Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    309 697
    According to the results of 2022, the average salary in the Republic of Kazakhstan was 309697 tenge, which is 23.7% more than in 2021, in real terms wages increased by 7.6%
    70 000
    From 1 January 2023, the minimum wage is set at 70000 tenge. Over the past five years, average wages have increased 1.9 times, with women's earnings growing faster than men's
    Wage dynamics
    Wages in the Republic of Kazakhstan
    2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Nominal wage index
    2022 by 2018.
    real wages
    2022 vs. 2018, in %
    Total 162 673 186 815 213 003 250 311 309 697 1,9 136,4
    men 195 959 222 514 243 524 281 239 355 072 1,8 129,8
    women 129 039 150 779 182 679 220 160 265 643 2,1 147,5

    For reference: The source of data on average monthly wages is a survey of enterprises according to the statistical form 1-T "Labour Report" with quarterly and annual periodicity.

    The average monthly salary up to 70000 tenge was received by 1.4% of employees, from 70001 to 150000 tenge – 22.8%, from 150001 to 300000 tenge – 36.2%, from 300001 and above – 39.6%.

    Distribution of employees on accrued wages for 2023.
    Median wage
    Median wage
    2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Republic of Kazakhstan 112 195 142 718 165 816 204 149 251 356

    For reference: The source of data from 2018 is a one-time survey of enterprises, which is conducted according to the statistical form 2-T (labour remuneration) "Report on the structure and distribution of wages and salaries of wages and salaries" with a frequency of once a year. All employees who worked the whole month of April are subject to the survey.

    The median wage in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023 was 251356 tenge. Nominal wages increased by 23.1% by 2022, in real terms increased by 5.4%.

    The largest increase in median wages in the industry structure compared to 2022 was noted in information and communications – 37.2%, in activities in the field of administrative and support services – 30.1%, in transport and warehousing – 27.1%.

    The smallest increase in median wages was recorded in real estate operations by 2.6%, as well as in professional, scientific and technical activities by 4.8%.

    Regionally, the highest growth rate of median wages was noted in the Shygys Kazakhstan region, where the growth was 33.5%, respectively. The lowest growth rate of median wages was recorded in the Soltustik Kazakhstan region – 9.2%.

    Dynamic tables:
    Mоdal wage
    Modal salary
    2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Republic of Kazakhstan 58 034 57 870 57 923 68 565 81 377

    For reference: The source of data from 2018 is a one-time survey of enterprises, which is conducted according to the statistical form 2-T (labour remuneration) "Report on the structure and distribution of wages and salaries of wages and salaries" with a frequency of once a year. All employees who worked the whole month of April are subject to the survey.

    Modal wage for 2023 was 81377 tenge and increased by 18.7% by 2022, in real terms it decreased by 1.6%.

    Dynamic tables:
    Hourly wage

    Hourly wage per employee for 2023 was 2016 tenge and increased by 22.6% by 2022.

    Hourly wages of employees
    2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Total 1038 1187 1303 1644 2016
    men 1229 1339 1427 1802 2235
    women 842 1037 1179 1486 1800
    Average monthly wage by enlarged groups of occupations

    In the context of the enlarged groups of occupations of the National classifier of occupations, the maximum wage was recorded for the group “Leaders and civil servants” and amounted to 528070 tenge, which is 3.8 times higher than for “Unqualified workers” (139175 tenge).

    Average monthly wage by enlarged groups of occupations
    Average monthly wage by age group

    Comparison of wages of workers by age groups shows that the lowest wages - 223165 tenge were received by workers aged 16 to 24 years, the highest wages were received by workers aged 35 to 44 years (356082 tenge) and 45 to 54 years (330626 tenge).

    The largest increase occurred in the category from 45 to 54 years old - 20.7%, the smallest in the category from 65 to 74 years old - 10.7%.

    Average monthly wage by age group
    Average monthly wage by level of education

    Wage of employees by level of education were: with secondary education - 230841 tenge, with higher education – 398214 tenge and postgraduate education - 505170 tenge.

    Compared to 2022, the largest increase among workers with secondary education was 26.4%, the smallest - 16.7% with postgraduate education.

    Average monthly wage by level of education
    Average monthly wage by form of ownership

    The average monthly wage of an employee working in an enterprise with foreign ownership was 500,797 tenge, which is 1.8 times more than that of someone working in a state-owned enterprise (270,709 tenge) and 1.4 times than in a privately owned enterprise (355,546 tenge).

    Average monthly wage by form of ownership

    Wage statistics reflects the value of the average level of wages of employees, regularities and trends of its changes, structural characteristics, regional, gender differences and other features affecting the level of wages, its differentiation and dynamics.

    According to the Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, wages are remuneration for labour depending on the employee's qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensatory and incentive payments.

    According to ILO standards, there are four main groups of remuneration:

    1) wages accrued at tariff rates and official salaries;

    2) one-time payments and bonuses;

    3) compensatory payments related to working hours and working conditions;

    4) payment for time not worked.

    Average monthly nominal salary per employee is determined by dividing the amount of accrued wage fund by the actual number of employees and by the number of months in the reporting period.

    Statistical series of data on wage levels are formed either in nominal terms, i.e. in absolute figures of national currency, or in the form of indices.

    Wage indices are tools by which trends or dynamics of wages are assessed. There are two wage indices: nominal and real.

    Nominal wage index is a relative indicator characterising the change in wages in the reporting period compared to the base period.

    Real wage index is a relative indicator characterising the change in nominal wages in the reporting period compared to the base period, taking into account price changes.

    The real wage index is determined by dividing the nominal wage index by the consumer price index for goods and services. Both indices refer to the same time period.

    The median wage is the wage at the centre of the distribution of the number of employees by the amount of accrued wages and divides it into two equal parts - those with wages below and above the median wage.

    Modal wage is the wage size most commonly found in a series of the distribution of the number of employees by size of accrued wages.

    Methodological explanations

    The source of data on median and modal wages from 2018 is a one-off survey of organisations, which is conducted using the statistical form 2-T (remuneration of labour) "Report on the structure and distribution of wages and salaries" with a frequency of once a year. All employees who worked for the whole month of April are subject to the survey.

    The state statistical observation of wages by occupations and positions, distribution of employees by the size of wages is selective, i.e. large enterprises by the continuous method, and medium and small enterprises by the selective method.

    Release responsible:
    Department of Labour and Living Standards Statistics
    Department Director:
    N. Belonosova
    Tel. +7 7172 749022
    G. Akhmetkali
    Tel. +7 7172 749781
    E-mail: gul.akhmetkali@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana
    Ave. 8, Mangilik El.
    House of Ministries, 4th entrance