Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
External sector
Balance of payments
Revision date: June 2021

Kazakhstan: Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

SDDS Data Category: Balance of Payments
Contact person

Aigul Kasimova
Balance of Payment Division
Balance of Payment Department
Address: National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBRK)
Z05T8F6, Nur-Sultan, 57 «A» Mangilik Yel ave.,


+7 (7172) 77 55 10

Data: coverage, periodicity and timeliness


The balance of payments is a statistical statement that summarizes transactions between residents and nonresidents during a period.
Data cover all economic transactions between residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and non-residents.
The sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund's “Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual” (BPM6), 2009 is the methodological basis for compiling the balance of payments.
· M0 определяется как наличные деньги за пределами депозитных организаций (банкноты и монеты в национальной валюте, находящиеся в обращении за минусом наличных денег в кассе НБРК и банков второго уровня);
A balance of Payments transaction consists of three accounts such as current account, capital account and financial account.
Current account shows flows of goods, services, primary income, and secondary income between residents and nonresidents.
The capital account includes transactions in non-produced non-financial assets and capital transfers between residents and non-residents.
The financial account reflects the net acquisition of financial assets and the net incurrence of liabilities between residents and non-residents.
The main sources of information for the formation of the balance of payments are:
- statistical reporting data on mutual trade with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and customs statistics data on trade with third countries;
- statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals;
- accounting data of the NBRK, reports of external managers and the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund;
- data provided by the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as other ministries and departments;
- data of the Frontier Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- the National Bank's assessment of individual balance of payments transactions.
The data is generated in US dollars.




On the 90th day after the reporting period


Calendar of data release dates

The calendar of publication of the official statistical information of the NBRK, including on statistics of the external sector, is posted on the website of the National Bank: https://nationalbank.kz/en/page/kalendar-rasprostraneniya-dannyh

The calendar is also available on the website of national statistics: https://stat.gov.kz/inf/standard/calendar

Simultaneous release of information to all interested parties

Payment regime data are posted on the website of the NBRK within the established time frame: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/platezhnyy-balans-vn-sektora and become available simultaneously to all users.


Dissemination of information on the regulatory and legal conditions for the generation of statistical data, including the observance of the confidentiality of information on individual respondents

The collection and dissemination of data on the balance of payments is regulated by:
· Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 1995 No. 2155 “On the NBRK”. According to Article 8 of the Law, the functions of the National Bank include the formation and dissemination of statistical information on the balance of payments, international investment position and external debt of the country.
· Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 29, 1999 No. 71 "On the development of the balance of payments of the Republic of Kazakhstan". According to this resolution, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBRK) is the state body responsible for the formation and publication of the balance of payments, and is empowered to collect statistical information on the balance of payments from all respondents.
· The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 No. 257-IV "On State Statistics".
According to the Law, primary statistical data are confidential and are used by state statistics bodies solely for the production of statistical information. Confidentiality of primary statistical data by state statistics bodies is ensured during their collection, processing and storage.
· The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated July 5, 2014 No. 235-V.
The Code provides for penalties for the loss, sale, transfer or other illegal disclosure of primary statistical data, statistical information and (or) databases that allow the identification of a respondent by an official of the state statistics bodies, a subordinate organization of the department of the authorized body in the field of state statistics.
The Balance of Payments Department of the NBRK is responsible for compiling the balance of payments.

Access (lack of access) of government bodies to information prior to its publication

Government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan do not have access to information until the moment of its official publication.

Government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan do not have access to information until the moment of its official publication.

The data are published without comments from ministries and departments.

Provision of information on data clarification and publication of preliminary notifications of changes in the methodology of published data

Initially published data for the reporting quarter (one month after the reporting period) are considered preliminary. In addition, the tables include notes on when the final balance of payments estimate will be released.
The final data for the reporting quarter is published on the 90th day after the reporting quarter.
When the final data for the reporting quarter is released, the previously published previous quarters are updated in connection with the clarification of the reporting or methodology, the emergence of new sources of information, etc.
The data are revised twice a year: in October and April. Data revision covers two years prior to the reporting year.
Comments on changes and revisions of data, together with updated data, are published in the quarterly publication of the National Bank “Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Major changes in methodology are informed to users from the moment such changes are introduced.


Dissemination of information on the methodology and sources used in the preparation of statistics

The methodological commentary on the information disseminated by the National Bank under the SDDS is available at:
In addition, comments, including information on data sources and methodological principles for assessing individual indicators, are published in the quarterly publication of the NBRK "Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the it is available at:
An analytical presentation of the balance of payments is published quarterly in the National Bank's publication “Statistical Bulletin” can be found by the address below:

Dissemination ofdisaggregated data components, comparison of related indicators, and the ability to cross-check and validate data using different statistical systems

The NBRK disseminates the balance of payments in several presentations with varying degrees of data detail:
- standard components;
- analytical presentation;
- by sectors of the economy;
- absolute and relative parameters of the balance of payments;
- private sector financial transactions.
Furthermore, on a quarterly basis the tables containing detailed components on international trade in goods and services, personal transfers, direct investments according to balance of payments data, net incurrence of obligations according to balance of payments data by geographic and sectorial breakdown publish on the National Bank's website.
The balance of payments indicators are interconnected with the data of official statistics of trade in goods, with the system of national accounts, international investment position and statistics of international reserves:
- foreign trade in goods: the NBRK forms the item "Goods" on the basis of data from official statistics of trade in goods using a system of amendments to official statistics;
- system of National Accounts: Balance of payments data are included in the SNA as Rest of the World accounts. The financial account of the balance of payments is consistent with the SNA financial account (by sector);
- international investment position: items of the financial account of the balance of payments are fully consistent with changes due to transactions in the international investment position;
- international reserves: data on transactions in the statistics of international reserves and balance of payments are in full agreement.
Balance of payments data are published in the official publications of the NBRK “Statistical Bulletin” (monthly), “Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (quarterly) and in the Annual Report of the NBRK.

I. Methodological framework, concepts, definitions and classifications

Methodological framework:

The methodological and conceptual framework for balance of payments statistics is the sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund's “Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual” (BPM6).


The balance of payments of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a statistical report that summarizes economic transactions between residents and non-residents for a certain period of time.
An institutional unit is a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan if the economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the center of its predominant economic interest. An economic operation is the interaction of two institutional units, which is carried out by mutual agreement and is accompanied by the exchange of economic values ​​or a transfer.

Classification system:

Transactions in the balance of payments are grouped into three accounts: current account, capital account, and financial account.

The current account includes:
- goods (export and import);
- services (export and import);
- primary income : wages, investment income, other primary income (receivable and payable);
- secondary income (receivable and payable).

The capital account includes:
- non-produced non-financial assets (acquisition and disposal);;
- capital transfers (receivable and payable).

The financial account records transactions with financial assets and liabilities between residents and non-residents. The standard components of a financial account are classified as follows:
- by functional categories - direct investments, portfolio investments, financial derivatives and stock options for employees, other investments, reserve assets;
- for financial instruments - equity participation instruments and shares of investment funds, debt instruments (cash and deposits, debt securities, loans and borrowings, insurance, pension programs and standard guarantee programs, special drawing rights, trade loans and advances , other requirements/obligations);
- by institutional sector - the central bank, banks, government, other sectors, which are subdivided into two subsectors - other financial institutions and non-financial institutions, households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH);
- by maturity (for debt instruments) - short-term (with an original maturity of one year or less) and long-term (with an original maturity of more than one year).
The value of the current account balance reflects the difference between savings and investments in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The value of the current and capital account balances represents net lending or net borrowing of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to the rest of the world and is conceptually equal to the value of the financial account balance. The difference arising in practice between them is a statistical discrepancy and is reflected in the article “Pure errors and omissions”.

II. Data coverage

Statistical coverage:

Balance of payments statistics cover all economic transactions of all resident institutional units with nonresidents. Branches of foreign companies established on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are classified as residents. International organizations located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of the duration of their activities, are classified as non-residents.

Geographical coverage:

The economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan coincides with its geographical territory within the state border, with the exception of embassies, consulates and other official bodies of foreign states, which are considered extraterritorial in relation to the economy of Kazakhstan. Embassies, consulates, military bases and other official bodies of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad belong to the economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

III. Accounting principles


Balance of payments transactions are valued at market prices. Exports and imports of goods are quoted at FOB prices; Monetary gold is accounted for using the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) morning fix of the previous reporting date.
Balance of payments data is generated in US dollars. Transactions carried out in other currencies are translated into US dollars at the exchange rate established at the date of these transactions. In the absence of information on the dates of transactionsthe average quarterly exchange rate is applied.

Basis of accounting:

In the balance of payments statistics, transactions are recorded on an accrual basis. This means that flows are reflected at the time of creation, transformation, exchange, transfer or liquidation of economic value.
The current account and the capital account record transactions on a gross basis. Exports of goods and services, primary and secondary income receivable, capital transfers receivable and disposal of non-produced non-financial assets are recorded as credit, imports of goods and services, primary and secondary income payable, capital transfers payable and purchases of non-produced non-financial assets are recorded as debit.

In the financial account, transactions in assets and liabilities are accounted for on a net basis with all debit entries balanced against credit entries for the same type of asset or for the same type of liability.

IV. Main sources of information


Data of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan on mutual trade with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, data of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan on customs statistics with third countries, own calculations of the National Bank of Kazakhstan on unaccounted foreign trade transactions of individuals ("shuttle" trade) and the conversion of imports in CIF prices to imports in FOB prices , as well as other transactions using the balance of payments methodology (goods in ports, goods for processing, other amendments).


The sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, and own estimates of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

Primary income:

The sources of information for the article "Compensation of Employees" arestatistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial institutions,including branches of foreign companies and government bodies,and the National Bank of Kazakhstan’s own estimates.

The sources of information for the article "Investment income" are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals. Data on the income of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and the National Fund are formed on the basis of internal information of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, reports of external managers and the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund.

Secondary income:

The Sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, own estimates of the National Bank of Kazakhstan (personal transfers).

Capital account:

Sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, information from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Direct investments:

Sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, financial statements of individual organizations.

Portfolio Investments:

These statistical reportsprovided by professional securities market participants (brokers, dealers, management organizations of investment portfolios, nominal holders and the registrars of securities), banks and a single accumulative pension fund. The data on the operations of the National Fund are compiled from the report of the global custodian.

Derivative financial instruments and stock options for employees:

The data source are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, accounting data of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, reports of external managers and reports of the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund.

Other investments:

The sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, financial statements of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and reports of the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund, estimates of the National Bank Kazakhstan (on transactions of individuals)

Reserve assets:

Data of the financial statements of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and reports of external managers.

V. Practical features of data development


Major adjustments to the official data are made to ensure better coverage. This adjustment covers unorganized (not accounted for by official statistics) transactions between residents and non-residents without crossing the border of Kazakhstan , goods for processing, goods in ports and foreign trade transactions of individuals ("shuttle" trade). The shuttle trade estimates are based on the number of shuttle traders and the average value of the goods they import and export. The number of shuttles is estimated based on data from the border services of Kazakhstan. The average cost of goods transported by shuttle traders is determined on the basis of special surveys and other sources of information. Another significant adjustment is for the conversion of import values ​​from CIF prices to FOB prices using the valuation coefficients of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.


Credit and debit transactions for freight transport (freight) are estimated based on merchandise trade statistics, adjusted for CIF-FOB import values, and costs estimated based on specific surveys and regulations. Credit and debit travel entries are valued based on the number of individuals crossing the Kazakhstan border, average length of stay, and average cost per trip. The initial information on the number of crossing the border Individuals are the data of the Border Service of Kazakhstan National Security Committee. Average expenditure by purpose of travel is estimated based on specific surveys and standards.
The information of banks and the National Bank on payments (transfers) of clients are also used.

Primary income:

Compensation data for non-resident workers are compiled from business surveys, compensation data for resident employees of international organizations and foreign diplomatic missions is estimated based on the average wages.
Direct investment income is compiled by comparison with the financial statements of the respondents. Banks' information on payments (transfers) of clients is also used.
Portfolio investment income is calculated by the National Bank of Kazakhstan based on information from prospectuses, exchange information, statistical data of professional participants in the securities market. Government revenues include the investment income of the National Fund.

Secondary income:

Personal transfers are compiled on the basis of statistics on payments and transfers, generated by codes of purpose of payments. The data includes all received and / or sent transfers of individuals, taking into account the assessment of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, which determines the share of the volume of gratuitous transfers of individuals in the total volume of personal transfers classified by senders as gratuitous.

Direct investments:

For a more complete accounting of direct investments in other sectors of the economy related to equity participation and reinvested income, the National Bank analyzes the financial statements of companies, analytical portals and mass transactions on large transactions and the market value of direct investments. Banks' information on payments (transfers) of clients is also used. According to the results obtained, the reporting data can be adjusted.

Other investments:

Valuation of transactions of individuals with foreign currency in cash. Banks' information on payments (transfers) of clients is also used.

VI. Other aspects

Seasonal adjustment:

not applicable.

Additional information:

- International trade in goods of the Republic of Kazakhstan (foreign trade turnover, structure of exports and imports, exports of certain goods, geographic structure);
- International trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan in services (extended classification, geographical structure, by regions of Kazakhstan);
- Personal transfers (gratuitous money transfers of individuals);
- Direct investments according to the data of the balance of payments of the Republic of Kazakhstan (geographic and sectorial profile);
- Net acceptance of obligations according to the data of the balance of payments of the Republic of Kazakhstan (geographic and sectorial profile);


The quarterly publication of reporting data is accompanied by an analytical commentary in the publication Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
Revision date: June 2021

Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

SDDS Data Category:

International reserves and foreign currency liquidity

Contact person

Aigul Kasimova
Balance of Payment Division
Balance of Payment Department
Address: National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBRK)
Z05T8F6, Nur-Sultan, 57 «A» Mangilik Yel ave.,


+7 (7172) 77 55 10

Data: coverage, periodicity and timeliness

Coverage characteristics

Data on international reserves and estimates of forthcoming changes in international reserves and foreign currency liquidity of the monetary authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan are published in the equivalent of US dollar.
International reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan include:
- external financial assets:
- reserve assets in foreign currency,
- special drawing rights (SDR),
- reserve position in the IMF,
- other reserve assets (derivative financial instruments and other receivables).
- monetary gold.
The form "International reserves and liquidity in foreign currency" includes the following sections:
-international reserve assets and other assets in foreign currency,
- foreseen short-term net drafts of foreign currency assets,
- conditional short-term net drafts of assets in foreign currency,
- help articles.
Conversion into US dollars is based on the official foreign exchange rates against the Kazakhstani KZT as at the reporting date and gold quotes using the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) morning fixing of the previous reporting date. Conversion of SDRs into US dollars is carried out at the rate set by the IMF. Securities are recorded at market prices.
The methodological basis for generating data is the sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund's “Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual” (BPM6) and “International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity. Guidelines for a Data Template” (2013).
The financial statements of the NBRK, reports of external managers and data of state bodies are the sources of information for the formation of the form for presenting data on international reserves and liquidity in foreign currency.




Data on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity in standard format are published within a month after the reporting period.

Public availability

Calendar of data release dates

The calendar of publication of the official statistical information of the National Bank, including on statistics of the external sector, is posted on the website of the National Bank: https://nationalbank.kz/en/page/kalendar-rasprostraneniya-dannyh. The calendar is also available on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics: https://stat.gov.kz/inf/standard/calendar.

Simultaneous release of information to all interested parties

Data on international reserves and liquidity in foreign currency are posted on the website of the National Bank in due time: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/rezervy-v-inostrannoy-valyute and become available simultaneously to all users.


Dissemination of information on the regulatory and legal conditions for the generation of statistical data, including the observance of the confidentiality of information on individual respondents

The collection and dissemination of data on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity is regulated by:
· Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 1995 No. 2155 “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. According to Article 8 of the Law, the functions of the National Bank include the formation and dissemination of statistical information on the balance of payments, international investment position and external debt of the country.
· Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 29, 1999 No. 71 "On the development of the balance of payments of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
According to this decree, the NBRK is the state body responsible for the formation and publication of the balance of payments, and is empowered to collect statistical information on the balance of payments from all respondents.
The Department of Balance of Payments of the NBRK is responsible for the formation of the report on international reserves and liquidity in foreign currency.

Access (lack of access) of government bodies to information prior to its publication

Government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan do not have access to information until the moment of its official publication.

Availability of comments from ministries in the release of statistical data

The data are published without comments from ministries and departments.

Provision of information on data clarification and publication of preliminary notifications of changes in the methodology of published data

Data on international reserves are released as part of the publication of the next reports on the balance of payments and international investment position.


Dissemination of information on the methodology and sources used in the preparation of statistics

The methodological commentary on the information disseminated by the NBRK under the SDDS is available at: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/metodologicheskiy-kommentariy/7350.

Dissemination of disaggregated data components, comparison of related indicators, and the ability to cross-check and validate data using different statistical systems

International reserves are linked to international investment position statistics and monetary statistics.
Data on international reserves are published in the official publications of the NBRK “Statistical Bulletin” (monthly, in millions of KZT), “Balance of payments and external debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (quarterly, in millions of US dollars) and in the Annual Report of the NBRK.

I. Methodological framework, concepts, definitions and classifications


The concept of reserve assets is based on the concepts of “control” and “availability for use” by the monetary authorities. Reserve assets are highly liquid foreign currency assets that actually exist. Potential assets are excluded.


International reserves are external assets that are freely available and controlled by the National Bank in order to meet balance of payments financing needs, to intervene in foreign exchange markets to influence the exchange rate and other relevant purposes (such as maintaining confidence in the national currency and economy, as well as a basis for foreign borrowing).


International reserves include the following assets:
- Reserve assets in foreign currency:
- cash foreign currency,
- balances of funds on correspondent accounts;
- deposits with foreign central banks, with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and with foreign banks,
- debt securities issued by non-residents,
- other financial claims on non-residents
- Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are international reserve assets issued by the International Monetary Fund and held on the account of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Fund's SDR Department;
- The reserve position in the IMF is the sum of the position on the reserve tranche (the currency component of the Republic of Kazakhstan's quota in the fund) and the country's requirements for the fund under borrowing agreements;
- Other reserve assets - includes derivative financial instruments and other receivables;
- Monetary gold is defined as standard gold bars and coins belonging to the National Bank, made of gold with a fineness of metal not lower than 995/1000, as well as impersonal gold accounts abroad.
The assessment of upcoming changes in international reserves and foreign currency liquidity of the monetary authorities includes 4 sections:
The first section provides information on the composition of international reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan and provides data on non- reserve assets of the National Bank in foreign currency;
The second section describes the main directions of spending foreign currency, including payments on external debt and sources of its replenishment;
The third section contains information on the upcoming changes in the next 12 months in the currency reserves of the National Bank in connection with the fulfillment of contingent assets and liabilities;
The fourth section provides background information to clarify the accounting for individual items in the first section.

Compliance with international guidelines:

The methodological framework for data generation is the sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund's “Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual” (BPM6) and “International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity. Guidelines for a Data Template”(2013).

II. Data coverage

Institutional coverage:

International reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan include only those assets that are effectively controlled (can be used at any time) by the National Bank. The assets of the national fund are assets of the public sector transferred to the management of the National Bank. Therefore, claims associated with investing in national reserves are not included in international reserves.

Coverage of instruments:

All reserve assets in the form of correspondent and deposit accounts with foreign banks, highly liquid and tradable in the securities market, short-term loans, liquid assets in the form of repo, monetary gold, special drawing rights, and reserve position in the IMF. Claims in foreign currency related to financial derivative instruments are also included in the international reserves of the country.

III. Accounting principles


International reserves are valued based on the balance sheet of claims on nonresidents. In accepted accounting practice, the value of assets is recorded at market prices. Monetary gold in the vaults of the National Bank is valued daily using the morning fixing of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) of the previous day.

Exchange rates:

Reserve assets are converted into US dollars at the exchange rate equivalent to the exchange rates of international markets on the relevant day.

Frequency of calculation and revaluation:

International reserves data are calculated and compiled on a daily basis. Revaluation of securities under the National Bank's own management is carried out daily, and revaluation of securities under external management is carried out monthly.

IV. Main sources of information

Sources of data: balance sheet and other internal reports of the National Bank, reports of external managers and data of state bodies.

V. Practical features of data development

Statistical adjustments:


VI. Other aspects

Other problems:


Another way to calculate reserves:


Foreign trade
Revision date: June 2021
Contact person

Ms. Karaulova Gulmira Sailaubekovna,
Director of the Department of Statistics of Services and Energy.
Department of Services and Energy Statistics
Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Development and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
010000 Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
Left Bank of the Ishim River, Mangilik el Avenue 8, House of Ministries, 4 entrance


7 (7172) 749060;

Formats of distribution


Statistical collection "Foreign trade of Republic of Kazakhstan" on official and Russian languages.
Monthly statistical bulletin "Foreign trade and mutual trade in goods with the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the state and Russian languages.
Phone: 7 (7172)749295, fax: 7 (7172) 749546 or email: [email protected]

All publications are placed on the web-site of Bureau of National Statistics: http://www.stat.gov.kz
Page of summary national data of Kazakhstan (DSBB)

Scope, periodicity and timeliness

Features of scope

Data spread in the thousand dollars of the USA Source: from data of statistics of mutual trade of national statistical supervision of 1-ТС(monthly) form of Bureau of National Statistics on statistics and from data of statistics of foreign trade on the basis of declarations on the commodities of Committee of State Revenue of Ministry of finance of РК


Monthly, annually


On 45 day after a period covered

Access for public

Preliminary distribution calendar of publications

The calendar of distribution of data, that informs of exact dates of publication on forthcoming twelve months, takes place on a web-site АРКС (http://www.stat.gov.kz).

Simultaneous publication for all taking interest parties

Data are given simultaneously to all parties concerned by the publication of monthly magazine "Socio-economic development of Republic of Kazakhstan" and др.публикаций on a web-site BNS (http://www.stat.gov.kz).


Distribution of information about terms and terms of preparation of official statistics, including confidentiality of these individual respondents

Under the law "On state statistics" from March, 19 of 2010г. №257 - IV АРКС possesses professional independence, carries out statistical activity on collection, treatment and distribution of official statistical information and has plenary powers in development and realization of public policy in area of state statistics.
Article 8 law "On state statistics" provides the guarantees of confidentiality and protection of basic statistical data and their use the organs of state statistics exceptionally for the production of statistical information.
Article 27 envisages responsibility for violation of legislation of Republic of Kazakhstan in area of state statistics, set by the laws of Republic of Kazakhstan. The workers of state statistics bear responsibility for loss, illegal disclosure of basic statistical data.
In obedience to the article 17 respondents there are under an obligation to present reliable basic statistical data during realization of statistical supervisions in accordance with the chart of presentation by the respondents of basic statistical data and with statistical methodology.
In obedience to the article 26 official statistical information is subject to distribution in accordance with the chart of distribution of official statistical information in the volumes envisaged by the plan of statistical works.
A law "On state statistics" and fundamental principles of official statistics are placed on the page of BNS (http://www.stat.gov.kz).

Order of domestic access to data before their producing

Internal access of organs of state administration to data to their producing not envisaged.

Selection of comments of the ministries done on occasion of producing of statistical data

Selection of comments of the ministries done on occasion of producing of statistical data.

Grant of information about clarification of data and publication of advising about bringing of serious changes in methodology

In the moment of the primary producing data are preliminary. The final data refined and are published in annual statistical collection "Foreign trade of Republic of Kazakhstan". Status of data is specified in publications.


Distribution of documentation about the methodology and sources, used for preparation of statistical data

Data on exports and imports are compiled in accordance with the Unified Methodology for Maintaining Statistics on Mutual Trade in Goods of the EAEU Member States, approved by the Decision of the EEC Board №210 of December 25, 2018 and the International Methodology of the UN Statistics Division "Statistics on International Trade in Goods: Concepts and Definitions, 2010".

Distribution for providing of statistical crossvalidations and confirmation of validity of data

B monthly magazine "Socio-economic development of Republic of Kazakhstan" data are monthly published on an export and import on months and periods of current and previous year.
In annual statistical collection "Foreign trade of Republic of Kazakhstan" annual data are published in comparison with previous years.
In annual edition "Kazakhstan is in numbers", "Statistical annual" data are published on the value of external trade, export and import of commodities.
Around to a web-site BNS data are brought on the value of external trade, export and import of commodities in accordance with Plan of statistical works.
The format of distribution answers the necessities of users.


Underline positions mean hypercopulas with an exit on additional information

International investment position
Revision date: June 2021

Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

SDDS Data category:

International Investment Position

Contact person

Aigul Bukharbayeva
International Investments Division
Balance of Payments Department
Address: National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mangelyk Yel Ave, bldn 57A Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan Postalcode: Z05T8F6


+7 (7172) 77 55 40

Data: coverage, frequency and timeliness


International investment position is a statistical report reflecting, at a certain point in time, the value of external financial assets and liabilities of residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The international investment position of the Republic of Kazakhstan reflects changes that have occurred during the reporting period as a result of financial transactions, revaluation and other changes.
The international investment position covers all foreign financial assets of residents and liabilities to non-residents.
The methodological basis for compiling an international investment position is the sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund's Guide to Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6), 2009.
The standard components of financial assets and liabilities at the reporting date include the following classifications:
– by functional categories - direct investments, portfolio investments, financial derivatives and stock options for employees, other investments, reserve assets;
– for financial instruments - capital instruments and shares of investment funds, debt instruments (cash and deposits, debt securities, loans and borrowings, insurance, retirement and standard guarantee programs, special drawing rights, trade loans and advances, other claims / obligations);
– by institutional sector - the central bank, banks, government, other sectors, which are divided into two subsectors - other financial institutions and non-financial institutions, households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH);
– by maturity (for debt instruments) - short-term (with an original maturity of one year or less) and long-term (with an original maturity of more than one year).
Information sources for the formation of the international investment position are:
–statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals;
–accounting data of the National Bank, reports of external managers and the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund;
–estimations of the National Bank based on the financial statements of the respondents and other sources of information.
The data is generated in US dollars.




On the 90th day after the reporting period


Advance Release Calendar

Advance Release Calendar of publication of the official statistical information of the National Bank, including on statistics of the external sector, is posted on the website of the National Bank: https://nationalbank.kz/en/page/kalendar-rasprostraneniya-dannyh.. Also the calendar is available on the website of the Bureau for National Statistics: https://stat.gov.kz/inf/standard/calendar.

Simultaneous provision of information to all interested participants

Data on the international investment position are posted on the website of the National Bank in a timely manner: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/mezhdunarodnaya-investicionnaya-poziciya and it becomes available for all interested participants simultaneously.


Dissemination of information on the regulatory and legal conditions for the generation of statistical data, including the observance of the confidentiality of information on particular respondents

The collection and dissemination of data on international investment position is governed by:
· Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 1995 №2155 “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. According to Article 8 of the Law, the functions of the National Bank include the formation and dissemination of statistical information on the balance of payments, international investment position and external debt of the country.
· Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 29, 1999 №71 "On the development of the balance of payments of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
According to this decree, the National Bank is the state body responsible for the formation and publication of the balance of payments, and is empowered to collect statistical information on the balance of payments from all respondents.
· The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 №257-IV "On State Statistics".
According to the Law, primary statistical data are confidential and used by state statistics bodies solely for the production of statistical information. The confidentiality of primary statistical data by state statistics bodies is ensured during their collection, processing and storage.
· The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated July 5, 2014 №235-V.
The Code provides for penalties for the loss, sale, transfer or other illegal disclosure of primary statistical data, statistical information and (or) databases that allow the identification of a respondent by an official of the state statistics bodies, a subordinate organization of the department of the authorized body in the field of state statistics.
Balance of Payments Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible for drawing up the international investment position.

Access (lack of access) of government bodies to information prior to its publication

Government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan do not have access to information until the moment of its official publication.

Availability of comments from ministries in the release of statistical data

The data arepublished without comments from ministries and other agencies

Providing information on data clarification and publication of preliminary notifications of changes in the methodology of published data

When the data for the reporting quarter is released, the earlier published previous quarters are updated in connection with the clarification of the reporting or methodology, the emergence of new sources of information, etc.
The data are revised twice a year: in October and April. The revision of the data covers two years prior to the reporting year.
Comments on changes and revisions of data, together with updated data, are published in the quarterly publication of the National Bank “Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Major changes in methodology are communicated to users from the moment such changes are introduced.


Dissemination of information on the methodology and sources used in the preparation of statistics

The methodological commentary on the information disseminated by the National Bank under the SDDS is available at: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/metodologicheskiy-kommentariy/7330. In addition, comments, including information on data sources and methodological principles for assessing certain indicators, are published in the quarterly edition of the National Bank "Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan", available at: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/platezhnyy-balans/rubrics/1574.

Dissemination of disaggregated data components, comparison of related indicators, and the ability to cross-check and validate data using different statistical systems

The National Bank disseminates the international investment position in presentations with varying degrees of data detail:
– standard components;
–by sectors of the economy;
–reconciliation of flows, stocks and income.
In addition, on a quarterly basis, the National Bank's website contains tables on the international investment position by types of economic activities of residents, the geographical structure of assets and liabilities, cross tables on external liabilities of residents of Kazakhstan: by types of economic activities and main countries, by 10 countries - large investors and by type of economic activity, as well as tables on direct investment by direction of investment.
The indicators of the international investment position are interconnected with the statistics of the balance of payments, international reserves, external debt, the system of national accounts:
–balance of payments: items of the financial account of the balance of payments are fully consistent with changes due to transactions in the international investment position;
–international reserves: the data are in full compliance;
–external debt: data on external debt are in full compliance with the obligations on debt instruments, excluding derivatives, from the international investment position;
–system of national accounts: the data of the international investment position is fully consistent with the financial account and the balance sheets of financial assets and liabilities of the SNA.
Data on international investment position are published in the official publication of the NBRK “Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (quarterly).

I. Methodological base, concepts, definitions and classifications

Methodological base:

The methodological and conceptual framework for the preparation of the international investment position is the sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6).


The International investment position is a statistical report that reflects at a certain point in time the value of external financial assets and liabilities of residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The international investment position of the Republic of Kazakhstan reflects changes that occurred during the reporting period as a result of financial transactions (reflected in the balance of payments), revaluation and other changes.
An institutional unit is a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan if the economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the center of its predominant economic interest.

Classification system:

The international investment position uses a classification similar to that used in the balance of payments statistics for the financial account. Financial assets and liabilities are classified as follows:
–by functional category –direct investments, portfolio investments, derivative financial instruments and stock options for employees, other investments, reserve assets;
–for financial instruments – equity instruments and investment fund units, debt instruments (cash and deposits, debt securities, loans and borrowings, insurance, pension and standard guarantee programs, special drawing rights, trade loans and advances, other claims/liabilities);
– by institutional sector – central bank, banks, public administration, other sectors, which are divided into two subsectors-other financial organizations and non-financial organizations, households and non-profit organizations serving households (NCODH);
– by maturity (for debt instruments)– short-term (with an initial maturity of one year or less) and long-term (with an initial maturity of more than one year).
The difference between external financial assets and liabilities represents a net investment position, which can be positive (then the country is a net lender-investor relative to the rest of the world) or negative (then the country is a net borrower).

II.Data coverage

Statistical coverage:

The International Investment position covers all resident's foreign financial assets and resident's liabilities to non-residents. Branches of foreign companies established on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered residents. International organizations located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of the duration of their activities, are considered non-residents.

Geographical coverage:

The economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan coincides with its geographical territory within the state border, with the exception of embassies, consulates and other official bodies of foreign states, which are considered extraterritorial in relation to the economy of Kazakhstan. Embassies, consulates, military bases and other official bodies of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad belong to the economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

III. Accounting principles


Traded equity and debt instruments are measured at market value. Non-tradable instruments are recorded at face value. Monetary gold is accounted for using the London Precious Metals Market Association's (LBMA) morning fix of the previous day's reporting date.
International investment position data is generated in US dollars. When calculating the balances of foreign assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the reporting period, if they are denominated in other currencies, the conversion to US dollars is made using the rates established by the National Bank on these dates, and cross-rates. The translation of financial transactions taken into account when reconciling the flows and reserves of an international investment position into US dollars is carried out using the exchange rate set by the National Bank on the date of the transaction, or the cross-rate. If there is no information about the transaction dates, the average quarterly exchange rate is applied.

Accounting base:

External assets and liabilities are primarily recognized on an accrual basis. The process of aggregating indicators complies with the international standard: transactions are netted separately for the same type of asset and for the same type of liability, with the exception of derivative financial instruments in the reserve assets of the National Bank and in the National Fund, reflected by the Public Administration sector.

IV. Main information sources

Direct investments:

Sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, financial statements of individual organizations, and the National Bank of Kazakhstan's own estimates.

Portfolio investments:

Data from statistical reports provided by professional participants in the securities market (brokers, dealers, investment portfolio management organizations, nominee holders and registrars of securities), banks, and the unified accumulative pension fund. Data on the operations of the National Fund is compiled on the basis of the global custodian report.

Derivative financial instruments and stock options for employees:

The source of data is the statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, accounting data of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and reports of the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund.

Other investments:

Sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, financial statements of individual organizations, accounting data of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and reports of the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund, own estimates of the National Bank of Kazakhstan (on transactions of individuals).

Reserve assets:

Data of the accounting statements of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and reports of external managers.

V. Practical features of data development

Direct investment:

To better account for direct investments in other sectors of the economy related to equity participation and reinvested income, the National Bank analyzes the financial statements of companies, analytical portals and mass media on large transactions and the market value of direct investments. It also uses information from banks about customer payments (transfers). Based on the results obtained, the reporting data can be adjusted.

The negative value of unquoted shares and other equity instruments of Kazakhstani companies is reset to zero, except in the following cases:
when the company is at the initial or final stages of activity,
negative value is observed for a short period of time with a high turnover of the company's assets (that is, provided that the company's assets can be converted into cash before its liabilities are due to be paid,
when foreign shareholders have assumed or acted as guarantors for all the company's obligations (both internal and external).
Transactions on real estate of individuals abroad are written off by other changes due to the lack of information on the balances (stocks) at the beginning (end) of the period.

Other investments:

Evaluation of transactions of individuals with foreign currency in cash. Information from banks and the National Bank on customer payments (transfers) is also used.
Transactions of individuals with foreign currency in cash, on accounts with foreign banks are written off by other changes due to the lack of information on balances (reserves) at the beginning (end) of the period.

VI. Other aspects

Additional information:

Additional data is distributed on a quarterly basis, such as:
– international investment position by type of economic activity of residents, geographical structure of assets and liabilities,
– cross-tables on external liabilities of residents of Kazakhstan: by type of economic activity and main countries, by 10 countries-major investors and by type of economic activity,
– tables on direct investments in the direction of investment.


The quarterly publication of the reporting data is accompanied by an analytical commentary in the publication "Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

External debt
Revision date: June 2021

Kazakhstan: Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

SDDS Data category:

External Debt

Contact person

Aigul Bukharbayeva
International Investment Division
Balance of Payments Department
National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mangelyk Yel Ave, bldn 57A Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan Postal code: Z05T8F6


+7 (7172) 77 55 40

Data: coverage, frequency and timeliness

Coverage characteristics

External debt at the reporting date represents the outstanding amount of current unconditional obligations of residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan to non-residents, which requires repayment of principal and / or interest in the future.
Data on external debt cover the debt of all institutional sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to non-residents, regardless of the currency in which the debt is denominated. Overdue debt is included in liabilities for the instrument for which it arose.
The key characteristic of external debt is the obligation of the debtor to pay principal and / or interest, therefore it does not include: capital, financial derivatives, guarantees and other contingent liabilities.
The methodological basis for the compilation of external debt statistics is the External Debt Statistics: A Guide for Compilers and Users, 2013, as well as the sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund's Guide to the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6), 2009.
Data on the state of external debt at the reporting date provide for the following main classifications:
– by institutional sector - government, central bank, banks, other sectors, intercompany debt;
– by maturity - short-term (with an original maturity of one year or less, or payable on demand) and long-term (with an original maturity of more than one year);
– by type of debt instruments - cash and deposits, debt securities, loans and borrowings, trade credits and advances, other obligations, special drawing rights.
Sources of information for the formation of external debt are:
– statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including government bodies and branches of foreign companies, administrative reports of individuals;
– accounting and other reporting data of the National Bank.
Data is generated in US dollars.




On the 90th day after the reporting period


Advance Release Calendar

The calendar of publication of the official statistical information of the National Bank, including on statistics of the external sector, is posted on the website of the National Bank: https://nationalbank.kz/en/page/kalendar-rasprostraneniya-dannyh
The calendar is also available on the website of the Bureau of National Statistics: https://nationalbank.kz/en/page/kalendar-rasprostraneniya-dannyh.

Simultaneous provision of information to all interested participants

Data on external debt are posted on the website of the National Bank in due time: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/vneshniy-dolg и and become available for all users simultaneously.


Dissemination of information on the regulatory and legal conditions for the generation of statistical data, including the observance of the confidentiality of information on individual respondents

The collection and dissemination of data on international investment position is governed by:
· Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 1995 №2155 “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. According to Article 8 of the Law, the functions of the National Bank include the formation and dissemination of statistical information on the balance of payments, international investment position and external debt of the country.
· Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 29, 1999 №71 "On the development of the balance of payments of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
According to this decree, the National Bank is the state body responsible for the formation and publication of the balance of payments, and is empowered to collect statistical information on the balance of payments from all respondents.
· The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 №257-IV "On State Statistics".
According to the Law, primary statistical data are confidential and are used by state statistics bodies solely for the production of statistical information. The confidentiality of primary statistical data by state statistics bodies is ensured during their collection, processing and storage.
· The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated July 5, 2014 # 235-V.
The Code provides for penalties for the loss, sale, transfer or other illegal disclosure of primary statistical data, statistical information and (or) databases that allow the identification of a respondent by an official of the state statistics bodies, a subordinate organization of the department of the authorized body in the field of state statistics.
The Balance of Payments Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible for compiling external debt statistics.

Access (lack of access) of government bodies to information prior to its publication

Government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan do not have access to information until the moment of its official publication.

Availability of comments from ministries in the release of statistical data

The data are published without comments from ministries and other agencies.

Provision of information on data clarification and publication of preliminary notifications of changes in the methodology of published data

When the data for the reporting quarter is released, the previously published previous quarters are updated in connection with the clarification of the reporting or methodology, the emergence of new sources of information, etc.
The data are revised twice a year: in October and April. The revision of the data covers two years prior to the reporting year.
Comments on changes and revisions of data, together with updated data, are published in the quarterly publication of the National Bank “Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
Major changes in methodology are communicated to users from the moment such changes are introduced.


Dissemination of information on the methodology and sources used in the preparation of statistics

The methodological commentary on the information disseminated by the National Bank under the SDDS is available at: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/vneshniy-dolg. In addition, comments, including information on data sources and methodological principles for assessing certain indicators, are published in the quarterly edition of the National Bank "Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan", available at: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/platezhnyy-balans/rubrics/1574. Absolute and relative parameters of external debt are published quarterly in the National Bank's publication “Statistical Bulletin”, available at: https://nationalbank.kz/en/news/statisticheskiy-byulleten/rubrics/1556..

Dissemination of disaggregated data components, comparison of related indicators, and the ability to cross-check and validate data using different statistical systems

The National Bank disseminates external debt statistics in presentations with varying degrees of data granularity:
– standard components;
– analytical presentation;
– net external debt;
– coordination of flows and stocks;
– absolute and relative parameters of external debt.
In addition, on a quarterly basis, the National Bank's website publishes tables on external debt by countries of lenders, industries of borrowers, sectors of lenders and borrowers, interest rates, currencies of liabilities, by maturity, a schedule of payments for servicing external debt, as well as tables for debt securities issued by residents and owned by non-residents at the place of issue; on the terms of attracting external loans; on the external debt of the public sector in the extended definition.
External debt indicators are correlated with international investment position statistics: external debt data are in full agreement with liabilities on debt instruments, excluding derivatives, from the international investment position.
Data on external debt are published in the official publications of the NBRK “Statistical Bulletin” (monthly), “Balance of payments and external debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (quarterly) and in the Annual Report of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

I. Methodological base, concepts, definitions and classifications

Methodological base:

The methodological and conceptual framework for the compilation of external debt statistics is the joint document of international organizations "External Debt Statistics: a Guide for compilers and users", "Public Sector Debt Statistics in an expanded definition: a guide for compilers and users", as well as the sixth edition of the "Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Guide" of the International Monetary Fund (BPM6).


External debt at the reporting date is the outstanding amount of current unconditional obligations of residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan to non-residents, which requires repayment of principal and / or interest in the future.
An institutional unit is a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan if the economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the center of its predominant economic interest.

Classification system:

The classification system used meets the requirements set out in the document of international organizations "External Debt Statistics: a guide for compilers and Users". External debt data is classified as follows:
– By institutional sector–central bank, banks, public administration, other sectors, which are divided into two subsectors – other financial organizations and non-financial organizations, households and non-profit organizations serving households (NCODH).
In a separate position, data on debt obligations to affiliated creditors of Other sectors (inter-company debt) are allocated, which, in turn, are divided into:
– obligations of Kazakhstan's direct investment enterprises to foreign direct investors;
– obligations of Kazakhstani direct investors to direct investment enterprises (reverse investment);
– obligations of Kazakhstani enterprises to foreign sister enterprises.
– By maturity – short-term liabilities (with an initial maturity of one year or less or payable on demand) and long-term liabilities (with an initial maturity of more than one year).
– By type of debt instruments – cash and deposits, debt securities, loans and borrowings, special drawing rights, trade loans and advances, other liabilities (including insurance, pension programs and standard guarantee programs).
– By sector: public in the expanded definition and private–the public sector in the expanded definition includes the central bank, public administration, banks and other sectors in which the public sector directly or indirectly owns more than 50 percent of the capital participation or otherwise controls it. The remaining banks and other sectors belong to the private sector.

II. Datacoverage

Statistical coverage:

External debt statistics cover all types of debt owed by all sectors of the economy to non-residents, regardless of the currency in which the debt is denominated. The external debt statistics also include data on overdue debt, which is taken into account together with the financial instrument for which it originated. External debt does not include guarantees and other contingent liabilities, as well as equity instruments (except for preferred shares held by non-residents, which are included in the debt securities position).

Geographical coverage:

The economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan coincides with its geographical territory within the state border, with the exception of embassies, consulates and other official bodies of foreign states, which are considered extraterritorial in relation to the economy of Kazakhstan. Embassies, consulates, military bases and other official bodies of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad belong to the economic territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

III. Accounting principles


Tradable debt instruments are valued at market value. Non-tradable instruments are recorded at face value.
External debt data is generated in US dollars. When calculating the balances of foreign liabilities at the beginning and end of the reporting period, if they are denominated in other currencies, the conversion to US dollars is made using the rates established by the National Bank on these dates, and cross-rates. The conversion of financial transactions taken into account in the reconciliation of foreign debt flows and reserves into US dollars is carried out using the exchange rate set by the National Bank on the date of the transaction, or the cross-rate. If there is no information about the transaction dates, the average quarterly exchange rate is applied.

Accounting basis:

External debt is primarily recorded on an accrual basis. It includes outstanding amounts due on declared but unpaid dividends.

IV. Main information sources

Cash and deposits:

The sources of information are the statistical reports of banks and the accounting data of the National Bank.

Debt securities:

Statistical reporting data provided by professional participants of the securities market (brokers, dealers, investment portfolio management organizations, nominee holders and registrars of securities), banks and Kazakhstan issuers. Data on the operations of the National Fund is compiled on the basis of the global custodian report.

Loans and borrowings:

The sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, accounting data of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. Debt securities: Statistical reporting data provided by professional participants of the securities market (brokers, dealers, investment portfolio management organizations, nominee holders and registrars of securities), banks and Kazakhstan issuers. Data on the operations of the National Fund is compiled on the basis of the global custodian report.

Trade credits and advances:

The sources of information are the statistical and administrative reports of non-financial organizations.

Other liabilities:

The sources of information are statistical and administrative reports of banks, other financial and non-financial organizations, including branches of foreign companies and government agencies, administrative reports of individuals, financial statements of individual organizations, accounting data of the National Bank of Kazakhstan and reports of the global custodian on the assets of the National Fund.

V. Practical features of data development

Information from banks and the National Bank on customer payments (transfers) is used.

VI. Other aspects

Additional information:

Additional data is distributed on a quarterly basis, such as:
– external debt by creditor country;
– external debt by sector of borrowers;
– external debt by sector of lenders and borrowers;
– external debt at interest rates;
– external debt by currency of obligations;
– debt securities issued by residents and owned by non-residents, at the place of issue;
– external debt by the term remaining to maturity;
– schedule of payments for servicing external debt.
Analytical information in a similar presentation is also available for public sector external debt in the expanded definition.


The quarterly publication of the reporting data is accompanied by an analytical commentary in the publication "Balance of Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Statistics of interest rates
Revision date: July 2021

Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

SDDS Data Category:

Interest Rates Statistics

Contact person

Mr. Almat Abdrakhmanov
Title: Chief of Monetary Statistics Division
Department of Financial Market Statistics
Address: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Nur-Sultan, 57А, Mangilik El Avenue, Z05T8F6


+7 (7172) 77 55 58

The Data: Coverage, Periodicity, and Timeliness

Coverage characteristics

The following data are distributed:
Annual yield for the state securities: short-term, medium-term and long-term and indexed treasury bills.
National Bank’s interest rates: base interest rate, refinance rate, overnight rate and convey REPO operations rate.
Short-term rates of the interbank market (credit and deposit interest rates).
Weighted-average interest rates on extended loans by commercial banks (for the month) in Tenge and US Dollars (itemized by terms, maturity and types of depositors individuals and legal entities, branches and objects, mortgage loans, small business and consumer credits); and the weighted-average interest rates on commercial banks deposits (for the month), itemized by currencies (Tenge and US Dollar), types of deposits (demand and time deposits), types of depositors (individuals and legal entities) and terms.
Quotation levels of the monetary instruments:
1) Base interest rate
2) Refinancing rate
3) Overnight rate
4) Convey REPO operations interest rates


The Base interest rate is set up by National Bank according with common condition of the monetary market, supply and demand under loans, inflation rate and inflationary expectations;
Daily rates: overnight and Convey REPO operations; government securities;
Monthly: the rates on loans, extended to clients and on deposits, attracted by commercial banks from clients; short-term interbank rates.


For daily rates - not applicable;
For monthly rates on loans and deposits: – on the 30th day.

Access by the Public

Advance dissemination of release calendar

Daily data are issued every day.

Simultaneous release to all interested parties

The data are disseminated is available at the NBK's web-site in Internet for all interested parties and published in the “Statistical Bulletin”.


Provision terms and conditions under which official statistics are produced, including data confidentiality of individual responses

The compilation and dissemination of the monetary statistics are governed by the terms and conditions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Bank”, Articles 7, 8 and the Law “On Banks and Banking Activity”, Article 54, which provides the following: “the banks must provide the National Bank with any requested information about their funds, including those outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, the amount of deposits attracted and loans granted, banking operations and other information including the data, relating to banking secrecy".
Under the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Bank”, Article 8, the compilation and dissemination of statistical information for financial market review, monetary and banking statistics is one of the key functions of NBK.
Confidentiality of information about respondents is established by Article 54 of the Law "On Banks and Banking activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan": "Employees of the authorized body shall be liable in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan for disclosure or transfer to third parties information obtained under the implementation of the rights established by paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article”.
Further, article 501 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On administrative offences" provides for penalties for "unlawful disclosure of primary statistical data, statistical information and (or) databases allowing to identify the respondent by an official of the state statistics bodies, except in cases provided for by article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State statistics”, if these actions do not contain signs of a criminal act".

Identification of internal government access to data before release

Users outside the NBK do not have access to the data before their official publication.

Provision of information on data revision and notification of major changes in methodology

The published data are final and slight adjustments are possible. Any changes in the methodology are provided in advance before they are made.


Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources used in preparing of statistics

The interest rates statistics methodology is briefly described in the short comments of the monthly Statistical bulletin of the National Bank.

Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources, supporting cross-checks and assurance of reasonableness of statistics

The information on refinancing rate, interbank market rates, Government securities yield, Convey Repo rates, NBK deposits rates, NBK loans rates (including overnight)are posted at the web-site of the National Bank (http://www.nationalbank.kz/eng/CurrentFinInfo/).

The Statistical Bulletin contains the following:
1) the data on official rates, including the refinance rate, overnight, convey REPO and discount rates for the last 5 years,
2) interbank credit and deposit rates for different terms for the last 5-6 years,
3) credit and deposits rates of the commercial banks clients for the last 4-6 years,
4) state securities yield for different maturities for the last 5 years.
The annual report includes diagrams of deposit rates for customers.

Exchange rates
Revision date: July 2021

Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

SDDS Data Category:

Exchange Rates

Contact person

Mr. Almat Abdrakhmanov
Title: Chief of Monetary Statistics Division
Department of Financial Market Statistics
Address: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Nur-Sultan, 57А, Mangilik El Avenue, Z05T8F6


+7 (7172) 77 55 58

The Data: Coverage, Periodicity, and Timeliness

Coverage characteristics

The data is presented on the following exchange rates:
1. The official exchange rates of KZT to 39 key currencies and SDR are fixed daily. The official exchange rate of Tenge versus US dollar is the weighted average rate of Tenge versus US dollar set on the morning session of the Kazakh Stock Exchange on the previous business day. Exchange rate of Tenge versus other currencies is calculated using cross-rates set on 15:00 Almaty time.
2. The official rates are established without any obligations of the National Bank to sell or purchase foreign currency under these exchange rates.
3. Weight-average market exchange rate is fixed at the daily auction (morning session) and announced by Kazakh Stock Exchange (KASE) via Internet.
4. Weight-average market exchange rate and closing exchange rates with “tod” settlement for day trade session, and weight-average exchange rates with “tom” and “spot” settlement dates.
5. Forward exchange rates data are not available.


The official exchange rates - are daily, on the NBK web-site; market exchange rates – daily on the Stock Exchange site (www.kase.kz).


The official exchange rates are published the following day of their setting; the market exchange rates are published the day they are set. (www.kase.kz)

Access by the Public

Advance dissemination of release calendar

Not applicable. Daily data is disseminated every day.

Simultaneous release to all interested parties

The daily data is published simultaneously for all interested parties at NBK (http://www.nationalbank.kz) and KASE sites in Internet (http://www.kase.kz)


Provision terms and conditions under which official statistics are produced, including data confidentiality of individual responses

The texts of the laws and legislative acts regulating issues pertaining to the collection of monetary statistics in Kazakh are posted on the NBK website (http://www.nationalbank.kz). The NBK releases daily data on official exchange rates as service to the public.

Identification of internal government access to data before release

No one outside the NBK has access to data prior to the release of the data to the public.

Identification of ministerial commentaries on the occasion of statistical publication

Major changes in methodology are announced in the Bulletin of Banking Statistics as notes to data based on new methodology. The public is informed at the time the major changes in methodology are introduced.

Provision of information on data revision and notification of major changes in methodology

The published data are final and can not be revised.


Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources used in preparing of statistics

Commentaries on methodology regarding the calculation of the average and market exchange rates are published in the monthly “Statistical Bulletin” in Kazakh and Russian.

Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources, supporting cross-checks and assurance of reasonableness of statistics

The monthly data on official and market exchange rates for the last year, quarterly data for two previous years and current year and annual data for the last 6 years are published in the monthly Statistical Bulletin. Also there are detailed data on exchange rate of US Dollar, Euro and Russian Rubles.


Statistical Bulletin of NBK in Kazakh, Russian and English. (www.nationalbank.kz - Section “About National Bank»- Statistical Bulletin).


Annual Report of the NBK in Kazakh, Russian and English

