Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key indicators
    1 318 714.4
    For the first quarter of 2024, the volume of services rendered by the main activity of educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 1318714,4 million tenge, of which 94.7% from the budget, 5% - from funds received from the population, 0.3% - at the expense of enterprises
    762 294.4
    The largest volume of services in the main type of activity was formed in the field of basic and general secondary education, their volume amounted to 762294.4 million tenge or 57.8% of the total volume of services, in the field of preschool education and training – 203529.0 million tenge (15.5%), in the field of higher and postgraduate education – 127931.6 million tenge (9.7%)
    9 027.9
    The smallest volumes of services in the main type of activity were provided for auxiliary educational services in the amount of 9027.9 million tenge, organizations operating schools for training drivers of vehicles in the amount of 411.6 million tenge and organizations of post-secondary education in the amount of 3.3 million tenge
    According to the results of the first quarter of 2024, 77.2% of the volume of services rendered in the main type of activity was provided by state-owned organizations, 22.4% - by private property organizations and 0.4% - by foreign-owned organizations
    626 456.6
    In the reporting period, the volume of services provided by the main type of activity provided by small enterprises amounted to 626456,6 million tenge (47.5%), by medium-sized enterprises – 499223,5 million tenge (37.9%), by large enterprises – 193034,3 million tenge (14.6%)
    28 246.4
    The volume of services renderel by educational organizations through internet amounted 28246,4 million tenge
    thousand tenge
    I quarter 2023 II quarter 2023 III quarter 2023 IV quarter 2023 I quarter 2024
    Rendered services for the main activity, total 1 183 571 427 1 512 131 377 1 110 181 630 1 586 985 648 1 318 714 431
    Services in the field of early childhood education and training 163 746 436 185 093 757 170 562 975 217 072 085 203 529 032
    Services in the field of primary education 20 963 661 20 300 988 13 608 272 28 120 664 26 839 815
    Services in the field of basic and general secondary education 698 412 850 957 393 576 641 020 807 868 357 179 762 294 445
    Services in the field of technical and vocational secondary education 79 677 248 103 095 959 65 496 474 114 012 129 93 415 780
    Services in the field of post-secondary education 63 508 88 178 28 760 66 663 3 371
    Services in the field of higher education 127 929 585 132 792 165 122 134 979 224 666 922 127 931 620
    Services in the field of sports education and education of specialists in the organization of leisure 30 980 069 37 576 522 32 176 015 39 334 381 34 827 199
    Cultural education services 17 060 220 23 709 054 14 393 345 19 351 339 18 691 574
    Services of driver training schools 423 762 455 714 470 276 884 076 411 558
    Other educational services not included in other groupings 31 420 770 42 563 397 40 475 112 59 583 434 41 742 178
    Other educational services nec 9 640 271 9 062 067 9 814 615 15 536 776 9 027 859

    KPVED*-Classifier of products by type of economic activity


    The volume of services rendered – the cost of services rendered by educational organizations in the amount of funds that come from enterprises, organizations and (or) directly from the population (households) in payment for the services rendered to them and are estimated as the income of the organization, which, in turn, is estimated at the cost of sales received or receivable.

    Services – activities aimed at meeting any needs of a person or society as a whole.

    Principal activity – a type of activity, the added value of which exceeds the added value of any other type of activity carried out by an economic entity.

    Secondary type of activity is a type of activity, in addition to the main one, which is carried out with the aim of producing products (goods and services) for third parties.

    Methodological explanations

    The statistical bulletin presents statistical data of organizations with the main activity in the field of education of all forms of ownership, departmental affiliation and size of enterprises providing services in the field of education.

    Services provided via the Internet - services for providing educational and methodological materials, developing and maintaining the website of an educational organization, forms of interactive interaction between students with a teacher and with each other, as well as administering the educational process based on the use of the Internet at the levels of primary, basic and general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher education.

    Release responsible:
    Department of population statistics
    Department Director:
    N. Khanzhigitov
    Tel. +7 7172 749061
    Tel. +7 7172 749374
    E- mail : D.Murhangalieva@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, entrance 4