Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
What are experimental statistics?

Experimental statistics are indicators and tools that are in the testing phase and are not part of official statistics. Indicators and tools are based on innovative methods and/or new data sources. Given the collection of feedback, approaches and results may change as the final methodology takes shape.

Both the maturity and quality of the results differ from those of official statistics, especially with regard to harmonization, coverage and methodology. Nevertheless, these results offer new and interesting ways of looking at various statistical topics that may later become official statistics.

Why do we generate and publish experimental statistics?

The purpose of experimental statistics is to respond to the requests of users for timely and relevant indicators of economic development. Using new sources and methods, we can produce statistics in areas that are not covered by official statistics or where there is a significant publication time lag.

In order to ensure transparency, new and innovative projects will be published here in a preliminary form. This allows us to receive feedback from users and take it into account when shaping the final methodology.

How do experimental statistics differ from official statistics?
Experimental statistics Official statistics
Purpose of publication Testing and implementation of innovative approaches based on user feedback Meeting the needs of users for official statistical information
Methodology There is no approved methodology, methods are still being developed and tested The methodology for the formation of indicators was approved
Data sources Data sources are subject to change Data sources are approved
Publication schedule Not included in the Statistical Work Plan and published based on needs and possibilities Published in accordance with the approved Statistical Work Plan
Comparability Not all indicators are comparable with data from other countries Methodology harmonized and comparable with other countries
Coverage and representativeness Possible limitations in the pilot phase Conforms to international standards of official statistics
Experimental metrics and tools
Experimental statistics of other statistical offices

Austria – Statistical office, Experimental statistics

Eurostat – Experimental statistics

Germany – Federal Statistical office, Experimental statistics

New Zealand – Experimental statistics