The Republic of Kazakhstan
National accounts
Nakipbekov Aset Erikovich
Department Director
Department of National Accounts
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mangilik El avenue 8, entrance 4, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000
8 (7172) 74 97 17
coverage, frequency and timeliness
As part of the technical assistance, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under the component
“Compilation of quarterly national accounts” BNS ASPIR RK introduced experimental quarterly
national accounts (QNA) by three methods of GDP (production, income, final consumption) from
2010 to 2024 in 2010 prices. GDP by the final consumption method includes a statistical
discrepancy, which is the difference between GDP calculated by the production method and the
final consumption method.
Quarterly national accounts are compiled for individual quarters and are in full compliance
with annual data. QNA is based on the requirements of the international standard "System of
National Accounts - 2008" and the "Guide to Quarterly National Accounts" of the International
Monetary Fund.
The software used for benchmarking (XLPBM) was developed by the IMF Statistics Department.
XLPBM is an additional resource to Microsoft Excel, designed to link quarterly series with
reference annual series using the proportional Denton method and the proportional Cholette-Dagum
method. It also allows you to implement an extended solution to the Denton method. GDP by the
production method is calculated at the level of five institutional sectors of the economy and is
produced for all types of economic activity.
The sources of formation are national statistical observations, administrative and
departmental data of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Bank
of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National statistical observations for large and medium-sized
enterprises are carried out using the continuous method, for small enterprises - using the
sample method.
GDP by the final use method is published broken down by main categories of expenditure:
Final consumption expenditure:
- households;
- government bodies (for individual goods and services, for collective services);
- non-profit organizations serving households;
- Gross accumulation;
- Net exports (exports of goods and services, imports of goods and services).
Quarterly data:
GDP by production and income methods on the 90th day after the reporting period;
GDP by final expenditure method on the 105th day after the reporting period.
Annual Data:
GDP by production method according to preliminary data on the 115th day, according to revised
data on the 210th day, according to final data on the 349th day after the reporting period.
GDP by final expenditure method according to preliminary data on the 120th day, according to
final data on the 349th day after the reporting period.
Data release dates for the year are published on the official website of the Bureau for National Statistics
GDP data is distributed to all users simultaneously through the official website of the Bureau of National Statistics
The Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the
Republic of Kazakhstan is the authorized body in the field of state statistics and in its
activities is guided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" dated March
19, 2010 No. 257.
Article 7 defines tasks in the field of state statistics:
- formation of statistical methodology;
- implementation of statistical activities in compliance with the principles of state
- meeting the needs of society, the state and the international community in official
statistical information.
Article 8 provides guarantees of confidentiality and protection of submitted data.
Confidentiality of primary statistical data by state statistical bodies is ensured during their
collection, processing and storage.
Article 26 provides users with equal rights to simultaneous access to high-quality official
statistical information and statistical methodology by posting them on the Internet resource of
state statistics bodies.
Data prior to publication is not available.
The data is published without comments from the ministries.
The first publication is preliminary, users are informed about this in press releases and
express information.
The statistical work plan contains the release date of operational, preliminary, report and
final data.
In the event of a change in methodology, data sources, relevant explanations are given in
the publications.
The methodology for calculating national accounts is posted on the official website of the Bureau of National Statistics
Отчеты по качеству of the calculation of national accounts are posted on the official website of the Bureau of National Statistics.
National accounts data are consistent with balance of payments data, government finance
statistics, and sectoral statistics.
Detailed GDP and GRP data are available on the official website of the Bureau of National
Web publication:
"Gross domestic product by production method" in kazakh, russian and english languages.
"Gross domestic product final consumption method" in kazakh, russian and english languages.
"Gross domestic product by income method" in kazakh, russian and english languages.
Press release:
"Gross domestic product by production method" in kazakh, russian and english languages.
Electronic tables:
"National accounts of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in kazakh, russian and english languages.
Dynamic tables in Excel: GDP by three methods, GRP in kazakh, russian and english languages.
Mrs. Shauenova Asel Saukymbekkyzy,
Director of the Department of Production and Environment Statistics
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
010000 Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
Left Bank, Mangilik El Avenue No. 8, "House of Ministries", entrance 4
8 (7172) 74-90-56
8 (7172) 74-95-46
"Results of the work of the industry" in kazakh and russian languages.
"Socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in kazakh and russian languages.
"Results of the work of the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in kazakh and russian languages.
"The main indicators of the work of the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in kazakh and russian languages.
"Industry of Kazakhstan and its regions" in kazakh and russian languages.
"Statistical Yearbook" in Kazakh and Russian, English.
All publications are posted on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Bureau)
The Industrial Production Index (IPI) is calculated using the Laspeyres formula (December 2001 =
100). Data sources are:
monthly report of enterprises on production in value and in kind, with more than 100
quarterly report on production in value and physical terms, with the number of employees less
than 100 (a third of the previous quarterly data is conditionally distributed for each month of
the reporting quarter).
More than 500 types of representative goods are used monthly when calculating IPI. IPI is a
weighted average of the change in the quantity of output produced by industrial enterprises of
any legal form and taking into account individuals involved in the production of industrial
As weights for aggregating primary data, the values of the cost of production for the previous
year are used.
The IPI calculation covers mining and quarrying, manufacturing, power, gas, steam and air
conditioning; water supply, sewerage system, control over the collection and distribution of
The European Classification of Economic Activities (NACE, Rev. 2) is used to classify
Methodology is developed on the basis of international recommendations of the UN Statistical
11-16 days after the reporting month
A data release calendar that satisfies SDDS requirements is announced at least one quarter before the exact data release date. Data release calendar posted on the Bureau website (
The data are presented simultaneously to all interested parties by posting a press release "Results of the work of the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on the Bureau's website (
In accordance with the law "On State Statistics" dated March 19, 2010 No. No. 257-IV, the CC has
professional independence, carries out statistical activities for the collection, processing and
dissemination of official statistical information and has the authority to develop and implement
state policy in the field of state statistics.
Article 8 of the Law "On State Statistics" provides guarantees for the confidentiality and
protection of primary statistical data and their use by state statistical bodies solely for the
purpose of producing statistical information.
Article 27 provides for liability for violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of state statistics, established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Employees of state statistics bodies are responsible for the loss, sale, transfer and other illegal disclosure of primary statistical data.
According to Article 17, respondents are required to provide reliable primary statistical data when conducting statistical observations in accordance with the schedule for the submission of primary statistical data by respondents and with statistical methodology.
According to Article 26, official statistical information is subject to dissemination in
accordance with the schedule for the dissemination of official statistical information in the
volumes provided for by the statistical work plan.
The Law "On State Statistics" and the fundamental principles of official statistics are posted on the Bureau's website (
There is no internal government access to the data prior to release.
No comments from ministries on the occasion of data release are foreseen. The publication of IPI data is accompanied by comments prepared by the Bureau.
At initial publication data are preliminary. Data are reviewed retrospectively throughout the year, subject to additional adjustments made by respondents. The final data on the index are published in June following the reporting year. The public is informed about major changes in methodology when these changes are implemented. Descriptions of methodological changes are included in all statistical publications in which data are published.
A brief description of the methodology on which the compilation of the IPI is based is published
in the Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan and in the statistical compendium "Industry of
Kazakhstan and its regions", as well as in the monthly bulletin "Key indicators of the industry
of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
A more complete description of the methodology for compiling the IPI "Methodology for
calculating the index of industrial production" is available on the Bureau's website
In the monthly magazine "Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, IPIs are published by regions, types of economic activity, data on the volume of
production in value terms, data on the production of the most important types of products in
physical terms in general across the country and across regions.
The monthly publication "Key indicators of the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" contains
the following data:
IPI data broken down into Product Classification categories by activity, by regions of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as by the most important types of products, where data for the
same month of the previous year = 100;
data for the same period of the previous year are given from the beginning of the reporting year
on an accrual basis = 100;
data for the previous month of the reporting year = 100.
The annual publication Industry of Kazakhstan and its Regions provides detailed IPI data by
economic activity; by region; structure of regions and types of economic activity; production in
natural and value terms. Also in dynamics are data on the use of production capacities for the
production of certain types of industrial products.
The annual publication "Statistical Yearbook" contains data on IPI by type of economic activity;
by region; structure of regions and types of economic activity; production in natural and value
The underlined positions mean a hyperlink with access to additional information
Mrs. Dana Kulpybaeva,
Main Expert of the Department of Labor Statistics and Living Standards
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
010000 Kazakhstan, Astana
Mangilik el 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4
8 (7172) 74-93-40
"The situation in the labor market" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"On the situation on the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The main indicators of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The main indicators of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The main indicators of the labor market by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of districts" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The number of informally employed population in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"Statistical indicators for measuring decent work in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"Employment in Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
All publications are posted on the Internet resource of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms
Data are disseminated by absolute labor force, employed, labor force participation rate and
employment rate and others.
Data on employment of the population are obtained on the basis of materials from monthly labor
force surveys conducted in all regions of the republic.
The survey covers all persons aged 15 and over.
The survey is conducted in accordance with the ILO methodology and standards.
The data is not adjusted for seasonal fluctuations.
Quarterly, yearly
40 days after the end of the reporting quarter.
The schedule for the release of data that meets the SDDS requirements, indicating the exact release dates at least one quarter ahead, is posted on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan: (
Data are provided simultaneously to all interested parties by issuing publications and posting statistical data on the Bureau's website: (
Statistical activities are carried out on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" (approved on March 19, 2010 No. 257-IV LRK).
The Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Bureau) is the central executive body of the Republic of Kazakhstan, not part of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which carries out state regulation in the field of statistical activity, as well as, within the limits provided for by law, intersectoral coordination in the field of state statistics in accordance with the Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2004 No. 1460.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Statistics” regulates the collection, compilation and dissemination of official statistics in Kazakhstan and gives the Bureau the authority of an institution responsible for state policy in the field of statistics.
Article 8 of the Law on State Statistics provides for guarantees of confidentiality and protection of submitted data and establishes procedures for preventing the disclosure of individual data.
Respondents are familiar with these legislative provisions. They are aware that data collected through official statistical surveys can be used exclusively for statistical purposes.
Chapter 2 of the Law "On State Statistics" provides for state regulation in the field of state statistics. In accordance with Article 12 of this chapter, the Bureau is authorized to request the information it needs from all public and private institutions, as well as individuals. All respondents to whom requests are sent must provide the requested information in an accurate manner, following the format and deadlines established by the Statistical Work Plan. The law does not prescribe the procedure for handling cases of non-compliance with established requirements. However, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses provides for penalties for non-compliance with reporting requirements, including the submission of false reports.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" and "Basic Principles of Official Statistics" are posted on the Bureau's website.
No government departments outside the Bureau have access to the data until they are released to the public.
The release of the data is not accompanied by any departmental comments. The data released is accompanied by a short commentary prepared by the Bureau.
The published data is final. Estimates of the labor force (employed and unemployed), employees
and their dynamics are published monthly.
Changes in the methodology for the formation of indicators are announced simultaneously with
their publication. All publications contain methodological descriptions of key terms and
indicators and explanations of data revisions.
The annual publication of the statistical compendium "Employment in Kazakhstan", statistical
bulletins and specially published methodological publications contain information on data
sources, definitions, data compilation practices and methodology for calculating indicators.
Brief methodological explanations are included in all publications.
The information on the labor market published by the Bureau allows for cross-comparisons and
provides a guarantee of validity.
The distribution format meets the needs of users.
Underlined positions mean hyperlinks with access to additional information
Mrs. Dana Kulpybaeva,
Main Expert of the Department of Labor Statistics and Living Standards
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
010000 Kazakhstan, Astana
Mangilik el 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4
8 (7172) 74-93-40
"The situation in the labor market" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"On the situation on the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The main indicators of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The main indicators of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The main indicators of the labor market by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of districts" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"The number of informally employed population in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"Statistical indicators for measuring decent work in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"Employment in Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
All publications are posted on the Internet resource of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms
Data are disseminated by the absolute number of unemployed, the share of the unemployed in the
labor force (unemployment rate).
Unemployment data is obtained on the basis of quarterly labor force surveys conducted in all
regions of the republic.
The survey covers all persons aged 15 and over.
The survey is conducted in accordance with the ILO methodology and standards.
The data is not adjusted for seasonal fluctuations.
Quarterly, yearly
40 days after the end of the reporting quarter.
The schedule for the release of data that meets the SDDS requirements, indicating the exact release dates at least one quarter ahead, is posted on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan: (
Data is provided simultaneously to all interested parties by issuing publications and posting statistical data on the Bureau's website: (
Statistical activities are carried out on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" (approved on March 19, 2010 No. 257-IVLRK).
The Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Bureau) is the central executive body of the Republic of Kazakhstan, not part of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which carries out state regulation in the field of statistical activity, as well as, within the limits provided for by law, intersectoral coordination in the field of state statistics in accordance with the Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2004 No. 1460.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Statistics” regulates the collection, compilation and distribution of official statistics in Kazakhstan and gives the Bureau the authority of an institution responsible for state policy in the field of statistics.
Article 8 of the Law on State Statistics provides for guarantees of confidentiality and protection of submitted data and establishes procedures for preventing the disclosure of individual data.
Respondents are familiar with these legislative provisions. They are aware that data collected through official statistical surveys can be used exclusively for statistical purposes.
Chapter 2 of the Law "On State Statistics" provides for state regulation in the field of state statistics. In accordance with Article 12 of this chapter, the Bureau is authorized to request the information it needs from all public and private institutions, as well as individuals. All respondents to whom requests are sent must provide the requested information in an accurate manner, following the format and deadlines established by the Statistical Work Plan. The law does not prescribe the procedure for handling cases of non-compliance with established requirements. However, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses provides for penalties for non-compliance with reporting requirements, including the submission of false reports.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" and "Basic Principles of Official Statistics" are posted on the Bureau's website.
No government departments outside the Bureau have access to the data until they are released to the public.
The release of the data is not accompanied by any departmental comments. The data released is accompanied by a brief commentary prepared by the Bureau.
The published data is final. Estimates of the number of unemployed, the unemployment rate and
their dynamics are published monthly.
Changes in the methodology for the formation of indicators are announced simultaneously with
their publication. All publications contain methodological descriptions of key terms and
indicators and explanations of data revisions.
The annual publication of the statistical compendium "Employment in Kazakhstan", statistical
bulletins and specially published methodological publications contain information on data
sources, definitions, data compilation practices and methodology for calculating indicators.
Brief methodological explanations are included in all publications.
The information on the labor market published by the Bureau allows for cross-comparisons and
provides a guarantee of validity.
The distribution format meets the needs of users.
Underlined positions mean hyperlinks with access to additional information
Mrs. Almagul Sametova,
Main Expert of the Department of Labor Statistics and Living Standards
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
010000 Kazakhstan, Astana
Mangilik el 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4
8 (7172) 74-95-54
"Salary" quarterly in the state, Russian and English languages.
"Salary of employees" quarterly in the state, Russian and English languages.
"Number and wages of employees in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state and Russian languages.
"Basic indicators of labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
"Payment in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the state, Russian and English languages.
All publications are posted on the Internet resource of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms
National Data Summary Page of Kazakhstan (NDSP)
Data on average monthly nominal wages are published in the national currency (tenge), and the
rate of change is indicated in nominal and real terms.
“The wages are the accrued amounts of remuneration in cash and in kind (official salaries
(tariff rates), additional payments, allowances, bonuses and other payments of a stimulating and
compensatory nature), taking into account taxes and other deductions in accordance with the
legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”
The average monthly nominal wage is determined by dividing the amount of the accrued wage fund
by the actual number of employees and by the number of months in the reporting period.
The source of information on average monthly wages are quarterly and annual statistical forms on
labor provided by large, medium and small enterprises that are not engaged in entrepreneurial
The data are provided by regions and types of economic activity in accordance with the General
Classification of Economic Activities (GCTEA).
quarterly, annual
28 days after the end of the reporting period.
A schedule for the release of data that meets the NDSP requirements, with exact dates, is posted on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics:
Data is provided simultaneously to all interested users by issuing publications and posting statistical data on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics.
Statistical activities are carried out on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Statistics" (approved on March 19, 2010 No. 257-IVLRK).
The Bureau of National Statistics (hereinafter - Bureau) is part of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, carries out state regulation in the field of statistical activity.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Statistics” regulates the collection, compilation and distribution of official statistics in Kazakhstan and gives the Bureau the authority of an institution responsible for state policy in the field of statistics.
Article 8 of the Law on State Statistics provides for guarantees of confidentiality and protection of submitted data and establishes procedures for preventing the disclosure of individual data. Respondents are familiar with these legislative provisions. They are aware that data collected through official statistical surveys can be used exclusively for statistical purposes.
Chapter 2 of the Law "On State Statistics" provides for state regulation in the field of state statistics. In accordance with article 12 of this chapter, the Bureau is authorized to request the information it needs from all public and private institutions, as well as individuals. All respondents to whom requests are sent must provide the requested information in an accurate manner, following the format and deadlines established by the Statistical Work Plan.
The law does not prescribe the procedure for handling cases of non-compliance with established requirements. However, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses provides for penalties for non-compliance with reporting requirements, including the submission of false reports.
No government bodies other than the Bureau have access to primary data.
The released statistics are accompanied by a brief commentary by the Bureau.
The published data is final. All publications contain methodological descriptions of the main terms and indicators. All changes are made during the revision of statistical forms on labor and approved by the order of the Head of the Bureau with the registration of the order in the Ministry of Justice.
The methodology for determining (calculating) wage indicators is based on ILO recommendations. The Instructions for Completing the Statistical Form “Report on Labor” of the nationwide statistical observation provide methodological explanations and definitions of indicators. Specially published methodological publications contain information about data sources, definitions, methodology for calculating indicators. Brief methodological explanations are included in all publications.
Wage information published by the Bureau allows for cross-statistical comparisons and provides assurance of validity. The distribution format meets the needs of users.
Underlined positions mean hyperlinks with access to additional information
Mr. Zhakypbekuly Kuanyshbek,
Director of the Price Statistics Department
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
010000 Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
Left Bank, Mangilik El Avenue No. 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4
8 (7172) 74-90-57
8 (7172) 74-92-65
"Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in Kazakh, Russian and English languages (address: 010000 Kazakhstan, Astana, Left Bank, Mangilik El avenue 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4; phone: 7 7172 749502; e-mail: [email protected]).
"Socio and Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan", collections "Regions of Kazakhstan", "Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan" in Kazakh, Russian and English languages (address: 010000 Kazakhstan, Astana , Left Bank, Mangilik El avenue 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4; telephone: 7 7172 749301, e-mail: [email protected]).
“Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan” electronic table “Consumer Price Index and Derived Indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages (address: 010000 Kazakhstan, Astana, Left Bank, avenue Mangilik El 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4; phone: 7 7172 749301, e-mail: [email protected]).
“Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in Kazakh and Russian languages (address: 010000 Kazakhstan, Astana, Left Bank, Mangilik El Avenue 8, House of Ministries, Entrance 4; phone: +7 7172 749301; email: [email protected]).
All publications are posted on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Bureau)
The disseminated data on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are linked in a chain index using the
Laspeyres formula and cover the entire economy.
The weights for calculating the index are based on data from the sample statistical survey
of income and expenditure of resident households (ODRDH) for the previous year. The survey
covers 12,000 households, representing 0.3% of the total population. The Classification of
Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) is used for classifying household final
consumption, which relates to the classification of national expenditures.
Illegal market operations are not included. Estimates take into account production for own
consumption and consumption of market goods.
The CPI includes 508 representative items (goods and services): 160 food items, 243 non-food
items, and 105 paid services. Each representative item or service includes at least 6 varieties
in each locality.
Objects of trade and paid services of all ownership forms, with varying trading conditions
and significant volumes of goods (services), are selected for price observation, considering
their territorial representation.
The CPI covers 17 regional centers, 65 cities of district significance, and regional
centers, as well as Almaty, Shymkent, and the capital of the Republic.
Available 1 day after the reporting period
The data release calendar that satisfies SDDS requirements, is announced at least one quarter before the exact data release date. The data release calendar is posted on the Bureau’s website
Data is provided simultaneously to all interested parties by posting a press release "Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Bureau’s website
In accordance with the law "On State Statistics" dated March 19, 2010 No. 257-IV Bureau has professional independence, carries out statistical activities for the collection, processing and dissemination of official statistical information and has the authority to develop and implement state policy in the field of state statistics.
Article 8 of the Law on State Statistics ensures the confidentiality and protection of primary statistical data and their use by state statistical bodies solely for the purpose of producing statistical information.
Article 27 establishes responsibility for violations of Kazakhstan’s legislation in the field of state statistics, as prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Employees of state statistical bodies are held accountable for the loss, sale, transfer, or other unlawful disclosure of primary statistical data.
According to Article 17, respondents are required to provide accurate primary statistical data during statistical observations in accordance with the schedule for submitting such data and statistical methodology.
Article 26 states that official statistical information is subject to dissemination according to the schedule for distributing official statistical information, as specified in the statistical work plan.
The Law “On State Statistics” is available on the Information and Legal System of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan website, and the fundamental principles of official statistics can be found on the Bureau’s website
There is no provision for government agencies to have internal access to data before its release.
There are no comments from ministries upon data releases. The publication of Consumer Price Index (CPI) data is accompanied by comments prepared by the Bureau.
Data is considered final upon its initial release and is not subject to revision. The public is informed of significant changes in methodology when such changes are implemented. Descriptions of methodology changes are included in all statistical publications where data is published.
A concise description of the methodology used for compiling the CPI is published in the “Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan,” “Regions of Kazakhstan,” monthly bulletin “Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” electronic table “Consumer Price Index and Derived Indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” press release “Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” and booklet “Consumer Price Index: Questions and Answers. A more detailed description of the methodology for constructing the Consumer Price Index is available on the website
The monthly press release “Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan” provides concise summaries
for the entire country, covering key groups and items of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the
previous month and the corresponding month of the previous year.
The monthly bulletin “Inflation in the Republic of Kazakhstan” includes brief data on price
changes for the reporting month compared to the same month of the previous year, categorized by
main sections, groups, classes, and individual commodity items. It also compares prices to the
previous month based on the main components of the CPI.
The monthly electronic table “Consumer Price Index and Derived Indicators in the Republic of
Kazakhstan” presents a wide range of price change data for the country and across regions for
various periods (monthly, quarterly, year-end of the previous year, December 2020, corresponding
month, and the same period of the previous year) this data is categorized by main sections,
groups, classes, and individual commodity items.
The journal “Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan” includes a section on
“Prices,” providing data on price changes for the country and by region, as well as for major
groups of goods and services.
The “Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan” features a section on “Prices,” containing annual data
on price changes based on the main components of the CPI.
“Regions of Kazakhstan” contains annual data on price changes for the country and regions,
categorized by major groups of goods and services.
Underlined positions mean hyperlinks with access to additional information.
Mr. Zhakypbekuly Kuanyshbek,
Director of the Price Statistics Department
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic
of Kazakhstan
010000 Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city
Left Bank, Mangilik El Avenue No. 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4
8 (7172) 74-90-57
"Socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan", collections "Regions of Kazakhstan", "Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan" in Kazakh, Russian and English languages (address: 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, Left Bank, Mangilik El avenue 8, House of Ministries, entrance 4; telephone: +7 7172 749301, email: [email protected]).
“Price indices and producer prices for industrial products in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in Kazakh, Russian and English languages (address: 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, Left bank, Mangilik El avenue 8, House of Ministries, Entrance 4; telephone: +7 7172 749533, email: [email protected]).
All publications are available on the website of the National Statistics Bureau of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Bureau)
The Producer Price Index (PPI) data are disseminated as a chain-linked Laspeyres index and they
cover products from types of economic activities, including: mining, manufacturing, electricity,
water supply, that in general is about 1500 types of products and services.
Territorially, the PPI covers 17 oblasts, the cities of Almaty, Shymkent and Astana. Price
surveys collect base prices on a monthly basis (totaling more than 6000 price quotations) by
activities, by products, and by stage of processing. The selection of producers for each region
is carried out on the basis of the sampling method of observation in accordance with the current
The sampling frame has been steadily expanded to take account of changes in the structure of
production in the economy. The concepts, definitions, and classifications used to compile the
PPI are in broad conformity with the guidelines contained in the Producer Price Index Manual.
The PPI is based on the General Classification of Economic Activities (GCEA), which is
similar to the Standard Classification of Economic Activities of the European Community (NACE),
and the Statistical Classification of Industrial Products (goods, services) (SCIP) developed
from the European Union List of Industrial Products (PRODKOM).
To formulate basket weights is used the value of the industrial output of Kazakhstan’s
enterprises for determined year. The concepts and definitions consistent with those contained in
the PPI Manual are followed to specify the goods and services for which prices are collected on
a regular basis.
Data are not seasonally adjusted.
Available 5 day after the reporting month
The data release calendar that satisfies SDDS requirements, is announced at least one quarter before the exact data release date. The data release calendar is posted on the Bureau’s website
Data are presented simultaneously to all interested parties by posting the spreadsheets “Price indices and producer prices for industrial products in the Republic of Kazakhstan” on the Bureau’s website
In accordance with the law "On State Statistics" dated March 19, 2010 No. 257-IV Bureau has professional independence, carries out statistical activities for the collection, processing and dissemination of official statistical information and has the authority to develop and implement state policy in the field of state statistics.
Article 8 of the Law on State Statistics ensures the confidentiality and protection of primary statistical data and their use by state statistical bodies solely for the purpose of producing statistical information.
Article 27 establishes responsibility for violations of Kazakhstan’s legislation in the field of state statistics, as prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Employees of state statistical bodies are held accountable for the loss, sale, transfer, or other unlawful disclosure of primary statistical data.
According to Article 17, respondents are required to provide accurate primary statistical data during statistical observations in accordance with the schedule for submitting such data and statistical methodology.
Article 26 states that official statistical information is subject to dissemination according to the schedule for distributing official statistical information, as specified in the statistical work plan.
The Law “On State Statistics” is available on the Information and Legal System of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan website, and the fundamental principles of official statistics can be found on the Bureau’s website
There is no provision for government agencies to have internal access to data before its release.
There are no comments from government authorities and agencies on the occasion of data release.
Data is considered final upon its initial release and is not subject to revision. The public is informed of significant changes in methodology when such changes are implemented. Descriptions of methodology changes are included in all statistical publications where data is published.
A brief description of the methodology underlying the compilation of the PPI is published in the “Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan”, “Regions of Kazakhstan”, monthly spreadsheets “Price indices and producer prices for industrial products in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. A more complete description of the PPI methodology “Methodology of construction of industrial producer price index” is available on the Bureau's website
The monthly spreadsheets “Price indices and producer prices for industrial products in the
Republic of Kazakhstan” published data on changes in prices for the Republic and regions for the
month compared to the previous and corresponding month of the previous year, to December of the
previous year, December 2020 and as a cumulative total compared to the corresponding period of
the previous year by economic activity.
The journal "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" includes a section on
"Prices", providing data on change in producer prices for the month and period from the
beginning of the year in the Republic.
The yearbook "Regions of Kazakhstan" publishes data on change in producer prices by republic
and regions (December to December of previous year).
The “Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan” publishes data on annualized change in PPI
(expressed as percentage change compared to December of the previous year) by sectors of
industrial production - mining; manufacturing; electricity supply; water supply, by types of
economic activities.
Underlined positions mean hyperlinks with access to additional information.