Сompared with a similar survey of the 2023, the level of satisfaction with the life of respondents increased by 2 percentage points (in 2023 – 41.8%). The level of satisfaction the life 2024 below level 2022 by 2.5 percentage points (in 2022 – 41.3%).
49.5% of respondents are satisfied with their health, - 48% are partially satisfied. At the same time, the older the respondents, the lower the proportion of those satisfied with their health and among respondents at retirement age, such is 2.5 times less than among the age group of 15-17 years. At the same time, in comparison with the results of the survey of the previous year, the level of satisfaction of respondents with their health increased by 1.9 percentage points (in 2023 – 47.6%).
The level of satisfaction of respondents with their financial situation in the current year increased by 0.8 percentage points compared to the previous year and amounted to 34.8%.
According to the level of material security (affluence), 74.2% of respondents attributed themselves to the average level of security.
According to the survey results, 25% of respondents noted the option of being able to purchase housing on their own, 39.6% - partially, while 24.5% of respondents indicated that they were satisfied with the state's support in housing improvement (improvement of housing conditions).
More than half of respondents (65.1%) indicated that they are confident in the moral support of relatives or acquaintances, while villagers are more satisfied that they will receive moral support if necessary than urban residents (69.3% and 62.9%, respectively).
42.4% of respondents are confident about their positive future in the future, 33.8% assume that there will be an improvement in the future, and only 0.9% of respondents think that they will live worse.
A household is an economic entity consisting of one or more individuals living together, combining all or part of their income and property, and jointly consuming goods and services;
Quality of life is an interdisciplinary concept that characterizes the effectiveness of all aspects of human life, the level of satisfaction of material, spiritual and social needs, the level of intellectual, cultural and physical development, as well as the degree of ensuring the safety of life;
Satisfaction is a positive assessment of various aspects of life that are of particular importance to a person;
Life satisfaction is a way in which people show their emotions, feelings, as well as a measure of well–being, assessed in terms of mood, satisfaction with relationships, goals achieved;
Deprivation is a reduction or complete deprivation of the possibility of satisfying needs - psychophysiological or social.
The purpose of the survey is to obtain data on the subjective assessment of respondents, reflecting the characteristics of the standard of living of the population.
The survey on this module is an integral part of the program of sample surveys of households to assess the standard of living.
The survey is carried out in all regions of the republic, the cities of Asana, Almaty and Shymkent. Data collection is carried out by filling out questionnaires by respondents, while respondents in the survey are one household member aged 15 years and older.
The satisfaction scale (from 1 to 10) is used as an answer to the questions. This practice is widely used by Eurostat, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and is also recommended by the Conference of European Statisticians, which allows for international comparability of the results of this observation.
The satisfaction scale is divided into the following categories: scales 1-3 – "not satisfied", scales 4-7 – "partially satisfied" and scales 8-10 – "satisfied", and there was also an answer option "I find it difficult to answer and not applicable".