Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    537 915
    As of December 1, 2024, the number of registered legal entities amounted to 537915 units, including 424007 operating legal entities.
    1 799 467
    The number of registered subjects of individual entrepreneurship amounted to 1799467, including 1707051 operating entities.
    2 269 158
    The number of registered small and medium-sized businesses amounted to 2269158 units, including 2071305 operating ones.
    Registered and operating entities by dimension and activity
    as of December 1, 2024
    By dimension Legal entities Subjects of individual entrepreneurship Branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities Subjects of small and medium business
    registered operating registered operating registered operating registered operating
    Total 537 915 424 007 1 799 467 1 707 051 31 537 22 377 2 269 158 2 071 305
    Small 528 484 414 723 - - 30 430 21 282 2 265 925 2 068 155
    Medium 6 945 6 832 - - 618 610 3233 3150
    Large 2 486 2 452 - - 489 485 - -
    Dynamics of subjects

    Annually, there is an increase in the number of registered legal entities by an average of 4.5%, so over the past ten years (2013-2023) their number has increased from 353833 to 526290 (by 172457 units or 48.7%). At the same time, it should be noted that the main growth occurs due to small legal entities, their number is steadily increasing every year by an average of 4.6%. Unlike small ones, the dynamics of medium and large legal entities is not stable. Over the past decade, against the background of the annual growth in the number of medium and large legal entities, in 2016, 2017 and 2019 their number was not significant, but decreased (by 1.3%, 1.4% and 3.1%, respectively).

    Dynamics of subjects
    By dimension 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Total   353 833 360 287 383 850 412 677 433 774 446 687 461 983 481 732 507 238 526 290
    Small   344 994 351 229 374 912 403 862 424 796 437 988 453 343 472 777 497 995 517 123
    Medium   6 364 6 572 6 502 6 432 6 490 6 297 6 235 6 494 6 685 6 689
    Large   2 475 2 486 2 436 2 383 2 488 2 402 2 405 2 461 2 558 2 478
    Registered and operating legal entities

    In November, compared to October 2024, there is a slight decrease in the number of registered legal entities (by 0.3%), compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, their number increased by 1.8%. At the same time, there is an decrease in the number of operating legal entities - by 0.2%, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, their number increased by 0.4%. Since the beginning of the year, by type of economic activity, the largest number of registered legal entities remains in the industry «Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair», the share of which as of December 1, 2024. amounted to 27.4%. On the second place - "Construction" (13.3%), on the third - "Provision of other types of services" (10%). Together, the share of these three types of activities is 50.7% of all registered legal entities.

    As of December 1, 2024, the largest number of registered legal entities is in the cities of Almaty (152523 or 28.4%), Astana (103802 or 19.3%), and Shymkent (29392 or 5.5%). The smallest number of registered legal entities falls on the regions of Ulytau (2914 or 0.5%), Zhetisu (8367 or 1.6%) and Abay (8483 or 1.6%).

    Registered legal entities by type of activity and activity
    as of December 1, 2024
    By type of activity Total Of them
    operating including in the process of liquidation
    newly registered active temporarily inactive
    Total 537 915 424 007 49 481 223 118 151 408 4 489
    Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 21 204 18 120 1 559 9 240 7 321 112
    Mining and Quarrying 5 657 4 705 537 1 739 2 429 45
    Manufacturing industry 27 323 21 579 1 928 11 443 8 208 273
    Supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning 1 931 1 625 149 783 693 10
    Water supply; sanitation, waste collection, treatment and disposal, pollution elimination activities 2 741 2 159 135 1 218 806 35
    Construction 71 413 53 251 4 974 21 076 27 201 1 154
    Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair 147 155 106 246 14 309 54 145 37 792 1 529
    Transport and warehousing 22 494 17 812 1 952 9 183 6 677 204
    Providing of accommodation and food services 10 753 8 502 1 164 4 725 2 613 42
    Information and communication 18 677 15 487 2 477 7 944 5 066 62
    Financial and insurance activities 7 843 5 608 619 2 896 2 093 121
    Real estate transactions 26 708 22 894 2 334 14 688 5 872 158
    Professional, scientific and technical activities 34 950 28 041 2 659 15 726 9 656 205
    Administrative and support services activities 25 388 21 183 1 986 12 412 6 785 133
    Public administration and defense; compulsory social security 9 668 9 417 196 9 071 150 28
    Education 30 754 28 482 1 944 21 594 4 944 123
    Healthcare and social services 11 616 10 515 973 6 955 2 587 38
    Arts, entertainment and recreation 7 966 6 577 830 3 667 2 080 37
    Provision of other types of services 53 673 41 803 8 756 14 612 18 435 180
    Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 1 1 - 1 - -
    Registered legal entities by size and form of ownership
    as of December 1, 2024
    By dimension Total Including by forms and types of ownership
    state private total of them foreign
    with the participation of the state (without foreign participation) joint ventures (with foreign participation)
    Total 537 915 25 818 457 990 296 11 071 54 107
    Small 528 484 20 980 453 895 251 10 775 53 609
    Medium 6 945 3 650 2 993 25 187 302
    Large 2 486 1 188 1 102 20 109 196
    Registered and operating subjects of individual entrepreneurship (IE and JV)

    In November, compared to October 2024, there is a slight increase in the number of registered individual entrepreneurs (by 0.4%), compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, their number increase by 2.2%. At the same time, there is an decrease in the number of operating subjects of individual entrepreneurship - by 0.03%, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, their number increased by 2.1%. Since the beginning of the year, by type of economic activity, the largest number of registered individual entrepreneurs remains in the industry «Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair», the share of which as of December 1, 2024 was 37.4 %. In second place is «Provision of other types of services» (16.4%), in third place is «Agriculture, forestry and fisheries» (14.9%). Together, the share of these three types of activities is 68.7% of all registered subjects of individual entrepreneurship.

    Registered and operating subjects of individual entrepreneurship by type of activity
    as of December 1, 2024
    By type of activity Total Including those operating:
    registered operating in the form of personal business in the form of a joint venture
    registered operating registered operating
    Total 1 799 467 1 707 051 1 726 750 1 637 002 72 717 70 049
    Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 267 566 252 663 194 942 182 684 72 624 69 979
    Mining and Quarrying 812 747 812 747 - -
    Manufacturing industry 95 021 90 527 95 012 90 519 9 8
    Supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning 625 584 625 584 - -
    Water supply; sanitation, waste collection, treatment and disposal, pollution elimination activities 2 096 2 010 2 095 2 009 1 1
    Construction 57 418 53 723 57 416 53 721 2 2
    Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair 673 084 640 214 673 069 640 201 15 13
    Transport and warehousing 113 465 108 560 113 456 108 554 9 6
    Providing of accommodation and food services 46 105 43 277 46 101 43 273 4 4
    Information and communication 18 527 17 487 18 527 17 487 - -
    Financial and insurance activities 526 457 526 457 - -
    Real estate transactions 97 734 94 157 97 716 94 144 18 13
    Professional, scientific and technical activities 31 634 29 816 31 633 29 815 1 1
    Administrative and support services activities 41 271 39 294 41 259 39 282 12 12
    Public administration and defense; compulsory social security 116 110 116 110 - -
    Education 31 883 30 560 31 882 30 559 1 1
    Healthcare and social services 10 923 10 430 10 923 10 430 - -
    Arts, entertainment and recreation 15 459 14 552 15 458 14 551 1 1
    Provision of other types of services 295 202 277 883 295 182 277 875 20 8
    Registered and operating branches and branches of foreign legal entities

    As of December 1, 2024, the number of registered branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities amounted to 31537 units, including 22377 active ones. The largest number of registered branches and affiliates of foreign legal entities is in the cities of Almaty (3845 or 12.2%) and Astana (3680 or 11.7%), and in the Karaganda region (2139 or 6.8%). By types of economic activity, the largest number of registered branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities belong to the sectors «Provision of other types of services» (12900 or 40.9%), «Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair» (4342 or 13.8%) and «Professional, scientific and technical activities» (2203 or 7%).

    Registered and operating branches by size and form of ownership
    as of December 1, 2024
    By dimension Total Including by forms and types of ownership
    state private total of them foreign
    with the participation of the state (without foreign participation) joint ventures (with foreign participation)
    Total 27 508 2 583 23 711 175 685 1 214
    Small 26 441 2 332 22 938 152 653 1 171
    Medium 596 126 439 13 13 31
    Large 471 125 334 10 19 12
    Registered branches of foreign legal entities by size and activity
    as of December 1, 2024
    By dimension Total Of them
    operating including in the process of liquidation
    newly registered active temporarily inactive
    Total 4 029 2 324 344 911 1 069 81
    Small 3 989 2 286 343 874 1 069 80
    Medium 22 20 1 19 - 1
    Large 18 18 - 18 - -
    Registered and operating legal entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities with foreign and joint ownership

    As of December 1, 2024, the number of registered legal entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities with a foreign form of ownership increased by 6.4% compared to the corresponding date of the previous year. The number of registered legal entities and branches with joint ownership decreased by 1.8%.

    In terms of types of economic activity, the largest share of registered legal entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities with foreign and joint ownership falls on the sectors «Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair» – 36.2%, «Provision of other types of services» – 13.1%, «Construction» – 9.3%.

    Registered and operating legal entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities with foreign and joint ownership by country *
    as of December 1, 2024
    Be country Legal entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities
    with foreign ownership with joint ownership
    registered operating registered operating
    Republic of Kazakhstan 59 350 44 537 11 756 8 667
    Russia 23 428 18 979 4 957 3 834
    Türkiye 5 363 3 576 765 473
    China 5 400 3 994 633 469
    Uzbekistan 5 036 3 431 932 698
    Kyrgyzstan 3 202 2 232 389 300
    Ukraine 1 518 1 160 211 147
    Azerbaijan 1 354 992 394 297
    Germany 946 741 509 372
    Belarus 922 781 187 143
    Republic of Korea 904 612 166 104

    * Top 10 countries by the largest number of registered legal entities, branches and branches of foreign legal entities

    Registered and operating small and medium-sized businesses

    As of December 1, 2024, the number of operating SMEs increased by 1.8% compared to the corresponding date of the previous year. In the total number of SMEs, the share of individual entrepreneurs was 67.3%, legal entities of small business – 20.6%, peasant or farm enterprises – 12%, legal entities of medium business – 0.1%.

    In terms of types of economic activity, the largest share of registered small and medium-sized businesses falls on the sectors «Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair» – 35.7%; «Provision of other types of services» – 14,2%. «Agriculture, forestry and fisheries» – 13,7%.

    Registered and operating small and medium-sized businesses
    as of December 1, 2024
    By region Registered Operating
    Republic of Kazakhstan 2 269 158 2 071 305
    Abay 58 795 54 380
    Akmola 64 493 59 442
    Aktobe 93 396 86 211
    Almaty 151 512 141 499
    Atyrau 68 514 63 136
    Batys Kazakhstan 62 799 58 147
    Zhambyl 118 365 104 278
    Zhetysu 64 804 60 675
    Karagandy 111 666 102 038
    Kostanay 70 038 66 041
    Kyzylorda 68 848 65 711
    Mangystau 83 750 76 793
    Pavlodar 62 708 56 790
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 38 680 35 541
    Turkistan 216 917 209 045
    Ulytau 19 541 18 438
    Shygys Kazakhstan 70 142 63 144
    Astana city 279 359 247 198
    Almaty city 416 653 366 266
    Shymkent city 148 178 136 532

    Individual entrepreneurship - an independent, initiative activity of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, kandas, aimed at obtaining net income, based on the property of individuals themselves and carried out on behalf of individuals, at their risk and under their property responsibility. Individual entrepreneurship is carried out in the form of personal or joint entrepreneurship.

    Personal entrepreneurship - carried out by one individual independently on the basis of property belonging to him by the right of ownership, as well as by virtue of another right that allows the use and (or) disposal of property.

    Joint entrepreneurship - carried out by a group of individuals (individual entrepreneurs) on the basis of property belonging to them on the basis of common ownership, as well as by virtue of another right that allows joint use and (or) disposal of property.

    Categories of business entities - depending on the average annual number of employees and average annual income, business entities are classified into the following categories: "subjects of small" business, including micro-entrepreneurship entities; subjects of medium business; subjects of large business. For the purposes of state statistics, only the criterion of the average annual number of employees is used.

    Principal type of activity - a type of activity, the added value of which exceeds the added value of any other type of activity carried out by an economic entity;

    Secondary type of activity - a type of activity, in addition to the main one, which is carried out with the aim of producing products (goods and services) for third parties.

    Methodological explanations

    All presented indicators are based on the Statistical Business Register, which contains information on legal entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs that have been registered or re-registered with the registration authorities.

    The proposed tables show the number of registered and operating legal entities, branches and subsidiaries of foreign legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium-sized businesses by size, by form of ownership, by region and type of activity.

    The types of activities are presented in accordance with the current General Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (GCTEA). Entities carrying out several types of activities are accounted for by the main type that provides the greatest increase in value added.

    Operating entities in the Statistical Business Register include:

    • entities currently engaged in economic activity, ie. active;
    • newly registered and not yet engaged in economic activity;
    • entities that temporarily suspended their activities.

    In accordance with the "Classifier of the dimension of legal entities, branches and representative offices, as well as individual entrepreneurship entities by the number of employees", 3 classes of entities are provided for in dimension, depending on the average annual number of employees:

    • small (up to 100 people);
    • medium (from 101 to 250 people);
    • large (over 250 people).

    Legal entities with branches are taken into account taking into account the headcount of all its branches.

    Release responsible:
    Department of Statistical Registers and Classifications
    Department Director:
    E. Bekberdiev
    Теl. +7 7172 74-90-58
    D. Toleugali
    Теl. +7 7172 74-97-95
    E-mail: d.toleugali @aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, entrance 4