Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Monitoring the situation of children and women
The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in Kazakhstan is a reliable source of up-to-date and comprehensive data on health, education and other essential areas for the well-being of children and women in rural and urban areas of Kazakhstan

The Kazakhstan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was carried out in 2015 by the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was financed and supported by UNICEF and UNFPA.

Using a representative sample, the 2015 Kazakhstan MICS provides statistically reliable estimates for a large number of indicators on the situation of children and women at the national level.

MICS continues to be critically important to Kazakhstan for generating reliable, comprehensive and up-to-date information on the well-being of women and children. This is the third time that Kazakhstan has taken part in MICS, demonstrating its continued interest in collecting unique sets of data that enrich national statistics and with data quality to a level, that meets international standards.

Using a representative sample, the 2015 Kazakhstan MICS provides statistically reliable estimates for a large number of indicators on the situation of children and women at the national level, for urban and rural areas, and for 16 administrative districts (14 regions and 2 cities) of the country. The survey is designed to capture important changes in key indicators in comparison with the previous rounds of the survey especially related to the situation of the most vulnerable children.

Fieldwork period: September – November 2015
Sampled households: 16,791
Occupied households: 16,605
Interviewed households: 16,500
Response rate: 99.4%