IPV in «the Trade» sector in January-November 2024 compared to the corresponding period last year amounted to 108.2% (January-November 2023 – 111.3%).
A significant share in the total volume of the industry falls on wholesale trade, the share of which is 67.6%, the share of retail trade is 32%.
Volume of retail trade in January-November 2024 amounted 19486 billion tenge or 9,3% more than in the corresponding period of 2023. Retail sales of goods by trading enterprises amounted 12670.4 billion tenge or 4.3% more than in the corresponding period of 2023.
The share of food products in the total volume of retail trade is 32.4%, non–food products – 67.6%.
As of December 1, 2024, the volume of inventories of trading enterprises (according to the reported enterprises) in retail trade amounted to 1722.9 billion tenge, in days of trade – 67 days (December 1, 2023, the volume of inventories of trading enterprises-1563.3 billion tenge, in days of trade – 65 days).
Most of specific gravity in the volume of retail trade of Republic in January-November 2024 accounts to Almaty city (33.5%), Astana (13.1%), Karagandy (7.5%) and Shygys-Kazakhstan (5.5%) districts.
The volume of wholesale trade in January-November 2024 amounted to 41222 billion tenge, or 107,6% compared to the corresponding period in 2023. Non-food products and industrial and technical products (82%) dominate in the structure of wholesale trade.
As of December 1, 2024, the volume of inventories of trading enterprises (according to the reported enterprises) in retail trade amounted to 2221 billion tenge, in days of trade – 37 days (December 1, 2023, the volume of inventories of trading enterprises-1740,3 billion tenge, in days of trade – 40 days).
The largest share in the total wholesale trade of the republic in January-November 2024 falls on Almaty city (36.8%), Astana city (16.9%), Atyrau region (13.9%), Karaganda region (6.3%).