Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Addresses and contact information

Department of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Akmola region

Аddress: 020000 Kokshetau city, Nursultan Nazarbayev avenue, 73

Telefone number the office: +7 7162 25-43-02


Job title Name Telephone
Head Ergaliev Rasul Zhabalovich +7 7162 25-23-08 +7 7162 25-81-84
Deputy Head Musina Ermek Eslyambekovna +7 7162 40-14-52
Deputy Head Amambayev Erbol Bakhitzhanovich +7 7162 25-05-57
Division of Internal Administration
Head of division Tauysheva Saltanat Amantayevna +7 7162 40-10-21
Personnel management service
Head of division Shalgynbaeva Lazzat Zhumabekovna +7 7162 25-05-48
Law department
Head of division Bakeshev Talgat Kuanyshevich +7 7162 40-14-49
Division of registers and control over respondents and administrative sources, coordination and summary work
Head of division Tukaeva Saule Kairatovna +7 7162 25-43-02
Division of Industry and Environment Statistics
Head of division Baltabayeva Maryam Zhanbekovna +7 7162 25-01-84
Division of Agricultural Statistics
Head of division Kapyshev Zhenis Sapargalievich +7 7162 40-25-70
Division of Construction, Investment and Structural Statistics
Head of division Turuzhanova Lyazzat Yerkenovna +7 7162 25-17-41
Division of Labor Statistics, Living Standards and Socio-Demographic Statistics
Head of division Iskakova Aigul Serikovna +7 7162 40-14-51
Division of Price Statistics
Head of division Tulebaeva Mayra Baltakeskenovna +7 7162 40-14-50
Division of Trade and Services Statistics
Head of division Tasbolatova Baglan Khamitovna +7 7162 40-14-53
Regional and city divisions
Division of Statistics of the city of Stepnogorsk Aitkhozhina Raushan Kamenovna +7 71645 6-13-61
Division of Statistics of the city of Kosshy Mambetov Rashid Talgatovich +7 71651 5-35-27
Division of Statistics of Aссol district Obiyukh Andrey Vladimirovich +7 71638 2-05-54
Division of Statistics of Arshaly district Sysolyatina Valentina Vikentievna +7 71644 2-11-75
Division of Statistics of the Astrakhan region Budenov Asset Budenovich +7 71641 2-26-30
Division of Statistics of Atbasar district Tastemirova Kulsha Islyamovna +7 71643 2-62-19
Division of Statistics of Birjan Sal district Kartavina Olga Vladimirovna +7 71639 2-12-00
Division of Statistics of Bulandy district Gulnar Askarovna Moldaspayeva +7 71646 2-24-66
Division of Statistics of Burabay district Kasimov Rustam Sagyndykovich +7 71636 2-35-61
Division of Statistics of the Yereymentau district Mukusheva Danagul Ansagayevna +7 71633 2-11-97
Division of Statistics of the Esil district Smagulov Kuanysh Amanzholovich +7 71647 2-14-06
Division of Statistics of the Egindikol district Kuandykova Regina Mikhailovna +7 71642 2-13-48
Division of Statistics of Zhaksy district Raiskaya Galina Ivanovna +7 71635 2-11-92
Division of Statistics of Zharkain district Zhylkybaev Kairat Kazestaevich +7 71648 9-18-75
Division of Statistics of Zerendi district Kapyshev Zhenis Sapargalievich +7 71632 2-11-93
Division of Statistics of Korgalzhyn district Kibaldina Bibigul Hamidullinovna +7 71637 2-18-37
Division of Statistics of Sandyktau district Sivolovskaya Tatiana Viktorovna +7 71640 9-14-11
Division of Statistics of Tselinograd district Shamuratov Ayazbay Nurymovich +7 71651 3-05-80
Division of Statistics of the Shortandy district Kortunkova Larisa Borisovna +7 71631 2-15-96