Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    Meat and meat products (16,8%), bread products and cereals (8%) account for the largest share of food purchase expenses in household consumer spending, as in previous periods. The highest level of consumption of meat and meat products is observed in Zhambyl, Mangystau, Atyrau regions, and the lowest is in the city of Shymkent
    Food Consumption in Households
    Food consumption in I quarter of 2024
    on average per capita per quarter, kg
    Bakery products and cereals Meat and meat products Fish and sea food Milk and dairy
    Eggs (pieces) Oils and Fats Fruits Vegetables Potatoes Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate, confectionery
    Republic of Kazakhstan 30,8 20,2 3,5 56,3 51,5 3,9 16,9 18,1 11,3 10,7
    Abay 30,1 17,7 3,3 60,6 50,7 3,7 14,0 13,7 8,0 9,6
    Akmola 29,5 21,8 4,1 66,6 68,8 4,7 18,8 15,3 11,9 11,1
    Aktobe 28,0 16,3 3,1 43,6 44,9 3,8 14,7 13,7 9,9 10,8
    Almaty 33,3 21,5 3,4 44,3 42,8 3,3 14,0 16,2 10,3 10,8
    Atyrau 30,4 23,5 4,6 48,0 42,4 3,5 12,6 15,0 10,7 8,6
    Batys Kazakhstan 32,1 21,6 4,8 50,6 48,6 4,1 18,0 17,5 12,8 9,5
    Zhambyl 36,1 25,2 3,5 61,0 45,1 4,8 16,5 17,9 12,4 11,8
    Zhetysu 38,6 21,9 3,6 56,9 40,5 3,8 17,6 18,8 10,4 12,7
    Karagandy 26,2 20,8 3,5 69,2 73,2 4,7 19,6 16,4 11,2 11,8
    Kostanay 29,0 21,0 4,2 55,4 61,9 3,9 17,8 19,6 13,0 11,5
    Kyzylorda 33,4 16,5 3,9 40,5 44,3 3,9 13,6 16,3 11,3 10,5
    Mangystau 24,9 24,8 2,3 57,3 42,7 4,8 21,9 18,2 12,4 9,5
    Pavlodar 31,1 21,6 3,5 58,9 47,4 4,0 16,4 17,0 11,8 11,0
    Soltustik Kazakhstan 27,9 19,3 4,7 58,9 67,9 3,9 18,6 15,4 11,5 11,0
    Turkistan 41,6 16,0 3,1 52,8 42,8 4,5 14,8 23,0 11,4 10,2
    Ulytau 29,8 21,1 3,1 64,7 66,5 5,7 18,5 17,8 12,4 14,6
    Shygys Kazakhstan 28,7 21,8 5,0 72,7 55,4 3,8 19,0 15,7 10,9 11,1
    Astana city 25,2 19,6 3,1 62,3 64,4 2,9 19,9 19,5 11,8 9,0
    Almaty city 23,9 21,6 3,6 67,6 56,0 3,9 20,1 21,7 12,0 12,6
    Shymken tcity 30,0 15,9 1,6 39,6 47,1 3,3 13,2 18,0 9,8 8,1⁠
    Consumption of basic food products
    on average per capita, kg
      Bakery products and cereals Meat and meat products Fish and sea food Milk and dairy
    Eggs (pieces) Oils and Fats Fruits Vegetables Potatoes Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate,
    confectionery product
    2020 140,3 83,7 15,1 259,4 199,1 17,3 78,7 86,4 50,1 43,0
    І quarter 35,4 21,0 3,7 66,2 49,7 4,3 17,0 19,4 12,9 10,9
    II quarter 35,0 20,3 3,8 66,0 50,4 4,4 15,9 21,1 12,1 10,8
    III quarter 35,0 21,3 3,7 64,7 50,4 4,3 27,9 24,9 12,7 11,0
    IV quarter 35,5 21,3 4,0 63,4 49,2 4,3 18,0 21,2 12,5 10,6
    2021 133,8 82,3 14,8 243,2 193,9 16,2 76,8 80,6 46,3 44,0
    І quarter 32,6 19,8 3,4 57,7 46,3 3,9 15,5 17,9 11,6 10,4
    II quarter 33,3 20,2 3,8 61,3 49,1 4,2 15,9 19,9 11,5 11,0
    III quarter 33,6 20,9 3,6 61,9 49,6 4,1 28,4 22,9 11,6 11,6
    IV quarter 34,3 21,3 4,0 62,2 48,8 4,0 17,1 19,9 11,7 11,1
    2022 128,0 78,2 14,1 226,4 194,6 15,7 73,0 77,6 45,0 41,1
    І quarter 32,5 19,8 3,5 56,3 47,2 3,9 15,6 17,4 11,4 10,3
    II quarter 31,8 19,0 3,5 58,0 48,9 3,9 15,0 19,1 11,2 10,2
    III quarter 31,7 19,3 3,4 56,3 48,4 3,9 26,0 22,0 11,1 10,4
    IVquarter 32,0 20,1 3,7 55,4 49,4 3,9 16,4 19,1 11,2 10,4
    2023 124,4 80,1 14,0 227,2 202,0 15,6 76,3 78,5 45,0 42,3
    І quarter 30,6 19,5 3,4 55,4 50,4 3,9 16,0 17,5 11,2 10,5
    II quarter 31,1 19,7 3,5 57,7 50,7 3,9 15,6 19,4 11,1 10,4
    III quarter 31,1 20,0 3,4 57,5 50,4 3,9 27,5 22,2 11,3 10,8
    IVquarter 31,7 20,9 3,6 56,6 50,5 3,9 17,2 19,5 11,4 10,7
    І quarter 30,8 20,2 3,5 56,3 51,5 3,9 16,9 18,1 11,3 10,7⁠
    Dynamic tables:

    Household housekeeping – a extraveconomical subject, living in one or the other physical person, living in a shuttle, sharing in or part of its income and property, and in a shuttle consuming cargo and services.

    Main consumption of the main product queries, in the average population-quantity of product queries (separate by type of product), consumption in the average member of the household consumption for a variable length of time. On the other hand, we calculate the putem divisions to be used by the species of the species and the species of the species to be used by the species of the species. Below, a group consumption group is split into four groups representing a particular product.

    Methodological explanations

    Data on the survey of population budgets by standard of living are formed on a quarterly and annual basis, based on surveys of 12,000 households, in accordance with the Methodology of organizations and conducting a sample survey of households by standard of living, approved by Order No. 31 of the Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministries of National Economy of Kazakhstan dated July 2, 2020, registered with the Ministry of Justice Of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 3, 2020 No. 20922, with the methodology of the constructed sample of households on the survey of living standards, last week the chairman of the committee on statistics Ministries of the National Canberrans of Kazakhstan from December 20, 2023 to apostille №237.

    Links to related publications
    Release responsible:
    Department of labor and standard of living statistics
    Department Director:
    N. Belonossova
    Tel. +7 7172 74 90 22
    :D. Malikova
    Tel. +7 7172 749687
    010000, Astana city
    Mangilikel avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, entrance 4