterway transport

    In January-November 2024, 349.7 thousand tons of cargo were transported by inland waterway (decreasedby 53.6% compared to January-November 2023), 231.1 thousand passengers were transported (increased by 90.9% compared to January-November 2023).

    Marine and coastal transport

    In January-November 2024, 2.6 million tons of cargo were transported by sea, there is an increase in cargo transportation by 2.2 times compared to January-November 2023, cargo turnover amounted to 1 453.4 million tons-km and increased by 2 times compared to January-November 2023.


    Transported cargo – the amount of cargo in tons transported by transport.

    Cargo turnover of transport – the volume of work of transport for the transportation of goods, expressed in ton-kilometers. It is defined as the sum of the products of the weight of each batch (shipment) of the transported cargo over the distance of its transportation.

    Transported passengers – the number of passengers transported over a certain period of time. The unit of observation in passenger transportation statistics is a passenger-trip.

    Passenger turnover of transport – the volume of work of transport for the transportation of passengers. The unit of measurement is the passenger-kilometer, i.e. the movement of 1 passenger over a distance of 1 kilometer. It is determined by summing the products of the number of passengers of each carriage by the distance of carriage in kilometers.

    The physical volume index – is a relative indicator that characterizes the change in the quantitative volumes of freight and passenger traffic in the reporting period compared to the base period and is calculated on the basis of the weighted average growth rate of revenue from the transportation of goods and passengers.

    Methodological explanations

    The release provides statistical data on the work of enterprises with the main type of activity - transport (OKED code 49-51), reporting on the monthly form 1-transport.enterprises of other sectors of the economy engaged in the transportation of passengers and cargo on a commercial basis.as well as individual entrepreneurs engaged in the transportation of goods and passengers by road on a commercial basis.reporting according to quarterly forms: 1-sole proprietor (auto cargo).1-sole proprietor (auto passengers).

    Release responsible:
    Department of Services and Energy Statistics
    Department Director:
    G. Karaulova
    Теl.+7 7172 74 90 60
    Kuandykov B.
    Теl. +7 7172 749771
    Е-mail: b.kuandykov@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, Entrance 4