Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
National page of data
National page of data

Last updating:

Economic and Financial Data for Kazakhstan

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB) For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Kazakhstan has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.


Abbreviations used:
A – year
S – semiannual
Q – quarter
M – month
D – daily


Data Category and Component Description Observations More information
period of latest data latest data data for previous period1
National Accounts
GDP in current prices, by production approach (in millions of tenge) KZT million Q3/24 35 623 372,6 30 903 052,4 Data updated on 31.12.2024у. As part of the IMF technical assistance for the component “Compilation of quarterly national accounts” of the BNS ASPIR RK experimental quarterly national accounts (QNA) were introduced using three GDP methods (production, income, final use) from 2010 to 2024 in 2010 prices. A new software developed by the IMF Statistics Department, XLPBM for Microsoft Excel, was used for benchmarking
Agriculture, forestry ang fishing 2 074 063,2 538 338,6
Industry 8 838 084,1 8 460 495,3
Construction 2 280 408,9 1 746 823,9
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 6 672 081,6 5 377 832,3
Transportation and storage 2 080 701,8 1 909 386,7
Information and communication 746 811,7 695 326,7
Financial and insurance activities 1 017 042,1 962 076,3
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 594153,8 625 055,3
Other activities 11 320 025,4 10 587 717,3
GDP in constant prices, by production approach (in millions of tenge) KZT million, 2010price Q3/24 10 204 464,3 9 175 875,8
Agriculture, forestry ang fishing 808 494,4 189 798,9
Industry 2 299 003,8 2 565 261,0
Construction 1 411 857,6 998 364,3
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2 065 898,7 1 664 245,9
Transportation and storage 670 738,0 624 453,5
Information and communication 521 281,7 490 586,6
Financial and insurance activities 247 974,7 254 001,5
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 180 292,6 183 642,0
Other activities 1 998 922,8 2 205 522,09
GDP in current prices, by expenditure approach (in millions of tenge) KZT million Q4/24 32 619 885,8 26 318 836,5
Household consumption expenditure (including NPSH) 16 452 332,2 11 206 872,7
Government consumption expenditure 3 435 446,8 3 614 122,2
Gross fixed capital formation 9 330 946,6 6 204 190,0
Changes in inventories 1 021 892,4 1 982 330,9
Net acquisitions of valuables
Exports of goods and services 11 513 103,3 10 658 652,4
Imports of goods and services 9 419 773,5 8 193 947,6
Statistical discrepancy 285 938,0 846 615,9
Indices of industrial production December 2001=100 February/2025 211,8 191,7
Employment Population aged 15 and up,
thousand people
Q4/24 9 197,0 9 233,8
Unemployment Population aged 15 and up,
thousand people
Q4/24 448,3 448,6
Wages Tenge Q4/24 434 982 390 328
Consumer Price Index 1995=100 Dec/24 1323,86 1311,90
Feb/25 1358,44 1338,07
2020=100 Dec/24 155,53 154,12
Feb/25 159,59 157,20
Producer Price Index 1995=100 Dec/24 1929,0 1893,3
Feb/25 1934,7 1938,6
2020=100 Dec/24 175,0 171,8
Feb/25 175,5 175,9
1/ (Month, quarter, year respectively)
2/ For 2006-2009 years' data recalculated according to the new NACE (Common classification of ecоnomic activities) is given


SDDS Data Category and Component Description Observations
period of latest data latest data data for previous period1
General Government Operations
Receipts Millions, tenge Q4/ 24 8 338 445,9 6 654 357,6 (Q3 /24)
Expenditure Millions, tenge Q4/24 9 866 531,7 7 746 299,2 (Q3 /24)
Balance, Deficit/Surplus Millions, tenge Q4/ 24 -1 528 085,9 -1 091 941,7 (Q3/ 24)
Non-oil deficit (surplus) Millions, tenge Q4/ 24 -3 699 532,7 -2 756 179,5 (Q3/ 24)
Financing Millions, tenge Q4/ 24 1 528 085,9 1 091 941,7 (Q3/24)
Domestic Millions, tenge Q4/24 994 933,2 1 184 891,8 (Q3/24)
Bank Millions, tenge Q4/24 125 984,7 1 408 860,85 (Q3/24)
Non-bank Millions, tenge Q4/24 780 051,11 -223 969,05 (Q3/24)
Foreign Millions, tenge Q4/24 533 152,7 - 92 950,1 (Q3/24)
Central Government Operations
Receipts Millions, tenge Feb/25 2 171 430,2 1 473 738,2 Jan/25
Expenditure Millions, tenge Feb/25 2 240 954,9 1 417 849,4 Jan/25
Balance, Deficit/Surplus Millions, tenge Febr/25 -69 524,7 55 888,8 Jan/25
Non-oil deficit (surplus) Millions, tenge Feb/25 -589 630,6 -542 636,8 Jan/25
Financing Millions, tenge Feb/25 69 524,7 -55 888,8 Jan/25
Domestic Millions, tenge Feb/25 169 524,8 -114 505,7 Jan/25
Foreign Millions, tenge Feb/25 -100 000,1 58 616,8 Jan/25
Non-bank Millions, tenge Q4/ 24 124 990,8 1 019 705,7 (Q3/ 24
Foreign Millions, tenge Q4/ 24 533 152,7 -92 950,14

(Q3/ 24)

Central Government Debt
Total debt Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 60 813,1 63 653,8 (Q3/ 24)
Domestic debt Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 41 573,2 45 004,8 (Q3/ 24)
State long-term saving treasury bonds Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 1 206,0 1 442,7 (Q3/24)
State long-term treasury bonds Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 32 529,7 35 100,2 (Q3/ 24)
Short-term treasury bills Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 1 615,1 1 769,6 (Q3 /24)
Medium-term treasury bills Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 4 424,0 4 728,2 (Q3/24)
Indexed State long-term treasury bonds Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 - (Q3 24)
State special medium-term treasury liabilities for individual persons Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 - (Q3/ 24)
Other obligations Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 5,0 5,0 (Q3/24)
External debt Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 15 872,2 15 059,6 (Q3/ 24)
External debt by currency Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 Q3/24
U.S. dollar 10 607 10 612
Japanese yen 1 362 184
Special drawing rights 1 2
EURO 3 128,3 3 420
Other Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 775 381
State guaranteed debt Millions, US $ Q4/ 24 3 661,8 3 449,1
1/ (Month, quarter, year respectively)
2/ Data are cummulative data.⁠

Kazakhstan: Financial and External sector Data

SDDS Data Category and Component Description Observations More information
period of latest data latest data data for previous period1

Depository corporations monetary survey

For more information please click on:

Banking System Monetary Survey /

Reserve Money KZT million Feb/25 13 662 625 14 012 242
Other Liabilities KZT million Feb/25 1 570 627 1 254 040
Net Foreign Assets KZT million Feb/25 52 987 112 54 361 911
Foreign Assets KZT million Feb/25 54 735 151 56 253 305
Foreign Liabilities KZT million Feb/25 1 748 039 1 891 393
Net Domestic Assets KZT million Feb/25 -37 753 860 -39 095 629
Net Claims to the Central Government KZT million Feb/25 -3 091 508 -2 771 855
Claims KZT million Feb/25 387 972 398 799
Liabilities KZT million Feb/25 3 479 480 3 170 654
Resources of the National Oil Fund KZT million Feb/25 33 075 341 34 052 472
Claims to Banks (Less: NBK Notes)) KZT million Feb/25 -171 872 -223 300
Claims to Nonbank Financial Institutions KZT million Feb/25 5 165 181 5 115 154
Claims to the Rest of the Economy KZT million Feb/25 979 371 903 495
Other Net Domestic Assets KZT million Feb/25 -11 170 758 -11 694 651
Other Financial Assets KZT million Feb/25 12 243 11 242
Nonfinancial Assets KZT million Feb/25 92 044 88 465
Less: Other Liabilities KZT million Feb/25 108 263 100 063
Less: Capital Accounts KZT million Feb/25 11 166 782 11 694 295
Other financial corporations monetary survey For more information please click on: Other Financial Institutions Survey
Net Foreign Assets KZT million Q4/24 8 348 979 7 633 797
claims on Nonresidents KZT million Q4/24 10 415 795 9 348 823
less: Liabilities to Nonresidents KZT million Q4/24 2 066 816 1 715 026
Domestic claims KZT million Q4/24 17 964 815 17 078 249
Net Claims on Central Government KZT million Q4/24 10 725 428 10 401 435
Claims on Central Government KZT million Q4/24 10 846 264 10 493 154
Less: Liabilities to Central Government KZT million Q4/24 120 836 91 719
Claims on Banking System KZT million Q4/24 2 686 272 2 056 738
Claims on Other Sectors KZT million Q4/24 4 553 115 4 620 075
Liabilities to Depository corporations KZT million Q4/24 158 896 240 834
Other domestic liabilities (except those included in Other Items (net)) KZT million Q4/24 26 314 187 24 426 245
Shares and other Equity KZT million Q4/24 2 219 982 2 274 651
Other Items (net) KZT million Q4/24 - 2 379 271 - 2 229 684
Interest Rates
National Bank’s Rates
Base Interest Rate % since 20.01.25 15,25 15,25/ 02.12.24 Decision Making Schedule
Stock Market: shares price index Daily Please click on http://www.kase.kz/en
External Sector
Balance of Payments (methodology of BPM6) For standard presentation data please click on Balance of Payments Statistics
Current Account USD million Q3/24 63,7 -1 172,8
Trade Balance USD million Q3/24 5 419,3 5 636,2
Exports USD million Q3/24 21 039,3 20 932,5
Imports USD million Q3/24 15 620,0 15 296,3
Services USD million Q3/24 -544,7 -369,0
Exports USD million Q3/24 2 983,6 2 909,9
Imports USD million Q3/24 3 528,3 3 278,9
Primary income, net USD million Q3/24 -4 651,5 -6 337,0
Secondary income, net USD million Q3/24 -159,4 -103,0
Capital Account USD million Q3/24 4,2 16,5
Financial Account (excl. reserves) USD million Q3/24 439,9 977,4
Direct investment, net acquisition of financial assets USD million Q3/24 -539,3 841,6
Direct investment, net incurrence of liabilities USD million Q3/24 -1 646,8 419,2
Portfolio investment, net acquisition of financial assets USD million Q3/24 1 359,0 1 977,9
Portfolio investment, net incurrence of liabilities USD million Q3/24 272,8 -559,4
Financial Derivatives, net acquisition of financial assets USD million Q3/24 7,6 10,7
Financial Derivatives, net incurrence of liabilities USD million Q3/24 14,3 -13,2
Other investment, net acquisition of financial assets USD million Q3/24 -600,8 155,6
Other investment, net incurrence of liabilities USD million Q3/24 1 146,3 2 161,8
Changes in official reserve assets USD million Q3/24 476,9 -30,4
Net errors and omissions USD million Q3/24 848,9 2 103,4
International reserves and foreign currency liquidity USD million Dec/24 For data please click on: International reserves and foreign currency liquidity For data please click on: Reserves Template
International investment position (net position at the end of period) USD million Q3/24 -49 797,0 -59 462,9 For standard presentation data please click on: International investment position Statistics
Assets USD million Q3/24 203 510,5 199 312,1
Direct investment USD million Q3/24 32 418,2 33 564,8
Portfolio investment USD million Q3/24 87 510,7 86 676,2
Equity and investment fund shares USD million Q3/24 29 526,8 29 183,7
Debt instruments USD million Q3/24 57 983,8 57 492,4
Financial derivatives USD million Q3/24 123,2 129,2
Other investment USD million Q3/24 38 867,5 39 009,3
Other equity USD million Q3/24 1 523,3 1 458,8
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 15 814,9 15 576,8
Loans USD million Q3/24 9 514,6 9 548,0
Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 10 475,7 10 855,6
Other accounts receivable USD million Q3/24 1 539,0 1 570,1
Reserve assets USD million Q3/24 44 590,9 39 932,6
Liabilities USD million Q3/24 253 307,5 258 775,0
Direct investment USD million Q3/24 168 915,3 176 362,1
Portfolio investment USD million Q3/24 23 264,2 22 006,4
Equity and investment fund shares USD million Q3/24 10 342,5 9 401,0
Debt instruments USD million Q3/24 12 921,7 12 605,4
Financial derivatives USD million Q3/24 58,0 58,2
Other investment USD million Q3/24 61 069,9 60 348,4
Other equity USD million Q3/24 23,5 57,6
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 8 896,8 9 143,1
Loans USD million Q3/24 36 022,6 35 108,5
Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes USD million Q3/24 361,1 387,4
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 11 812,0 11 799,0
Other accounts payable - other USD million Q3/24 1 978,7 1 935,9
Special drawing rights (Net incurrence of liabilities) USD million Q3/24 1 975,2 1 916,9
External Debt (stock at the end of period) USD million Q3/24 165 848,9 166 424,2 For standard presentation click on External Debt Statistics
General Government USD million Q3/24 11 660,4 10 883,3
Short-term USD million Q3/24 245,3 120,5
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Loans USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 131,3 55,3
Other debt liabilities USD million Q3/24 114,0 65,2
Long-term USD million Q3/24 11 415,1 10 762,8
Special Drawing Rights USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 5 371,3 4 618,3
Loans USD million Q3/24 6 043,8 6 144,5
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Other debt liabilities4 USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Central Bank USD million Q3/24 2 204,0 2 036,0
Short-term USD million Q3/24 227,9 118,2
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 98,2 113,2
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 124,9 0,0
Loans USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 4,8 4,9
Other debt liabilities USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Long-term USD million Q3/24 1 976,1 1 917,8
Special Drawing Rights USD million Q3/24 1 975,2 1 916,9
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Loans USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q3/24 1,0 1,0
Banks USD million Q3/24 14 706,8 14 323,1
Short-term USD million Q3/24 8 366,0 7 961,6
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 5 166,2 5 261,1
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Loans USD million Q3/24 2 269,2 1 843,5
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q3/24 930,6 857,0
Long-term USD million Q3/24 6 340,7 6 361,5
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 3 632,5 3 768,8
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 970,0 1 005,2
Loans USD million Q3/24 1 738,2 1 587,5
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Other Sectors3 USD million Q3/24 45 396,9 45 653,8
Short-term USD million Q3/24 12 383,6 12 401,4
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Loans USD million Q3/24 1 502,3 1 383,3
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 10 236,9 10 300,9
Other debt liabilities USD million Q3/24 644,3 717,2
Long-term USD million Q3/24 33 013,4 33 252,5
Currency and deposits USD million Q3/24 0,0 0,0
Debt securities2 USD million Q3/24 6 455,5 6 981,9
Loans USD million Q3/24 24 469,0 24 149,7
Trade credit and advances USD million Q3/24 1 439,0 1 437,9
Other debt liabilities4 USD million Q3/24 649,9 683,0
Other financial corporations USD million Q3/24 3 112,0 3 241,9
Short-term USD million Q3/24 480,7 473,7
Long-term USD million Q3/24 2 631,3 2 768,2
Nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs USD million Q3/24 42 284,9 42 411,9
Short-term USD million Q3/24 11 902,9 11 927,6
Long-term USD million Q3/24 30 382,1 30 484,3
Direct investment: Intercompany debt USD million Q3/24 91 880,8 93 528,1
Debt liabilities of direct investment enterprises to direct investors USD million Q3/24 77 757,1 78 820,4
Debt liabilities of direct investors to direct investment enterprises (reverse investment) USD million Q3/24 10 159,2 10 311,9
Debt liabilities between fellow enterprises USD million Q3/24 3 964,5 4 395,8
International Reserves (stock at the end of period)5 USD million Feb/25 47 930,81 47 187,82 For more information please click on: International Reserves Statistics
Foreign currency reserves USD million Feb/25 19 968,5 19 139,11
IMF reserve position USD million Feb/25 260,24 258,69
SDRs USD million Feb/25 1 946,6 1 932,70
Gold USD million Feb/25 25 737,3 25 837,92
Other reserve assets USD million Feb/25 18,1 19,41
Merchandise Trade
Export (f.o.b.) Millions, US $ Jan/25 5 107,9 5 910,5
Импорт (СИФ) 4 035,9 4 286,1

Official Exchange Rates

For daily data please click on: Daily Financial Information/Foreign Exchange Rates

USD6 (at the end of period)

KZT per 1 USD


499,22 518,14


(at the end of period)

KZT per 1 Euro


525,71 540,05

Population thousand persons Feb/25 20 300,6 20 286,1

1/ (Month, quarter, year respectively)
2/ Debt securities are recorded at market value (at its existence)
3/ including insurance and pension programs, standardized guarantees as well as other long-term liabilities listed in the structure of IIP
4/ The article "Other sectors" does not include intercompany debt, which is presented as an independent article in the External Debt structure
5/ Data for reporting period are preliminary
6/ The rates, on which the currency transactions were accounted

(Month, quarter, year respectively)⁠