Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ecological indicators of environmental monitoring and assessment
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Brief description:
The indicator characterizes the average annual air temperature, its change over a certain period of time and deviation from the long-term average for the country as a whole and in certain regions.
The indicator is formed in accordance with the "Methodology for the formation of environmental statistics indicators" approved by Order No. 223 of the Acting Chairman of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2015.
The responsible body for conducting meteorological observations of air temperature in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the RSE «Kazhydromet» of the Ministry of Ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The indicator is measured in degrees Celsius (˚C)
Air temperature is directly related to the state of the Earth's climate system. The indicator characterizes trends in fluctuations in average annual temperature and allows us to determine the degree of changes associated with both the cyclical nature of climate change and the anthropogenic impact on global climate change.

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