Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ecological indicators of environmental monitoring and assessment
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Brief description:
The indicator determines the average annual and seasonal concentrations of phosphates (expressed as PO4-P ) and nitrates (expressed as NO3-N) in coastal marine waters.
The indicator is formed in accordance with the "Methodology for the formation of environmental statistics indicators" approved by Order No. 223 of the Acting Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2015.

The responsible state body for the formation of data on biogenic substances in freshwater is the specialized service of RSE «Kazhydromet» Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resourcesof the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state of surface water contamination is assessed based on the results of analysis and processing of water samples collected at stationary stations. The surveys cover all major rivers and lakes and the coastal zone of the Caspian sea of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Phosphate concentrations are expressed in mg P/liter, and nitrate concentrations are expressed in mg N/liter.
This indicator allows us to assess the state of coastal marine waters through the content of nutrients in them. Biogenic (nutrient) substances in coastal marine waters are necessary for plants and autotrophic bacteria to maintain their vital activity, and affect the biological productivity and ecological state of coastal waters.

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