Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Fundamental principles of official statistics
Fundamental principles of official statistics

The Principles are a list of ten points by which the activities of official statistics guarantee the validity and reliability of information. The Fundamental Principles were first developed by the Conference of European Statisticians (CES), the highest decision-making body for statistics in the UNECE region, and subsequently endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission and later by ECOSOC. In January 2014, they were adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Principles underpin everything that is shaped by government statistics, from the way in which data are collected, processed and stored, to the way in which statistical authorities disseminate official statistical information and interact with users of official statistics.

The Principles ensure that all Producers of Official Statistics, operating under a very simple and universal system, are on the same footing, enabling them to work together to develop and maintain the statistical standards that underpin reliable statistics.

01 Principle
Significance, objectivity and equal access
Official statistics are an indispensable element of the information system of a democratic society, providing the government, the economy and the population with data on the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. To this end, official statistics that meet the criteria of practical utility should be collected and made available on an objective basis by official statistical agencies in order to ensure the right of citizens to access public information.
02 Principle
Professional standards, scientific principles and professional ethics
In order to maintain the credibility of official statistics, statistical agencies should, in accordance with strictly professional considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics, decide on the methods and procedures for collecting, processing, storing and presenting statistical data.
03 Principle
Accountability and Transparency
To facilitate the correct interpretation of data, statistical agencies should provide information in accordance with scientific standards regarding sources, methods and procedures in the field of statistics.
04 Principle
Misuse Prevention
Statistical agencies have the right to comment on misinterpretation or misuse of statistics.
05 Principle
Sources of Official Statistics
Data for statistical purposes can be collected from all kinds of sources, be it statistical surveys or administrative records. Statistical agencies should select a source based on quality, timeliness, costs and the burden placed on respondents.
06 Principle
Personal data collected by statistical agencies for the production of statistical information, whether they relate to individuals or legal entities, must be kept strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes.
07 Principle
The laws, regulations and measures under which statistical systems operate should be made public.
08 Principle
National coordination
To ensure coherence and efficiency in the statistical system, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of statistical agencies at the country level.
09 Principle
Use of international standards
The use of international concepts, classifications and methods by statistical agencies in each country contributes to ensuring the consistency and efficiency of statistical systems at all official levels.
10 Principle
The international cooperation
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of statistics contributes to the improvement of systems of official statistics in all countries.