Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
For respondents

For respondents!

In connection with the introduction of the IS "Receiving Statistical Reports Online", respondents were given the opportunity to submit reports in electronic form through the "Respondent's Cabinet" https://cabinet.stat.gov.kz.

To do this, respondents need to obtain authentication tools and an electronic digital signature (EDS) at the Public Service Centers (PSCs). To obtain an EDS, you need a certificate of state registration as a legal entity / individual entrepreneur containing a business identification number (BIN) / individual identification number (IIN).

The issuance of authentication means and EDS is carried out at the Registration Centers of the National Certification Center located at the PSC. The list of registration centers is available on the NCC RK website http://pki.gov.kz/index.php/ru/.

Reception of primary statistical data in electronic form (online mode) is carried out strictly within the established deadlines in statistical forms.

In case of failure to submit primary statistical data on time, you need to contact the territorial statistical bodies at the place of registration, while late submission and failure to submit primary statistical data are a violation of the procedure for providing primary statistical data and entail punishment in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses, Art. .497 dated July 5, 2014 No. 235-V LRK.

Dear respondents, we value your opinion, so please send suggestions and recommendations for improving the forms of statistical reporting by e-mail to the CALL-center [email protected] For all questions related to statistical forms, please call - 1446 (call within Kazakhstan is free).

Suggestions and recommendations for providing data online, please send an [email protected] e-mail.