Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The state of retail trade in the Republic of Kazakhstan in January-October of 2023
The state of retail trade in the Republic of Kazakhstan in January-October of 2023

Volume of retail trade in January-October of 2023 year amounted 14827.1 billion tenge or 6.9% more than in the corresponding period of 2022 year. Retail sales of goods by trading enterprises amounted 10069.2 billion tenge or 10,9% more than in the corresponding period of 2022 year.

The share of food products in the total volume of retail trade is 32.4%, non–food products – 67.6%.

The largest increase in sales volume was recorded for non-food products, namely at enterprises selling motor fuel, cars, pharmaceutical products, computers, peripheral equipment and software, automobile parts, components and accessories, shoes, furniture, flowers, watches and jewelry.

As of November 1, 2023, the volume of inventories of trading enterprises (according to the reported enterprises) in retail trade amounted to 1537.7 billion tenge, in days of trade – 70 days (November 1, 2022, the volume of inventories of trading enterprises-1316.2 billion tenge, in days of trade – 64 days).


Most of specific gravity in the volume of retail trade of Republic in January-October of 2023 year accounts to Almaty city (32.2%), Astana (12.9%), Karagandy (8%) and Shygys-Kazakhstan (6%) districts.


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