Brief description:
This indicator shows the volume of wastewater treated at urban wastewater treatment plants, Autonomous wastewater treatment plants, and other treatment facilities. There are different treatment plants with mechanical/primary, biological/secondary and advanced/tertiary treatment with an indication of the design (nominal) capacity and actual capacities for the biochemical oxygen demand.
The indicator is formed in accordance with the "Methodology for the formation of environmental statistics indicators" approved by Order No. 223 of the Acting Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2015.
The Committee on statistics of the Ministry of national economy is the responsible state body for generating data on wastewater treatment plants of wastewater disposal companies. Information is generated once a year based on the results of national statistical observation in the following form: 1-VK «Report on the work of enterprises operating water supply and (or) wastewater disposal systems».