Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Batys Kazakhstan
Addresses and contact information

Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in West Kazakhstan region

Address: 090000 Uralsk, Mukhit street, 50/1

Phone office: +7 7112 51-29-77

Email: info.uralsk@statdata.kz

Job title Name Telephone
Head Meshelov Bolat Tileugabulovich +7 7112 51-05-02
Deputy Head Arystanaliyeva Roza Saparovna +7 7112 51-42-29
Deputy Head Zhumanov Amanzhan Bakytzhanovich +7 7112 50-38-41
Waiting room
Secretary +7 7112 51-05-02
Division of Internal Administration
Head of the division Utepova Ainagul Gimranovna +7 7112 51-21-47
Personnel Management Service
Head of the division Umbetiyarova Gulsim Magauovna +7 7112 50-95-25
Division of Administrative Sources and Legal Support
Head of the division Turdaliyeva Liza Akimgereevna +7 7112 50-40-33
Division of Work with Users of Statistical Information
Head of the division Dauletyarova Gulzhan Naurzbayevna +7 7112 51-29-77
Socio-demographic statistics and living standards statistics
Head of the division Pangaliyeva Akrys +7 7112 50-53-07
Division of Industry and Environment Statistics
Head of the division Myrzagaliyeva Akzhibek Oryngaliyevna +7 7112 50-82-59
Division of Agricultural Statistics
Head of the division Zhetpisova Lyazzat Khamitovna +7 7112 51-36-22
Division of Register
Head of the division Nurtazina Botagoz Bazarovna +7 7112 50-38-13
Division of Trade and Services Statistics
Head of the division Zhakupov Zhaslan Serikkaliyevich +7 7112 50-74-01
Division of Structural Statistics
Head of the division Nazargalieva Aigul Hamzinovna +7 7112 51-41-03
Price Statistics Division
Head of the division Khairullina Raihan Konyskaliyevna +7 7112 50-41-08
District and city divisions
Division of Statistics of Akzhaik district Pangalieva Ainur Konysovna +7 7113 69-13-44
Division of Statistics of Bokeiorda district Kadimov Tlegen Nukashevich +7 7114 02-15-20
Division of Statistics of Borli district Abdulova Toigan Zhalelovna +7 7113 35-20-22
Division of Statistics of Zhanagala district Temesheva Mariya Satybayevna +7 7114 12-19-40
Division of Statistics of Zhanibek district Ismagulov Kuanysh Gilmanovich +7 7113 52-14-79
Division of Statistics of Baiterek district Murzagalieva Balganym Islyamovna +7 7113 02-20-90
Division of Statistics of Kaztalov district Lukpanov Adilbek +7 7114 43-15-04
Division of Statistics of Karatobe district Eszhan Halkymbai Hamiuly +7 7114 53-11-40
Division of Statistics of Syrym district Bekkuzhina Gulnur Utepbergenovna +7 7113 42-16-14
Division of Statistics of Taskala district Aliev Halyk Serikovich +7 7113 92-14-84
Division of Statistics of Terekti district Lukpanov Talgat Gilyazhevich +7 7113 22-12-59
Division of Statistics of Shyngyrlau district Duisebaeva Aida Talapovna +7 7113 73-35-08