Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Fiscal sector
Central government operations
Last update: 20/02/2014

Special Data Distribution Standard

Contact person

Ms Sh. Taigaraeva
Chief expert of the Department of reporting and statistics of the governmental finances
Finances Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
11, Pobeda Avenue

Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
Telephone number: 8 7172 71 73 89
Fax number: 8 7172 71 76 01
Email [email protected]

Distribution formats


Monthly “Statistical bulletin” is publishing in Kazakh and Russian languages Electronic “Statistical bulletin” in electronic variant and data base on the web page http://www.minfin.gov.kz in regard to the operations of the government management sector and detailed historical series publication. Page of consolidated national data of Kazakhstan (CNDK)

Data: coverage, periodicity and expediency

Coverage characteristics

Data on the central government operations (republican budget) is nominated in million tenge. Data involves operations of budget authorities of central government. Since January of 1999 all extra-budgetary funds have been included to the budget of central Government. State governance operations sector data considers foreign fixed grants, and data up to July 1, 2006, which is connected with formation of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Budget revenue in accordance with the fiscal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, transfers of receipts to the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan accounts opened for money accounting of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan operations of central management haven’t been considered since July 1, 2006.
Distributed data contains the following information:
Revenue and expenses, operating balance, net budget crediting with allocation of budget credits and budget credit repayment, balance on operations with financial assets with allocation of acquisition of financial assets and receipts from sale of financial assets and on deficiency (surplus) of the budget and its financing with the indication of external and internal financing with its further breakdown as sectors and resident accessory and as financial instruments.
Along with the absolute sums are specified percent of the made payments.
Data are based on the actual accounting records of the budgetary units and are reflected in a cash basis.
Fiscal year coincides with calendar year.


Monthly, except for detailed breakdown of financing which is formed on a quarterly basis.


Monthly data on operations of the central government (republican budget), without detailed breakdowns of internal and external financing, extend no later than one month after the reporting period. Detailed quarterly data on financing, taking into account external and internal financing with its further breakdown as sectors, resident accessory and as financial instruments, extend no later than one month after the reporting period.

Access to the public

Preliminary dissemination of release calendar data

Calendar of the data publication (is compiled in Russian and Kazakh languages), and consists of the notification about approximate information release date on the web page of Statistics Agency of RK (http://www.stat.kz)

Simultaneous provision of all interested parties

Data is given simultaneously to all interested parties by placing it on the web page of the Ministry of finance of RK. (http://www.minfin.gov.kz)


Distribution of information about conditions, on which the statistics is based, including … confidentiality of individual responses

Compilation and dissemination of data is determined by the terms and conditions of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (December 4, 2008 № 95 -IV). Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Article 4 and art.125) requires dissemination of statistics on the execution of the budget and the national debt and borrowing. The Ministry of Finance is required to generate data and provide statistics of public finances in the prescribed format, at specified intervals, and at the appointed time, to ensure the effectiveness and transparency of budget execution.

The text of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is placed in the Kazakh and Russian languages on the web-site of the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of RK (http://economy.gov.kz/ru/pages/byudzhetnyy-kodeks-respubliki-kazahstan-na-01012018)

Availability of internal access to data before their publication at the government

Governmental officials, not working in the Ministry of finance don’t have access to the data before its publication.

Availability of departmental comments on the occasion of release of statistical data

Minister of finance from time to time comments the important changes in the sphere of tax and budget. In many cases data is given with detailed technical comments. Methodological comments according to the released data are given in the “Statistical bulletin” of the Ministry of finance.

Submission of information on specification of data and preliminary notice on serious changes in the methodology

Data is final at the moment of the initial data publication. Notifications to tables with information about data status, correction of data and essential changes in the methodology are published in the monthly “Statistical bulletin”.

Explanations of the serious changes in the methodology, used for making GFS, published in the “Statistical bulletin” each month, as usual, at the moment of amendments.

In some cases notifications to the changes in the methodology are presented on the web page of the Ministry of finance in the frames of normative legal acts and press-releases.


Documentation distribution about methodology and the sources used in preparation of statistics

Executive Summary about methodology, explanatory notifications, concepts and definitions publishes in the “Statistical bulletin” monthly.

Distribution … which allows to carry out cross statistical inspections and gives a validity guarantee

The latest data are published in the monthly edition "Statistical Bulletin" for the reporting period, data for the last four years, data on quarters for the current and last fiscal years. data on operations of state management sector are published in the following breakdown: 1) the main components described above in the Scope Characteristics; 2) detailed data on receipts, including on income in breakdown on tax and non-tax revenues, receipts from sale of fixed capital, receipt of official transfers, and also repayment of budgetary credits and receipt from sale of financial assets; 3) detailed data on expenses on functional classification, including on expenses, budgetary credits and on acquisition of financial assets; 4) detailed data on expenses on economic and departmental classification; 5) data on financing from the budget on type of sectors and resident accessory; 6) data on financing from the budget on type of financial instruments.

Through the website of the Ministry of Finance http://www.minfin.kz/www.minfin.gov.kz) data is extended similar publishing in the Statistical Bulletin edition. Besides, separately – monthly data on execution state, consolidated, republican and local budgets for previous years.

Note: Underlined positions mean hyper sheaves with an exit to additional information

Operations of general government sector
Last update: 18/08/2014

Special Data Dissemination Standard

Contact person

Mrs. Sh. Taigaraeva
Chief expert of Department of reporting and statistic of public finances Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
11 Pobeda Avenue

Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: 8 7172 71 73 89
Fax: 8 7172 71 76 01
Email [email protected]

Distribution Format


Monthly bulletin:
Monthly "Statistical bulletin" is issued in Kazakh and Russian languages.


"Statistical bulletin" in electronic form and country database on the site in Internet http://www.minfin.gov.kz. Reference the first issue of data on operations of public administration sector and detailed temporary ranks of data. Page of consolidated national data of Kazakhstan (CNDK) Страница сводных национальных данных Казахстана (ССНД)

Data: coverage, periodicity and expediency

Coverage characteristics

Data on operations of the General Government Sector (state budget) is nominated in million tenge. Data includes operations of budgetary bodies of government management, including operations of budgetary bodies of central Government (republican budget), budgetary operations of the regional management bodies of central Government (state budget), budgetary operations of the regional management bodies, cities of republican status, without cancelling operations between them. Data of General Government Sector (state budget) considers foreign fixed grants, and data up to July 1, 2006, which is connected with formation of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Budget revenue in accordance with the fiscal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, transfers of receipts to the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan accounts opened for money accounting of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan operations of central management haven’t been considered since July 1, 2006.

In the information provided to the IMF's government finance statistics according to institutional sector governance table from 1 January 2014 in accordance with the recommendations of the IMF mission on technical assistance in the field of government finance statistics funds of the State Social Insurance Fund will be accounted in the operations of General Government Sector on annual basis for publication in the statistical journal GFS and on a quarterly basis in statistical journals IFS.

Distributed data contains the following information:

Revenue and expenses, operating balance, net budget crediting with allocation of budget credits and budget credit repayment, balance on operations with financial assets with allocation of acquisition of financial assets and receipts from sale of financial assets and on deficiency (surplus) of the budget and its financing with the indication of external and internal financing with its further breakdown as sectors and resident accessory and as financial instruments.

Along with the absolute sums are specified percent of the made payments.

Data are based on the actual accounting records of the budgetary units and are reflected in a cash basis.

Fiscal year coincides with calendar year.


Quarterly for government management operations.
Data on General Government Sector are distributed on a quarterly basis, including taking into account the internal and external financing, with its subsequent classifications by sector, residence, and the type of financial instruments.


Data on General Government Sector indicating the total amount of internal and external funding, with its further classifications by sector, residence, and the type of financial instruments that are subject to at least one month after the reporting period.

Access to public

Preliminary distribution of the data publication calendar

Calendar of the data publication (is compiled in Russian and Kazakh languages), and consists of the notification about approximate information release date on the web page of Statistics Agency of RK (http://www.stat.gov.kz).

Simultaneous data submission to the all interested parties

Data is given simultaneously to all interested parties by placing it on the web page of the Ministry of finance of RK ( http://www.minfin.gov.kz).


Distribution of information about conditions, on which the statistics is based, including … confidentiality of individual responses

Compilation and dissemination of data is determined by the terms and conditions of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (December 4, 2008 № 95 -IV).

The Ministry of Finance is required to generate data and provide statistics of public finances in the prescribed format, at specified intervals, and at the appointed time, to ensure the effectiveness and transparency of budget execution.

The text of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is placed in the Kazakh and Russian languages on the web-site of the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of RK (http://economy.gov.kz/ru/pages/byudzhetnyy-kodeks-respubliki-kazahstan-na-01012018)

Availability of internal access to data before their publication at the government


Governmental officials, not working in the Ministry of finance don’t have access to the data before its publication.


Availability of departmental comments on the occasion of release of statistical data


Minister of finance from time to time comments the important changes in the sphere of tax and budget. In many cases data is given with detailed technical comments. Methodological comments according to the released data are given in the “Statistical bulletin” of the Ministry of finance.

Submission of information on specification of data and preliminary notice on serious changes in the methodology

Data is final at the moment of the initial data publication. Notifications to tables with information about data status, correction of data and essential changes in the methodology are published in the monthly “Statistical bulletin”.

Explanations of the serious changes in the methodology, used for making GFS, published in the “Statistical bulletin” each month, as usual, at the moment of amendments.

In some cases notifications to the changes in the methodology are presented on the web page of the Ministry of finance in the frames of normative legal acts and press-releases.


Documentation distribution about methodology and the sources used in preparation of statistics

The monthly publication "Statistical Bulletin" publishes the latest data for the reporting period, the data for the last four years, quarterly data for the current and previous financial years. Data on general governmental management operations are published as follows: 1) the basic components described above under "Characteristics of coverage", 2) detailed data on income, including income classified by tax and non-tax revenues, revenues from sales of fixed assets, income transfers, as well as repayment of budget loans and proceeds from sale of financial assets, and 3) details of expenditure by functional classification including cost, budget loans and purchases of financial assets, and 4) the details of the expenditure on economic and departmental classification; 5) data on the financing of the budget by sector and residency; 6) information on the financing of the budget for the type of financial instruments. Also apply the consolidated data on the operations of the regional governments and on the operations of each regional management body.

Through the website of the Ministry of Finance (htpp://www.minfin.gov.kz) the data similar to the published edition of " Statistical Bulletin", as well as separately - monthly summary data on the state , consolidated , national and local budgets into specific financial periods in previous years is published.


Underlined positions indicate hyperlinks with access to additional information

State and state guaranteed debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Special Data Dissemination Standard

Contact name

Ms. N. Askarova
Head of the Division of state and state guaranteed debt
Department of State Borrowing
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Zhenis Avenue, 11,
Astana, Kazakhstan
Telephone number: 8 7172 71 71 05
Fax number: 8 7172 71 71 07

Dissemination Formats


Monthly Bulletin:
Monthly "Statistical Bulletin" issued in the Kazakh and Russian languages.


"Statistical Bulletin" in electronic form and the database on the website http://www.minfin.gov.kz

Data: coverage, periodicity and expediency

Coverage characteristics

State and state guaranteed debt, state guarantees debt (Subsidiary liabilities) includes data on state debt (Government of the RK, the National Bank of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies of the RK) and state guaranteed debt, state guarantees debt (Subsidiary liabilities). Data on volume of accumulated outstanding debt and are in U.S. dollars and local currency exchange rates at the end of the reporting period
Data are disseminated in thousands of tenge and in U.S. dollars at the exchange rate as of a defined date (the end of the reporting period).
State debt - the amount received (disbursed) on a certain date and outstanding state loans and debt to a defined date, classified in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the debt of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank of Kazakhstan or Maslikhats decisions on debt of local executive bodies, excluding mutual claims.
State debt is divided into internal and external state debt.
Internal state debt - part of the state debt to the internal state loans and other debt obligations of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan resident lenders. Domestic debt is classified by type of debt instrument (specific types of government securities and other liabilities)
External state debt - part of the state debt by foreign state loans and other debt obligations of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Bank of Kazakhstan to the lenders, non-residents. External debt is classified by creditors.
On a defined date also published volume of state guaranteed debt, which represents the amount of received (disbursed) and outstanding non-state loans secured by government guarantees of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On a defined date also published volume of state guarantees debt (Subsidiary liabilities), which represents the amount of received (disbursed) and outstanding non-state loans secured by government guarantees (Subsidiary liabilities) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
State loan – is a loan terms where the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies speak in lenders.
State guaranteed debt - is a non-state loan secured by a government guarantee.
State guarantees debt (Subsidiary liabilities) – is a non-state debt received under the state guarantee.
The data on state and state guaranteed debt, state guarantees debt are compiled using statements of creditor accounts on drawing of loan funds, creditor confirmations of the receipt of payments for servicing and repayment of loans, and reports of servicing banks (agent banks)
Debt flows (drawing of loans, payments toward repayment and servicing) are recorded in the currency of payment with the date of payment fixed.
Fiscal year coincides with the calendar year.
The data on state and state guaranteed debt, state guarantees debt published in the monthly publication "Statistical Bulletin" are the same data that are presented on the website of the Ministry of Finance.


Quarterly, on a gross basis


Data on state and state guaranteed debt, state guarantees debt distributed no later than one month after the reporting period.

Access to public

Preliminary dissemination of release calendar data

Release calendar data drafted in English and Russian languages, which at the beginning of this year, is given the appropriate notice of the approximate timing of the release of information, and published on the website of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics on the Internet (http://www.stat.kz).

Simultaneous provision of all interested parties

Data is provided simultaneously to all interested parties by placing them on the website of the Ministry of Finance (http://www.minfin.gov.kz).


Distribution of information about conditions, on which the statistics is based, including … confidentiality of individual responses

Compilation and dissemination of data is determined by the terms and conditions of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (December 4, 2008 № 95-IV).
Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (art.204) regulated the dissemination of information about the current condition of state debt of RK, the amount of money paid for the state debt repayment, issued state guarantees and monies paid for the guarantees.
The law "About State Statistics" defines the powers and functions, as well as the relationship of government agencies, including the Ministry of Finance, who are engaged activities related to statistics. The law establishes the basic principles for the collection, processing and dissemination of statistical data for Kazakhstan in the economic, social, demographic and environmental fields.
The text of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is placed in the Kazakh and Russian languages on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of RK (http://www.minplan.kz), and the text of the law "On State Statistics" is available in Kazakh and Russian languages ​​on the website of Agency of Statistics of Republic of Kazakhstan (http://www.stat.kz).

Availability of internal access to data before their publication at the government

Government officials are not working in the Ministry of Finance, have no access to the data prior to publication

Availability of departmental comments on the occasion of release of statistical data

Minister of Finance from time to time gives the comments on significant changes in the fiscal area. In many cases the data are accompanied by detailed technical commentary. Methodological comments on the published data are given in the publication "Statistical Bulletin" of MoF RK.

Submission of information on specification of data and preliminary notice on serious changes in the methodology

Data are final upon initial release. Notes to the tables contain information about the status of the data corrections to the data and of major changes in methodology and are given together with the data in the methodological recommendations of the monthly publication "Statistical Bulletin". Explanations of major changes in the methodology used to compile GFS given in the monthly edition of "Statistical Bulletin", usually at the time changes. Sometimes advance notice about changing methodology is available on the website of the Ministry of Finance on the Internet under the regulations and in press releases.


Documentation distribution about methodology and the sources used in preparation of statistics

Summary information on methodology, explanatory notes, concepts and definitions presented on the website of the Ministry of Finance on the Internet, as well as published in the form of methodological comments in the monthly edition of "Statistical Bulletin"

Distribution … which allows to carry out cross statistical inspections and gives a validity guarantee

In the Monthly Statistical Bulletin published the following data on the debt: 1) broken down into internal and external debt, 2) domestic debt broken down by debt instruments, 3) external debt broken down by creditor and 4) with an indication of the state and state guaranteed debt, state guarantees debt (Subsidiary liabilities).
Through the website of the Ministry of Finance (http://www.minfin.kz) distributed data similar to published in the Statistical Bulletin, and separately, annual data on state and state guaranteed debt, state guarantees debt for the previous years.


Underlined positions indicate hyperlinks with access to additional information