Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ecological indicators of environmental monitoring and assessment
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Brief description:
This indicator determines the amount of energy supplied annually from renewable sources – in General and broken down by energy sources – and the share of renewable energy in the total amount of primary energy in a country supplied in a calendar year.
The indicator is in accordance with the «Procedure for the formation of the fuel and energy balance and the estimation of some statistical indicators that characterize the energy sector», approved by order of the Chairman of the Committee on statistics of MNE of RK №160 dated 11 August 2016. The Bureau of National statistics of the Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible for generating data on electricity production in General, including from renewable energy sources.
Thousands of tons of oil equivalent (thousand toe) for the total number of energy supply and the quantity supplied of energy from selected renewable sources; percentages of different types of renewable energy in total energy supply.
Energy supply from renewable sources, describes the share of renewable sources in the overall structure of energy supplied in the country, and assesses response measures aimed at reducing the impact of energy consumption on the environment.

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