Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ecological indicators of environmental monitoring and assessment
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Brief description:
The indicator describes the area of forests and other wooded land, its ratio to the area of the country and the share of forest land with natural forests, plantations, forests for production, as well as for the protection of soil and water resources, ecosystem services and biodiversity. All forests located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as lands of the forest Fund that are not covered with forest vegetation, but are intended for the needs of forestry, form the forest Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The forest Fund includes forest lands that are covered with forest, not covered with forest (clearings, clearings, etc.), special-purpose plantations, forest nurseries, non-closed forest crops, non-forest lands, etc. land covered with forest - land occupied by forest stands of natural and artificial origin (forest crops), as well as shrubs. The main feature of belonging to stands and shrubs covered with forest land is completeness (the degree of density of trees in the stand, which characterizes the share of use of space occupied by them.), which should be 0.4 and higher in young trees and shrubs, and 0.3 and higher in older stands. Forest products – forest resources intended primarily for the production of wood, fiber, bioenergy and non-wood forest products.
The indicator is formed in accordance with the "Methodology for the formation of environmental statistics indicators" approved by Order No. 223 of the Acting Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2015.
The responsible state body for the formation of data on specially protected natural territories is the Committee of forestry and wildlife of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Measured in km2 or ha
This indicator allows you to assess the state of forests and other wooded land in the country, as well as shows trends in their use and protection.

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