Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Wages of employees by profession and position1)
Wages of employees by profession and position1)

In April 2024 the Bureau conducted an annual survey of the distribution of employees by salary level.

The survey covered employees who worked the entire month of April 2024 . All large enterprises and a sample of 30% of medium and small enterprises participated in the survey, with subsequent distribution to the general population. The survey used data on actual accrued wages for the month of April 2024, taking into account all additional payments, allowances, bonuses, taxes and pension contributions. The distribution of workers according to the main occupations of workers and positions of employees was carried out according to the National Classification of Occupations2)

According to the results of the survey, the number of employees in the specified range of enterprises who worked completely in April 2024 amounted to 3437.0 thousand people, of which men made up 48.3% (1659.7 thousand people), women – 51.7% (1777.3 thousand people).

Of the total number of employees, 6.1% of workers received an average monthly salary of up to 100000 tenge, from 100001 to 150000 tenge – 12.0%, from 150001 to 300000 tenge – 35.1%, from 300001 to 600000 tenge – 35.6%, from 600001 tenge to 900000 tenge - 6.9%, from 900001 tenge to 1200000 tenge - 2.1%, from 1200001 tenge to 1500000 tenge - 1.0%, over 1500000 tenge - 1.2% of employees.

The median value of employee wages was 285677 tenge.

The modal value of employee wages was 97557 tenge.

The decile coefficient of differentiation of average monthly wages was 4.9.

For managers, the salary level increased by 11.4% compared to 2023. For production equipment operators, assemblers and drivers - by 16.0%, and for farmers and workers in agriculture, forestry, fish farming and fishing - by 14.3%.


The average monthly salary for workers with secondary education was 262238 tenge, with higher education – 438005 tenge and postgraduate education – 558882 tenge. By age, the average monthly salary of workers aged 16 to 24 years was 250518 tenge, from 25 to 34 years - 347985 tenge, from 35 to 44 years - 397468 tenge, from 45 to 54 years – 372824 tenge, from 55 to 64 years old – 340769 tenge, over 65 years old – 318564 tenge.

1) Without taking into account small enterprises engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Median wage is the wage amount located in the center of the distribution of the number of employees by the amount of accrued wages and dividing it into two equal parts - with wages below and above the median;

Decile differentiation coefficient - shows how many times the minimum wage level of the 10 percent of the highest paid workers exceeds the maximum wage level of the 10 percent of the least paid workers.

2) National classifier of occupations , approved and put into effect by Order of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 11, 2017 No. 130-od.

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