Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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Ecological indicators of environmental monitoring and assessment
Ecological indicators of environmental monitoring and assessment
A. Air pollution and ozone depletion
B. Climate change
C. Water
D. Biodiversity
E. Land and soil
F. Agriculture
G. Energy
H. Transport
I. Waste
J. Environmental financing
A. Air pollution and ozone depletion
1. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air
2. Ambient air quality in urban areas
3. Consumption of ozone-depleting substances
B. Climate change
1. Air temperature
2. Atmospheric precipitation
3. Greenhouse gas emissions
C. Water
1. Renewable freshwater resources
2. Freshwater abstraction
3. Total water use
4. Household water use per capita
5. Water supply industry and population connected to water supply industry
6. Water losses
7. Reuse and recycling of freshwater
8. Drinking water quality
9. BOD and concentration of ammonium in rivers
10. Nutrients in freshwater
11. Nutrients in coastal seawaters
12. Concentrations of pollutants in coastal seawater and sediments (except nutrients)
13. Population connected to wastewater treatment
14. Wastewater treatment facilities
15. Polluted (non-treated) wastewaters
D. Biodiversity
1. Protected areas
2. Biosphere reserves and wetlands
3. Forest and other wooded land
4. Threatened and protected species
5. Trends in the number and distribution of selected species
E. Land and soil
1. Land uptake
2. Area affected by soil erosion
F. Agriculture
1. Application of mineral and organic fertilizers
2. Concentration of nutrients in agricultural lands
3. Pesticide consumption
G. Energy
1. Final energy consumption
2. Total primary energy supply
3. Energy intensity
4. Renewable energy consumption
5. Final electricity consumption
6. Gross electricity production
H. Transport
1. Passenger transport demand
2. Freight transport demand
3. Composition of road motor vehicle fleet by fuel type
4. Average age of road motor vehicle fleet
I. Waste
1. Waste generation
2. Management of hazardous waste
3. Waste reuse and recycling
4. Final waste disposal
J. Environmental financing
1. Total environmental protection costs