Brief description:
This indicator is defined by several components. The quality of atmospheric air in urban areas can be judged primarily by the number of days in a year, when regular observations, the level of air pollution in urban areas exceeds the configured value (maximum single/average) maximum permissible concentration (MPC). In addition, it is necessary to determine the absolute values of concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air, as well as the percentage of the country's urban population (that is, the total number of people living in urban areas with at least one monitoring station) exposed to ground-level concentrations of pollutants that exceed the established air quality standards.
The indicator is formed in accordance with the "Methodology for the formation of environmental statistics indicators" approved by Order No. 223 of the Acting Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2015.
Data on concentrations of pollutants in the surface layer of the atmosphere are collected from the air quality monitoring network, which consists of manual or automatic stationary monitoring stations by the specialized service of RSE «Kazhydromet» of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state of air pollution is assessed based on the results of analysis and processing of air samples taken at stationary checkpoints. The main quality criteria are the MAC values of pollutants in the air of populated areas.