Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    3 741.6 billion
    In January-April 2024, the volume of investments in fixed capital amounted to 3741.6 billion tenge, which is 5.3% less than in January-April 2023 (at comparable prices)

    Decrease in the IPV of investments in fixed capital was observed in Akmola – by 38.4%, Atyrau - by 34.5%, Abay regions – by 19.9%, Mangystau - by 16.2%, Kostanay - by 13.8%, Aktobe– by 5.7% and Batys Kazakhstan by 4.3% regions.

    At the same time, the increase in the IPV of investments in fixed capital is observed in Soltustik Kazakhstan – by 34.7%, Kyzylorda – by 30%, Zhetisu regions – by 27%, Turkistan – by 24.6%, Zhambyl - by 23.1% and in Astana city – by 20.3% regions.

    Dynamics of investment in fixed capital

    The significant share of investments falls on Atyrau region (16.6%).

    Indices of the physical volume of investment in fixed capital
    April 2024 to January-April 2024 by january-april 2023
    march 2024 april 2023
    Republic of Kazakhstan 91.9 83.2 94.7
    Abay 82.9 104.3 80.1
    Akmola 73.0 54.4 61.6
    Aktobe 107.4 107.4 94.3
    Almaty 93.9 81.0 107.8
    Atyrau 109.1 53.0 65.5
    Batys Kazakhstan 112.8 68.8 95.7
    Zhambyl 51.2 118.5 123.1
    Zhetisu 128.3 103.8 127.0
    Karagandy 49.5 94.7 113.6
    Kostanay 69.1 48.6 86.2
    Kyzylorda 73.5 118.2 130.0
    Mangystau 95.3 70.3 83.8
    Pavlodar 64.7 121.5 119.2
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 33.3 89.0 134.7
    Turkistan 80.7 109.3 124.6
    Ulytau 168.5 144.4 113.1
    Shygys Kazakhstan 140.0 177.6 107.6
    Astana city 117.5 97.1 120.3
    Almaty city 120.6 90.7 104.8
    Shymkent city 116.8 90.6 103.5

    About half of the national volume of capital investments is carried out by large and medium-sized enterprises.

    Investments in fixed capital by enterprise dimension
    Thousand tenge
    Mastered investments in fixed capital Including
    small businesses medium -sized enterprises large enterprises
    January-April 2023 3 816 788 356 1 801 800 223 233 517 713 1 781 470 420
    January-April 2024 3 741 556 902 1 984 428 982 302 601 986 1 454 525 934

    60.8% of the total costs are for construction and major repairs of buildings and structures, more than 30% of the total amount is for the purchase of machinery, equipment and vehicles.

    The predominant sources of investment financing remain the own funds of economic entities, the volume of which in January-April 2024 amounted to 2855.6 billion tenge or 76.3% of the total.

    Budget funds accounted for 10.0% of the total investment in fixed capital, while compared with January-April 2023 decreased by 14.6%.

    For the banking sector, the financing of the real sector of the economy in the total volume of investments in fixed capital takes 3.5%.

    Investments in fixed capital by source of financing
    January-April 2024 For reference: as a percentage of the total
    thousand tenge as a percentage of the total january-april 2023
    Investments in fixed capital 3 741 556 902 100.0 100.0
    including at the expense of funds:
    state budget 373 185 835 10.0 11.1
    Ownfunds 2 855 555 377 76.3 80.3
    Bankloans 132 649 676 3.5 1.7
    of them:
    loans from foreign banks 18 267 505 0.5 0.0
    other borrowed funds 380 166 014 10.2 6.9
    of them:
    borrowed funds of non-residents 95 669 818 2.6 2.0

    A main share of investments in fixed capital in January-April 2024 accounted for industry (46.1%) (includ-ing mining and quarrying – 27.7%, manufacturing industry – 10.8%), operations with real estate (21.3%), transport and warehousing (14.6%) and agriculture, forestry and fisheries (3.8%).

    Investments in fixed capital by areas of use
    Investments in fixed capital,
    thousand tenge
    in % by January-April 2023 Share in the total volume of investments, as a percentage
    Total 3 741 556 902 94.7 100.0
    Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 143 286 141 68.9 3.8
    Industry 1 725 658 405 84.3 46.1
    Mining and quarrying 1 037 068 892 71.0 27.7
    Manufacturing industry 403 164 090 119.9 10.8
    Supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning 208 975 121 132.9 5.6
    Water supply; collection, treatment and disposal of waste, activities for the elimination of pollution 76 450 289 79.6 2.0
    Construction 47 982 705 163.3 1.3
    Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair 94 821 658 89.1 2.5
    Transport and warehousing 545 048 321 150.9 14.6
    Provision of accommodation and food services 38 925 944 105.9 1.0
    Information and communication 58 890 772 187.3 1.6
    Financial and insurance activities 40 305 748 142.4 1.1
    Operations with real estate 798 498 747 93.8 21.3
    Professional, scientific and technical activities 21 545 269 71.4 0.6
    Administrative and support services activities 29 031 783 102.4 0.8
    Public administration and defense; compulsory social security 16 777 105 48.6 0.4
    Education 66 725 637 82.0 1.8
    Healthcare and social services for the population 69 576 710 89.3 1.9
    Arts, entertainment and recreation 41 186 822 110.0 1.1
    Provision of other types of services 3 295 108 49.9 0.1

    Investments in fixed capital - investments in order for investors to obtain an economic, social or environmental ef-fect in the case of new construction, as well as expansion, reconstruction and modernization of facilities (which lead to an increase in the initial cost of the facility), the purchase of machinery, equipment, vehicles, for the formation of the main herd, perennial plantings, etc.

    The costs of construction and installation works and capital repairs include the costs of a complex of works on the construction of buildings and structures, expansion, reconstruction, installation of energy, technological and other equip-ment, as well as the costs of capital repairs of non-residential, residential buildings and structures.

    The cost of purchasing machinery and equipment - an element of the technological structure of investments, in-cluding the cost of purchasing machinery, vehicles, equipment.

    Other costs in the volume of investments in fixed capital – the costs of design and survey work, supervision, maintenance of directorates of objects under construction, the costs of cultivated biological costs, as well as the costs of objects created or acquired by organizations used in economic activity for more than one year, having a monetary valua-tion, having the ability to alienate and generating income, but which are not material values.

    The index of the physical volume of investments in fixed capital characterizes the change in investment invest-ments in dynamics, is determined by the ratio of the volume of investments in fixed capital in the reporting and compared period at comparable prices

    Methodological explanations

    Statistical information on investments in fixed capital is formed on the basis of primary statistical data of national statistical observations of economic entities engaged in investment activities (regardless of the number of employees and type of economic activity) and national statistical observations on the commissioning of facilities by individual developers.

    Accounting of investment investments is provided at the place of actual implementation, regardless of the place of registration of the economic entity engaged in investment activities.

    Operational data on investments in fixed capital, formed on a monthly basis, are updated with annual data.

    By types of economic activity, data on investments in fixed capital are formed according to the direction of use (depends on the nature of the direction of investment (end use) and by the type of economic activity of the investor.

    More detailed methodological explanations are available at the following link:

    Methodology for the formation of indicators of investment activity statistics

    Release responsible:
    Department of Production and Environment statistics
    Department Director:
    Tel: +7 7172 749056
    Tel. +7 7172 749317
    E-mail: Zh.Zhetpisbayeva@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, Entrance 4