Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chapter 9. Access to Mass Media and Use of ICTs
Access to Mass Media and Use of ICTs
Use of ICT by young people enables them to contribute to the development of the society and improve the country's competitiveness
Women’s access to mass media and the use of information technology was collected on exposure to newspapers/magazines, radio and television among women aged 15-49 years, while the questions on the use of computers and the use of the Internet were asked to women aged 15-24.
Access to Mass Media

In Kazakhstan, almost half of women aged 15-49 years or 49.0 percent read newspapers or magazines at least once a week, while about one in four women, or 26.5 percent, listen to the radio and 96.0 percent watch television at least once a week.

Overall, only 2.3 percent of women do not have regular exposure to any of the three media, while 97.7 percent use at least one type of media, and 16.1 percent – all three media types at least once a week.

Larger proportions of women are exposed to all the media types in rural areas (20.6 percent) than in rural areas (10.2 percent). Women with higher education are more than three times more likely to have been exposed to all three types of media than women with lower secondary education (22.5 and 6.7 percent, respectively). Similarly, women from the richest households are about three times more likely to have been exposed to all the three media forms than those from the poorest households (24.7 and 7.1 percent, respectively).

Use of Information / Communication Technology

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) helps young people discover their academic and creative potential, gain new knowledge and skills, broaden outlook in any area and increase professionalism.

In Kazakhstan, the use of ICT by young women is at a high level.

97.9 percent of women aged 15-24 year have ever used a computer; 88.2 percent used a computer during the last 12 months, and 77.0 percent used it at least once a week during the last one month. Overall, 96.8 percent of women aged 15-24 years have ever used the Internet, while 94.6 percent used the Internet during the 12 months preceding the survey. The proportion of young women who used the Internet more frequently, at least once a week during the last one month, was 89.8 percent. Both computer and Internet use during the last 12 months is slightly more widespread among women aged 15-19 years.