Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    In Kazakhstan in 2023, the Industrial Production Index (hereinafter referred to as IIP) amounted to 104.4%.

    Production growth is observed in the mining industry and quarrying by 4.9%, manufacturing industry – by 4%, electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air-conditioned supply – by 5.4%, water supply; waste collection, processing and disposal, pollution control activities - by 1.1%.

    Significant growth among the regions was noted in Akmola, Atyrau, Soltustik Kazakhstan regions and Almaty city.

    Main indicators of industry performance in the reporting period

    In 2023, industrial products were produced in the amount of 46992 billion tenge, of which in the mining industry - by 21925 billion tenge (46.7% of the total volume), in the manufacturing industry - by 22047 billion tenge (46.9%).

    The volume of products in general for the industry
    Product volume, million tenge Industrial Production Index, 2023 in % for 2022
    Republic of Kazakhstan 46 991 787 104,4
    Abay 1 597 076 104,3
    Akmola 1 793 149 111,9
    Аktobе 2 544 950 95,2
    Аlmaty 1 753 148 106,9
    Аtyrau 10 815 028 111,2
    Batys Kazakhstan 3 527 139 106,7
    Zhambyl 856 257 100,3
    Zhetisu 325 227 105,3
    Кaragandy 3 531 681 97,9
    Коstanay 2 670 334 105,7
    Кyzylorda 1 043 543 104,5
    Мangystau 3 065 797 99,0
    Pavlodar 3 157 697 100,7
    Soltustik Кazakhstan 674 862 114,4
    Turkistan 1 054 754 103,0
    Ulytau 1 141 373 98,3
    Shygys Kazakhstan 2 319 999 100,7
    Astana city 1 933 017 102,0
    Almaty city 2 096 034 110,1
    Shymkent city 1 090 721 102,9

    In the mining industry and quarrying in 2023 the IIP amounted to 104.9%, due to the growth in the production of crude oil (106.8%), natural gas (102.8%) and other minerals (110.3%).

    In the manufacturing industry in 2023 the IIP amounted to 104%. The growth was recorded in the production of light industry (112.2%), rubber and plastic products (110.5%), other non-metallic mineral products (107.4%), finished metal products (112.1%), mechanical engineering (128.2%).

    In the supply of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and conditioned air the IIP amounted to 105.4% due to an increase in the production, transmission and distribution of electricity by 5.6%, рroduction and distribution of gas fuel - by 5.9%.

    In water supply, collection, treatment and disposal of waste, activities to eliminate pollution in 2023 the IPP was 101.1%. Volumes of collection, processing and distribution of water – 9%, collection, treatment of waste water – by 4.3%, pollution clean-up activities and other waste disposal services by 7.8%.

    An increase in production volumes was recorded in 16 regions of the Republic, a decrease was recorded in Aktobe, Karagandy, Ulytau, Mangystau regions.


    The volume of industrial production in value terms is the cost of all finished products (products) produced by the enterprise, semi-finished products of its production (both from its own raw materials and materials, and from raw materials and materials of the customer), intended for sale to the side, its capital construction and its non-industrial divisions, issuing to its employees on account of wages, as well as works and services of an industrial nature, performed on orders.

    The volume of industrial production in physical terms is the output of specific types of products in physical terms. The volume of industrial production in physical terms is taken into account in terms of gross output, including products spent on industrial and production needs within a given enterprise and produced from raw materials supplied by the customer.

    The index of industrial production is a relative indicator that characterizes the change in the volume of industrial production in the periods being compared.

    Methodological notes

    The information base for the formation of indicators of industrial products (goods, services) is the primary data of nationwide statistical observations of industrial enterprises, enterprises with a secondary activity of "Industry", individual entrepreneurs, peasant or farm enterprises.

    To calculate the index of industrial production, a method is used based on the dynamics of physical indicators for an established set (basket) of representative goods, followed by a step-by-step aggregation of individual (commodity) indices into indices by types of economic activity. Indices for large populations are calculated as a weighted average of the constituent elements of these populations.

    More detailed methodological explanations are available at the following links:

    Release responsible:
    Department of Statistics production and environment
    Department Director:
    A. Isabekova
    Tel. +7 7172 749056
    S. Tileubergen
    Tel. +7 7172 749309
    E - mail : sy.tileubergen@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana city
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, Entrance 4