Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Key points

    In Kazakhstan, in 2023, according to the indicators that make up the Quality of Life Index (QIQ) according to the methodology of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, (BetterLifeIndex)), some progress has been noted. The Quality of Life Index indicator system includes a number of well-being indicators defined by the OECD to characterize the development process of countries. The development process is considered by the OECD not only as a change in material or economic well-being, but also as an expansion of human potential.

    Thus, in the aspect of «Housing conditions», there is a positive trend in indicators:

    -reduction in the proportion of housing not equipped with central sewerage (from 11.6% in 2020 to 9.5% in 2023). However, the average number of rooms per person did not change and amounted to 0.8 rooms.

    In such an important aspect as "Education", the average academic performance of 15-year-old students (according to the PISA educational rating, which includes mathematical, natural science and reading literacy) increased from 402 in 2018 to 411 points in 2023.

    We note that in terms of the "Health" aspect, there is an increase in life expectancy from 71.37 years in 2020 to 75.09 years in 2023.


    Quality of life is an interdisciplinary concept that characterizes the effectiveness of all aspects of human life.

    Methodological explanations

    The Quality of Life Index (QLI) is calculated based on the methodology of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) using available data at the time of calculation. The ICJ is a series of indicators on eleven aspects of well–being, which the OECD has identified as important indicators of the physical conditions and quality of life of the population.

    Release responsible:
    Department of labor and living standards statistics
    Department Director:
    N. Belonosova
    Теl. +7 7172 749022
    Kereibaeva S.B.
    Теl. +7 7172 74 98 06
    E-mail: s.kereibayeva@aspire.gov.kz
    010000, Astana
    Mangilik el avenue, 8
    House of Ministries, entrance 4