Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ecological indicators of environmental monitoring and assessment
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Brief description:
This indicator describes the final consumption of energy supplied to the final consumer for use in all energy purposes, both in General and by main consumers (industry, transport, households, services and agriculture) in accordance with the international standard industrial classification of economic activities (ISIC).Final energyconsumption includes fuel used for energy purposes, except for fuel consumed by energy enterprises for conversion to other types of energy (electricity, heat, gas) and equipment operation.
The indicator is in accordance with the «Procedure for the formation of the fuel and energy balance and the estimation of some statistical indicators that characterize the energy sector», approved by order of the Chairman of the Committee on statistics of MNE of RK №160 dated 11 August 2016.The Bureau of National statistics of the Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the responsible state body for generating energy consumption data. Information is generated based on the results of national statistical observation in form 1-TEB (annual).
Thousands of tons of oil equivalent (thousand tons of oil equivalent) - for total energy consumption and for energy consumption by major consumers; percentage of individual consumers ' shares in final consumption.
Final energy consumption is an indicator of the driving forces that characterize the trend of changes in final energy consumption. The trend in final energy consumption (in General and by consumer) shows what progress has been made in reducing energy consumption and reducing the environmental impact of different end-users (industry, transport, households, services and agriculture). It can be used to help monitor and evaluate the success of key policies aimed at influencing energy consumption and energy efficiency.

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