In the cost structure of households production in the second quarter of 2024, the largest share falls on the production of animal oil (22.4%).
Among the services provided by households in the reporting quarter, trade services (28.8%) and transportation services (24.8) prevailed.
Cost, thousand tenge | structure, in percentages | |
Consumergoods - total | 56 510 252,2 | 100,0 |
Sour cream and other dairy products | 11 835 075,2 | 20,9 |
Cheese and cottage cheese | 3 068 333,1 | 5,4 |
Animal oil | 12 528 529,9 | 22,4 |
Bread | 8 786 038,7 | 15,5 |
Bakery and flour confectionery | 10 474 776,1 | 18,5 |
Sausages, meat products | 1 439 860,0 | 2,5 |
Canned fruits and berries | 1 319 775,3 | 2,3 |
ables, canned or processed | 144 286,1 | 0,3 |
Jam, jam and marmalade | 5 218 824,2 | 9,2 |
Other products | 45 218,8 | 0,1 |
Textiles and garments | 1 025 603,9 | 1,8 |
Timberand wood products | 55 655,8 | 0,1 |
Other non-food items | 568 275,1 | 1,0 |
Services - total | ||
Transport services | 413 267 602,6 | 100,0 |
Construction, repair and construction services | 102 617 350,6 | 24,8 |
Trade | 51 013 423,9 | 12,3 |
Tailoring, footwear and its repair | 118 433 437,6 | 28,8 |
Photo production | 6 172 153,3 | 1,5 |
Hairdressers and beauty salons | 165 413,7 | 0,0 |
Other types of individual services | 19 807 689,0 | 4,8 |
Repair of household appliances and hardware | 67 368 204,0 | 16,3 |
Educational Services | 992 460,6 | 0,2 |
Health Services | 5 277 567,1 | 1,3 |
Rentingout housing | 5 294 984,7 | 1,3 |
Lease of land, agricultural machinery | 23 675 864,9 | 5,7 |
Maintenance and repair of personal vehicles | 153 091,9 | 0,0 |
A household is an economic entity consisting of one or more individuals living together, pooling all or part of their income and property, and consuming goods and services in common.
Household production - the value of goods, products and services resulting from the production activities of households in the reporting period, intended both for own consumption and for sale.
The production of goods, products and services is accounted for in kind and value terms at sales prices.
Data on the survey of population budgets by standard of living are formed on a quarterly and annual basis. based on a survey of 12.000 households. in accordance with the Methodology for Organizing and conducting a sample survey of households by standard of Living. approved by Order No. 31 of the Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 2. (2020. registered with the Ministry Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 20922). July 3. 2020. with Methodology for constructing a sample of households for a survey of living standards, approved by Order of the Head of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 20. 2023 No. 237
The purpose of the observation is to obtain information on the production of consumer goods in households, household expenditures on land, the maintenance of farm animals, income from the sale of agricultural products, and the provision of services by households of the republic.
Quarterly and annual results are presented based on the results of a sample survey of households with the distribution of the data obtained to the general population for the republic and by region.