Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
History of statistics of Kazakhstan
History of statistics of Kazakhstan

The history of the emergence and development of Kazakhstani state statistics is determined, first of all, by the development of society and the state, their socio-economic needs.

The statistics of Kazakhstan are rooted in the distant past. There are historical confirmations of statistical information about the first Kazakh state - the Kazakh Khanate. At the beginning of its formation (1459) in the valleys of the Shu and Talas rivers (on the territory of the present Zhambyl region), the population was 200 thousand people, and by the end of the 15th century it had reached 1 million people.

However, the origin of official statistics on the territory of modern Kazakhstan dates back to the second half of the 18th century, i.e. to the period of Kazakhstan's entry into the Russian Empire.

January 22

The first official state statistical body formed on the territory of Kazakhstan was the Turkestan Provincial Statistical Committee (date of formation - January 22, 1868) and the statistical bureaus subordinate to it in the Syr-Darya and Semirechensk regions. In the mid-70s of the 19th century, the Ural Regional Statistical Committee was organized, in 1877 - Semipalatinsk and Akmola (in Omsk) and in 1895 the Turgai Regional Statistical Committee. However, until 1920 in Kazakhstan there was no single statistical body uniting territorial statistical services.

February 22

In subsequent years, the statistical bodies of Kazakhstan underwent a number of changes. So, by the decision of KazCEC dated February 22, 1930, the KazStat Administration, as an independent body, was abolished and merged with the State Planning Committee of the KASSR. Gosplan KASSR became the central governing body for accounting and statistics in the republic, in particular its Sector of Economic Accounting, reorganized in 1931 into the Administration of National Economic Accounting (ANEA) under the Gosplan KASSR.

June 23

In 1933, the Department of National Economic Accounting was transformed into a body of the Gosplan KASSR, which meant the complete subordination of statistical bodies to the State Planning Committee of the republic. The management of planning and statistical activities in the republic was carried out by the State Planning Committee of the Kazakh ASSR (since 1936 - the Kazakh SSR), which was explained by the need to further strengthen the connection between planning and statistical bodies, due to the growing importance of accounting and statistics for national economic planning.

February 16th

In 1960, on February 16, the Statistical Administration of the Kazakh SSR was transformed into the Central Statistical Administration under the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR (CSD of the Kazakh SSR), which became a union-republican body with dual subordination - to the Government of the Republic and the CSD of the USSR.

November 8th

With the formation of the Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Republic on August 26, 1920 as part of the RSFSR, the Government of the Kazakh ASSR, by its decree of November 8, 1920, approved the “Regulations on State Statistics in the Kazakh ASSR” and formed the Statistical Administration of the Kazakh ASSR. Thus, November 8, 1920 is considered to be the date of formation of the state statistics of Kazakhstan.


In 1923 in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Statistical Directorate under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (CSD USSR) was formed as a people's commissariat. The CSD of the USSR was entrusted with the organizational and methodological management of statistical accounting in the USSR. Thus, the formation of the CSD of the USSR was the beginning of the introduction of a single methodology for the whole country and the organization of statistical accounting and reporting.

10 August

In order to eliminate shortcomings in the work of statistical bodies that have accumulated over the years of their stay in planning bodies, to increase the role of state statistics in planning and managing the economy, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 10, 1948, the CSD of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was transformed into the Central Statistical Office under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (CSD USSR). In accordance with this decision, the Department of Statistics of the Plenipotentiary State Planning Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the Kazakh SSR was transformed into the Statistical Department under the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR with the relevant local statistical bodies in regions, districts and cities.


In August 1987, the CSD of the Kazakh SSR was transformed into the State Statistics Committee of the Kazakh SSR, which was due to the need to solve problems associated with the growing problems in the economy.

After gaining independence, Kazakhstan began to solve one of the priority tasks - the reform of state statistics. It was necessary in a short time to master statistical methods that meet the conditions of a market economy and international statistical norms and standards, to create a national system of statistics that meets the status of an independent state.

March 1

State Statistics Committee March 1, 1991 was transformed into the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Statistics and Analysis.


In 1996, the second program for improving state statistics was adopted, the main directions of which were: the completion of the creation of national accounting, the further development of sectoral statistics, the systematic reform of statistical observation methods and the creation of conditions for the most complete satisfaction of society's needs for statistical information.


In 2012, the KAZSTAT Project was launched to strengthen the national statistical system, which included 6 main components:

  • Improvement of the institutional environment and functioning of the statistical system;
  • Improvement of information and communication systems and physical infrastructure;
  • Development of human resources;
  • Improvement of statistical infrastructure, standards and methodologies;
  • Improvement of work with users and respondents;
  • Development of methodology and practice in specific areas of statistics.

In January 1992, the Supreme Council of the Republic for the first time in the history of Kazakhstan adopted the "Law on State Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
In 1992, the first program for the restructuring of statistics, primary and accounting was adopted, where special attention and resources were directed to solving the most fundamental problems. The issues of the formation of statistics in the real sector of the economy, financial and banking spheres, comparable at the international level, were considered. The foundations were laid for the transition to the system of national accounts, the creation of new sections of statistics: foreign economic activity, balance of payments, prices, etc.


In 1999, the third program for improving state statistics was adopted, the main goal of which was the systematic reform of state statistics of Kazakhstan, the introduction of basic international standards and classifications, new systems of indicators and methods of statistical observations.


In order to reform the national statistical system and unlock the potential of the data ecosystem, the Concept of the Development of State Statistics and the National Data Ecosystem was developed in 2023.
The concept provides for the implementation of 4 main tasks:

  • Improvement of the regulatory and methodological framework;
  • Active use of administrative and alternative sources based on national registers;
  • Strengthening the analytical capacity of government agencies;
  • Provide access to data and create a transparent, competitive data market.