754 336.4
In the I quarter of 2024, the volume of services rendered by the main activity of healthcare and social service organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 754336.4 million tenge, of which 64.6% at the expense of the budget, 18.3% - at the expense of funds received from the population, 17.1% - at the expense of enterprises.
411 943.2
The largest volume of services in the main type of activity was formed due to the activities of hospital organizations, they provided services in the amount of 411943.2 million tenge (54.6%). Organizations engaged in general medical practice provided services in the amount of 115621.9 million tenge (15.3%), organizations engaged in other activities for the protection of people's health provided services in the amount of 111121.8 million tenge (14.7%).
43 849.3
The smallest volumes of services in the main type of activity were provided by organizations engaged in special medical practice - in the amount of 43849.3 million tenge (5.8%), organizations engaged in dental activities - in the amount of 37435.8 million tenge (5%)organizations providing social services with accommodation - in the amount of 26689.9 million tenge (3.5%) and organizations providing social services without providing accommodation - in the amount of 7674.3 million tenge (1%).
According to the results of the I quarter of 2024, 67.9% of the volume of services rendered in the main type of activity was provided by state-owned organizations, 29.9% - by private property organizations and 2.2% - by foreign-owned organizations.
483 661.9
In the reporting period, the volume of services in the main type of activity provided by large enterprises amounted to 483661.9 million tenge (64.1%), by small enterprises –156730.1 million tenge (20.8%) and by medium-sized enterprises –113944.4 million tenge (15.1%).
On the volume of services provided in the field of health care and the provision of social services
thousand tenge
Total |
I quarter |
for 2023 |
for 2024 |
Healthcare services rendered |
688 476 151 |
719 830 751 |
Rendered services in the field of providing social services with the provision of accommodation |
23 990 113 |
26 767 568 |
Rendered services in the field of providing social services without providing accommodation |
6 690 155 |
7 738 148 |
The volume of services provided – the cost of services rendered by educational organizations in the amount of funds that come from enterprises, organizations and (or) directly from the population (households) in payment for the services rendered to them and are estimated as the income of the organization, which, in turn, is estimated at the cost of sales received or receivable.
Services – activities aimed at meeting any needs of a person or society as a whole.
Principal activity – a type of activity, the added value of which exceeds the added value of any other type of activity carried out by an economic entity.
Secondary type of activity – a type of activity, in addition to the main one, which is carried out with the aim of producing products (goods and services) for third parties.
Methodological explanations
The spreadsheets show presents statistical data of organizations with the main activity in the field of healthcare of all forms of ownership, departmental affiliation and size of enterprises providing services in the field of healthcare.
The volume of services rendered in the field of health care and the provision of social services in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the volume of services performed at the expense of budgetary funds and enterprise funds, is reflected without value added tax.
The volume of services paid by the population is indicated in the amount of the amounts actually paid (ie, including VAT).
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